Théà 3 Wedpoc 2 MtOey hoaw la loctod mna deair- able locatin, large living mcmr w/stan. filplace, sep. dining raom, good a"z kitclun, 2 bathrom l inished roc roa*m wlth wet bar, lenced baclcyard.' backa anto parland. jj j CAROL. MfOOKS 477777 R5~vm ' NEMAX MLTOWNE REL'Y CR MW puy om WMN mce il M buo boad hlMr. m. pIhile MA~V D. 1bDy Chrlstjnea Aý,I4hcUian O Ccrtfed.Pefexoo8k4 Thank you ta family, friendu & clients for their support, gafts & best wishes, JI/ ~ ~ ~ > . r% . â ý .. .. .. . ..9j5 42 brontc .L, Unit 14, Milton, Ont. (905) 8708 The, General Store is a totally new concept stgre, ites full pf a"~mazing vanety~~~ o'1etsurytd have to drive many mile: ta find, m Ifs right I here ln Mlsslsaugal . 1 I 60 small tawn stores frogi as far as Kenabtüj ln. Nosthern Ontario have poined us in affergig the public "The Pest il Ontario -ail under one roof". Jmporters from Holland, Irdonesla andScotlafld,Ofle-of-&-klf home-. wares, unique glfts f roon Canadian artists and Crafteri, custom clothitng, I decorated art imported confectine and'much, much, more * Visit us at 3035kimaïa St Wst Mlpaaaa <b.*-em WMçff I thwurdslUaudw te 409, oeit te CIass* hWI). From AM m t." aight -do~ lWaga t. ne.O cW flS-60S07 If yeu ilid dlmoo. LJ . 1Il r v... E E4