1 1 f Widesarangi av BRAD RRAMI S Thse Clsansp»n Ontano's 1996 budget provokesi differ- enu à ganui of reactions (rom varic, ls peo- l pie am susInesses. ise Ontario Federalios of Agriculture <OFA) was generlly pleasesi. poinllns Ip $1 5 millimon for reseircis. an exempton1 on ..alês tas for <sens building matlenals anc a ril teleconinunicaiofs prgraf. 'llse efforts of tise OFA isive iséèire. ognized in the Ontario budget wîth lishe anetounicemefli of initiatives [or rescarcli. Msarke developnsenl andi tcecomjnunsca- tis." sid Tony Moins. OFA presdest - Asssses.slon was less ciathussastic sayimg tise lit eut announced in la,.l week's hus- gel -shoulsi sot cose i tise expen5C of 515-, Niney Dunlop. associatlion viseepresi- dent. usesi the hudgil anniunceloent lo complasin prsiviitciaI cutbacks -arc affect- ing clasaroom educafion. -By lîw iad because lhey amre esponasi- fie Ioi tixpayer . Onticri' publie 'sehoot boards balve always balaned lheir budget. .FThey don't îink it's fair lsal lise provincial govemment Ils dsmping ils debl prioblls on local communifes ai lise expense ot si - dcni.lM Dunloîp s*l. Trevar Asmbrsdge. presideni (if the institut, of Cbarlrred Accountantls ii Ontario, calîrd isecome ansi payrsitU.s culs ,.sn important [srsl slrp iiîwrds dealsng wslt Ontaio's igl taxations levels-" Cilling Ontario "a isigis las jurisdîctiosl" Mr. Asbbidge particularly wetconsed tbe elsminalsiîn of the Employer Healis i as os bl i s 115 $0.000 of ASnusl payroll. saying sucis taxra isOd sMlbussnesas He enroue- igesi conlînuing discussion te iiasnonîre proyjnicial sales las wiis lise federalil od and Services Tast <GST1). Represmnlives c hane buildep werg predicaly pinared wilh dm bmdgem. Relief Imms mie Landi Tramulfr Tas. coupird wstis increiaes in disponible incarne andi low% ieaat sales. slseuld kick at dm housing markt saus Laverma r nbaciser, piresiet of tise Ontario Houme Buildera' Assoation. "Tis wîil alow first-time buyera. te incream thisem purrisasing power by aimait $2,000." sisi Ms. Bnshiher, wiso praisesi tise dverall baudget. "For more tisan rive years ssw we bave hees seeksng lower taes ansi reducesi delsesî. Tiss is gosi ncwa for borne huiders and hssyers. and ils, gond ccitt for thL wbsîl e onomy. However. tise Ontario Federalion cf Labour <OFL) sis noi isappy, sa~y 90 per-cent cf ta i ler% sn Octane 'ho ars les.s thbm $50.000 will gel soling fromt tise Halton wins, awards fr marketing *Halles Region's marketing peoiplérrn on a rocky moussusi isigis Halles look lîrsl pie sn tise proîmotion- al malersals compeiion i lise receat Americin Ecojsomic Developînent Counicil (AEDC) asseal conference in Cole"ad SMUgs 'lse competilion recog- nizes, economic developînent organiza. lnons tisrougisout Norths Ansence for their effoels in atractlng business ariiidusIay' Hilton Rqgian's Business Developnsenl Centre alan camaei a "Superiot" award for an invsament publication. Tisis six book package profiles infordiation suris as HalIon's ecoisomle ictsvity. labour forc:e ulsîtties ansi isusisg. z -~ 48 standard Meatures includisg 160,6-valvanie cruise'eontrol. AMlifl sterea cassette, power windovWs, poiwar mirrars. fog ligs.. alloy wheuls and ra spolier. SOS 200 SECOUPE 29 standard fiaturea inetudlng a 301 V6 angine . autensate transmiasseon, asr.condtsening pawer windoffl. pawer tecks. 130 watt AMIFM sterea cassette. çrise central, chrome wheels and rear spare tire carrier. 1995 PATNFbNDER XE IlA OFE ST EB S MOO IEFI1 N A R PIY i 5 yearllO1000 km Mater CompenentWaVrrastp ais Ne Desiucàte , 8 yeari1 30.000 km £isssse CentrolY~r5tty os Selected Cempenanta Syear Rust Perforatios Ceverage ntis u limited Isilometres - 3 year,1810OCO km Cemprehenaive New VeNçaicte Warrant>' with No Deductible 3 ye&rll'ol.free 24-heur Rasside Assistance anywhesre sn CanadalCantinàntil USA. CI 1 -1100-»87.0122 for furtbar wdnfaion. NORTH END NISSAN 610 Martin St., Miltoh (905) 878-2471 . 0 . A**, 0.v, k p-.i ..i. d i -s i... -A". -W5 N-ÀS -s p.M e'.. 60 -m.a S. . Ma- 5.*. O.f. 5Dwv f... v -dw àla&6q M- rig reaction to budget' Vldeon pesiid dtie becduse Iheme lix brek wsil bc. -A fit breab fer the ries mates no "'Pu&-#&j à1fmY sà th tuj = andi arnby serfet aree; suid OR. preadent dord Wilson. available 1« ot the < b local aploullure 1fftm ' Tise OFL claims lise average laxpayer. "Wîlh lise changs ... ovr50 per cet% of GuMovl (87~3. lim Jàmao alit S" be pudaad s ,rnding upon fatrily circumsaams, will mise tas cul will go la m top Wo per centI oflions ds«OeWN in Trmm (319)411725. . sesbetwrrn $300 Mid $00. fit filer." MERRYCHRITMAS