Local real estate sales perking up *A reette report shows that the ào"a rea tis d wb ave dhe faces Md fis- -essaie marketl is coaltmnung to is. . ae ( owsuppoat ouqai l SSales ligurets comtpiled by dma Oakvîlle. Sales duaineM.aI w*ce up by a.. 69 Milton and District Real Estaie Board pe.r cent CwMFed té Mach of 1995. The Ishow "a veay healthy markel" said board firsi ieauter sliôwsa incene of 52 pet &L presidenh Yvonne Raligan. "We are very cen over the. saine pelodl* ye. FM Fma you deckp pubilubing needs corne se S ts lIiAiIMbIIS Co r~~iIL~ y oums 194 auluaiM sme -nt pia mM i 'Iln oie '.3I91mo 1495 NISSAN SENT"A 2 2door, 1.6 litre, 16-valve engine 11lShp, - DUC, automatlc, power steering, powver brakes, etalic paint, pinstripest MISRP $13,633 ~ ~1i,995 ~$239o. 1 .- 7301 RU& I ço «à-mm Gone fishin' Debble WPMi and nu-lr old poughtar Amende -tea auo- cesfld angle et tiie mmI pond -Sumd.y as tls houied In a trout. Thon Amancie had te, boit ber *hooh mg On, no effl lait. ~ f .Ph*.LW Graham pain. Depression, help seriçs a ýstarts May 22 u i An eduentional senies and'aef help j ' gi aie avahlable forchoute affce*ed by depteasion or nu*lcdepemaien. 1The as week serie la a joint eitait of the. Hakima kegion brandie of Canadlan Mental Healab. the. Deprealie "d Maic, Depfesaîve Association of Ontario. the Flaitai Region Ilealis Depatmus. aid du. North Haiton Men"a Heakhi CIilc. Tii (nee progant wiU na front 7-9 pon, ataeting Wedncsday. May 22 and take place as 251 M<ain Street in Milton. laineci may incluède cuses of de ilineas, trestnients, legal issues and communmty resourcea. -To rcease Cai Lin Lâchépelle ae (905) 845-504. ONOM