J hisLYrOSMrarnonY o fora e« for ~ ~ ~ monU~A -" ool soqef&% MHu, "Ie P En no hsh miiifuie Prayer M.itng "ai Bibls Raadrg -Wr prîîch Charist craclied; Chrlst the PMU of God &M th wb. safGcd TEBAHA0 I# Phsone 876-4040 CHURCH 170 Main Stre« é<M to Minister-T'he Rev. Rtoa Lewis DiasonaI Minîter-Colleen Smith SIJNOAY WOmmill Nwery & Surbday!School For marC infçrmation call Parking mn Mary Stret 19 a.d.. aý -4 ~~~~~- ..uoor p'oa K -Ys ia CHURON, 139 Marlin St., Ml' T.T.Y. 878.9W44 5:30 p.mSaturdoy. 9 . m.,10:3 àOI ai 12:00 Sunday OUR LADY DtVICTORY *Milto e *igta Mas. at 10:30 &.m. Sunday ST. PETER CIIURCH Ot Une Trafalg Mau ai gS: a.sm. Sunday Ed TWM. aLyn Jaffas McShaffy, Sitter Audrey Burnis CSJ 123 MAIN ST. MIL.TON, ONT. Rea B* ni Pms. B"r - C"m tu WOrnlsp 4>"10. 0 a m. iaiphos anica @wbOma I io, ftu »aIuI M5 -lo 317 Maint. E., Milles the Chumhi on the Nid 878-2411 .Rev. Dr. Mark MeDermoff Sunday Servifes 8:00 asaa - oIy Commun' én I&k3O am . Sung EuIùy Churcli S7chool, NUrIes2mra Prayers for iJlng M1: tMI 87&U"6 8WIDAY,4'MAY 19, 7iUO 9-#j m - N 10-45 am EAPPONTU&U WITN 00 1I LEAMNED AS CHeST1LL AFFECT - NEW LIF DAS C*IJCH NURSERY CASE (Aea 0-2) EVMN ËVANOUBTI fAI.LY We blUt nil bur aussi Sae ParsnIn CHfLOREA RFA CH THEIR MWAXIMfUM POTENTIl"- iaMUnY CAStE <AgI 0. Ci 7MOpý lucky, dn' e instead Who Mau Pmt in due SMdy. ?&y 26 ke for flealkwonl hvehsIo 'fiais du lucky participet will -wîs the cf a qcwoet cavaier four - a, cowtesy of Richardson Ouev Asayose whc pledges $25 or .*e,* or any hike ciptInt Who taises $100? or'. lure in is, wil1 have a. sWE ait vejaicle w. .Thé, H kt for HcaIth i an aniual I»andraise fçsr Milton District H4ospitul. and fund Selieratud this year jiilI go toward Iton', ahae cf due cst for a bc hured Haltes haq>is. People can chpse te walk or rua and select t distance they wanitto cover. Ilue wi1 hca £10 kilometre mun for thu .more e crowd and both Jotur and six kjl èwilks. Il along "aa tadwa9. for th ath ly inl" Regi l lc idtI hospital. between 10,30 Lid. and 11ASi.m. foirth run, and between 11:30 a. -1>4 o thaewalks. The Çntry fées for iseor waj=s s10 euh, or $20 for faamiLles Fo oeinformation conact Donna McLaughlin at Miltop Diqlrigt Hospital, 878-2382, est 2170. Police W~ a -chance -to informà citizens ft o.uCpon pelle "We'rp busy. We're being stretcheal thinmeallditirm'hesld" On Wochseday. due officer spent a few bours outalde Sam SherraitGd"oo wach- îns for aéoriEs violatlg stop ass.u '15s sprislug how nuny people blow stop signa conmpletely." suid Constable Dushain. who bai apent due bt five lmu in MaltS unaformeal patrol. exaes for a ix-rnonth sint in thae Criminal Investigations Bureau 't's snuzanî asIEs hein# -ake hem dom" Mau notion of police handng oui tickets to r;acb quotas or brlng mn revenue ire ridiasý bu said. mDecaln on whedber b céarge divera bdw due Highway Traflic Act n ta due iscredion of officera, who am mm liu- ta to give fêkaits Dun in pre"iu years. tu a"1 Cotat" Dunhauin md police um mSp often considermng the, cuit of driviPg offence fines and. dm jusms lu insuhance premiums diat follos, antd are iuai mtue waaug in apptopdùe uinantion.