J * .1 Tis notice isueîISl May, 1996 Chamber applears happy, with new Toiry budge( BASIC CAffilR DESIGNERSINGINEERS Ar@ Vou an uneployed engoneer, architact designer oir technologit? Do pou, or did yos, mia manuel drafting in your work? Is pour laQlî of CAO knoWledge'and qkills limiting pour employment opportunities7 Are you receîving, or eligible for, Urnemp loymant Inaurance banefits? This oiglit-week pragramn offers the skilis pou need tu compote in tha fast changint indlustep The Progr.mn factics Mi using0 AljtoCAO R 13 to apply 2-DOdrewing skills vo pour discipline *developing a solid founidation in çoroputer lîterucy inctuding DOS, Windows, S wordpeocessing, and spreatisieels -lob otarcli andi emploporent stretegies * keeping Up-to-datein CAO. Loca#on S ine CoIIeie'î Award-Winnipg CAD/CAM Institute. Irunpton .SHEIDA Foipoe iforatin: MI W-733,ext. 5071 or Linda Hughson (1105 814-430 rM -Funded bp voue local Canada Emploporent Centre thriauglr Human Ilesources Uèoelopînent Canada ,,PROPOSEO IMPROVEiENTS TO NINTH LINE FROM 1900 MÎTRES SOUTH 0F OERRY ROAD T0 BRITAitNIA ROAD 1 2PROPOSED REPLACEMENT 0F TH1E CULVERT ON NINIfI UNE FOR TH1E EAST TRIBUTARY OF lTNE SrCTEEN MILE CAEEK NOTICE OF çÇaqpI.rIno OFF VffONUMtI1 STIOY REftR As a requiremelnt under ldu Class Éeponnviental Assessmant for Municipal Raad Projecîs. lte City of Missssauga herehy notifies aIl iillered individuel s andi paries mhat me Environnmental Study Report (ESR) for meé ahove-manllofledl projact has heen completed. SaIlla taIlhe comments recelivret as a refil of mis notice ant he receipt f i Iler approvals as necesssry, mhe City of Mlsusuga mdIl proceeti imh mhe conatUlion ai mhe abave-mentloneti pro lect currentlyr icfueduledforl 9W lThe stu dy recommqndation is la reconstruct Nintli Line lauaIvia-lane semi-arhaiross-section wltli intersection improvemenls lncluding lte raplacment af tlie cul*lrl for tlie eaist tribularp oi mhe Siate Mile Creek. We welcom public commenta; on mhe ESA. yfiic i t available for raview of tlie iolloiving location and lumes:- Office of mhe City Clearit City of Mississaugà Mtmssuuge Clvic Ceft 300 City Centre Drtva UMseaugaOntailo L5B 3C1 Hours: (Monday la Fniday) 8.30 a.m.'lm 30 p.m. Interested individuels andi parties have mmvrt (30) calendar days tram medate tDit noice mas matie public, itin wtal lac iela thve proposaI Commenta mus ai ien wrlting andi must ha rmivedbill.-City of Mississauqa Transportation anti Worics Dpartffen 3484 Semenyli Court Mlssîssauga, Ontanrio L5C AR1 c/o Damien Alhanesa, P.Eng Manager. Proiecl Planning and'Programming Pfvone(9015) 615-3161- Fax: (905) 615-3173 If concenis megarding mis project cannot be resolve inl discussion v the Cu(y of Mississauga, any persan or party may reqast fihl Me Minite of Ensfrooment andi Energy «bump-up« mbia, pjc oan intivicdal enirniental asuesaefflt 'ump-up" requestis must bit receieti y the Lmst mite atitress below wtin mlirty (30) clentiar clyair mfibs ndsee. A copy of the -bump-up- requist alvall hae iorwartied to Me Ciy ai Misslssaugat Trantiportahiton and Worvs Deparlment Il ltera are né concereis exprasseti by June 7,1996, mhe City ai Mlissugla will proceei mdi itis project as presenltd in mhe ESA. inter of Ermironament andi Energy roSi Clar Avenue, 15tm Floor Tranto, Dntaîo, M4V lP5, kvoking to Mr. Chuileii for hinqa about die govenmeni's future pobicy irction. He acconunodWertin. 'Mr. CWvuiagi declareti deeti dha Gotim Report on nmicipal refam. Thie reMq relcased in January, calltid for a single municipal authorLY Io& [lie enture Oreiller Toronto Ame lGA) ant <lie altenduitment af five curreni regional governm enZt inchatiing Hilto. Mr. Chutiegi di. vu liowever. explain whai messuies val li. talion for municipal charige in lte dÀA wlicl was specifically exempted from refarm policîco iniroduceti acros [ha province in the controversial Àîîi 26. Mr. Chutiteigli atrcsaed [ha, major oevampinz in lthe waX gavermasmi watts is ling-contempIatei1 ta atitreca fuiu-e mental probleais in healtl cave, eàbiucv, duplication of services and hautiing n'fie lieut living io da tu ta drap beck at -m»e CIHIAMBER oen pope 12 OV MWD REAUME Predctable gavemnnir policy orm flâl action mnt engendr delvate. u h lv i6i ation is gond for business, arcoeding to Michael Bourgon, premoirh 'a NWaEion Clia,,rer îîiCommerce. 6 B.ms people expecaseti satisfaction Sel ai a Chamber bireakfast meeting Feitiey wih Halion Nortli MPP Ted Chutileigi. Sabsfaicion was tempevoti by cauaion, anti a feeling sucli miasures were necevsary andi inevitabe. 1'Thlchamber iv ryneuîeo any <necasures vo [lie budgt kvpeciall the landt transfer vait reelle anticlianges ta, *empj»yer health tas." Mr. Bourgon saiti. 'With nu surpises in tie budget il majies Il casilr for businesses [o plan." Mt. Pourgon saii lie woulti have liketi ta tee sotie faem o ailancei budget legisla- fin lqause "vi dotws l a li lncacwoow- inevucmiire n'sftr. "Tuibudget vies vive fuiillmnv ai af ur electioli promis%'*" Mr. Chutieigli toid dlie audiience ai about 35. "People vianteti inerlagavemmenî [hl oce elecied woýuld'kep lis promites. oavin n may -f with mate hike pcople's mindv, pOliticians have risen' . rmTW npg r lighily abilve tive level of snake oil sales- losi money for ilime years vînningý ma. *Mr. Forbes was unable tIo provîde a Local potîlicians and 9governmeni brelakdaown of prcmium cos[v. [o showv sucli liings as adminitraidn fets. He did. liawcver, vay lthai adminitation foies have ~ ~ noigZone up andIliai aIl thie addition pre- hium fonds are applied lu tlie ancrealiet ffl.i of coverage. CourwOilor Brtan Petnmant suggesied Milton hire a consultant, a proceas the - Halton Region Conservaition Authonity weni îhrough, to dellermine'ille praper level or invufance antu votuait oui alier * raie. MAr. Penman seaid (liai wîvi tlie HkCi4 tlie cosi of thve consultant was a perceniage or money savei. and included follow-up. DCIIUUyfia0prvti A4IuI &.' aLIIKre caughi ti thai vits a virlual e Detioty fir Adits CU m ornonpoly.' said,.Mr. Penman. Hawevee. e 1 INIMCounicillor Gcnry Brooks pointed oui [liou ~34thé Cowan Company verves about 200 Lam ~ ~ 7 J7/ v u 5 91 vunicipalitiea acraos Ontario, vo olifer comiparues muvi lie deahing wviv ilie.oter WC 6 orvo municapahtivs in tiv province. wwo 'Wowe ilta taxpayers in Mihionu e New Patacaa arweele providing tlie haut caverage andi AMi EMCe $ goeae we are getang [lie lieu valuer for vair dolrv aiti Mr. Brub4 mii DetlOffS ice Tow siaff wtili firon rei" beck 'on livý , Mufiaj edoei Centr p. Ss especît Io lie quit lengthliy h râ4 0.'Ip *à up a tender for 1997. Ceunicillors 532-33 8 tmli determine mivetir ia pusute tf ai dlii Presentejive vie satllite -sATruRDAY, mAYI18 On BIG SCRÉER 8' x. 6Op The Scottish Cup Final RANGERS va HEART8 *10:O am. Be thereet 9:30 am ickets Now On Saleat8Bar or CALL FOR RESERVA7IONS TICKET PRICE: $20 includos: Steak and ggs breakfast wh the trinmngs. 1 124 Steeles. Ave. .,878-7934 Town hit N c C A M 1 N s 1 1 1117 113405