OUR READERS 'WRITE DW22 ~ (3) a W7. 1 u a cd inma si 0 i nei facto ulit, regard to careylng. nieuber of lIoe t1ftW amoefïèuoa. Patrick Kelly's totaleent I lu oehna.Ibeu nqj .mm.hv his colnm af May 3 in TIle "Instinctd ush me.lmh p *ff hu I biy-nue Cmudlusaiurio am sIne dut dim. '(6) %'ib 'mu 'sP (1) 1 am netl àtad curvymg (4) Pir 10 1995. 1Iw un- Kelliyz affici le tontne ai ' meivber of the toaçiters' associais -in , fthe iteschd- dafty. 1 tu o*i aset .sio. hie stalnties 1s11- ers' Wadaralons. lb smcin ha ilaIn ua tiuaa s, cmos. puiliculuy v% the con- membershlp carrie noa union crdmItiy mml MqtWadn lma li Wb"ci il wattpreseise. fils unr petvlem Idid pcr- i &M mme (2) As titi; Directai of mum 0rBiet~proes- 'oouqle Hducalion. membeuuiip inlsoa ieactin Jo rna.pb. Hg"l A5.uWceuUo Ireas %odm"lo la noi per- Ilsitet by te fedierraltina - N*11rbi mle. A oentocion miltted by legishbm. Conuno impotatit infarnifon for mie and apology relat.d sab i sensé aWima m dua uit ham soir arry out my job« OJ4W -1 Me aaw er, u SU'd bie a seriis conflie of (5) 1 have mi wwc, nor lave ,poiron page 4 of foda'z itreas odmewim. 1 ece hoé a couaici Wf intiter sue. Ré«d srvu Halton, Baya reader, noi PX# Der UidMr. AI a rmvi Lîherui convenioen ur ores MP luliav i Rded sieîd Ihat lie a&reed wilh Prim MigisIer Jean Citrèliçn's policy liit Libéral MPs musi tue teparly fine or psy te pre *M. Reed belteves dit lis runit osponsibiluly is tu lim party andl its leader and viol-is con- stîtuents. If htl is te case. Ibmn voly are We taspayers payîng over $SlOO&iO a year for M. Rced and earh of his berai t6horts il lteir only foniction ta Io ma as Iraliie seals for, lte PM mdi is uneloctei ativisors? Mr. Re cd was elcaed sa eresên the citizens of I-liton in Ottaw. Thte taxpayer of Hallon psy bis salary. léÉs perks, and his pension furnd, snu it e Iterai panty. In aneiler recent inervievr concernfng the ltha lthe iizens of Multon bave iteen Souci Lu bu. in lthe paht "n taha loo"à farward ta represevihg lte mw Mîlton-Hulton HUis ndlmg follauing thie nesl faderai eaclion. Halian lias indeed ber. goat i tcM..k d luaving prevtously eleaded hi. ta liedu vnca legisiuture. litas allewung hies ta Wect a provincial pensions while collecting i fedrealW tP saIarf. % 1 belue;e il i fime tit Me. Reeti reflv te <avoue and saan fulfllivig bis elacion pomvises. surit as crciting jobis, jobs, jobis, eforiming ur justice andtimmgration systenms and develep- in& fiscal respossibilily wile mainlaivivg Ieat care mnd eéiucaion. 'l:~i wâuld starii ip stic cantrastrio recent acîion.cl< lte Lhral promises sucrouandmg thse OST. MI.hard fMmbo.uf minon Kîngsbury takea Issue with story Drar Editisr: 1 have a csrem regarding tieMagicle of Wetinesdav, Aprîl 24, esîrîlei -Budget flops. board spiîs into Iwoc amps'* As the boîard repoesesiahlve for Wartis 1 & 3Milton, 1 ledl a sert omentr. First, 1 must sa) liraI 1 enjoy the wnitîng of Kims Amuot. 1 find lier stenies balanceti anti fairiy represenlalîse of ail sides of as 1 do lake exception lc tire perception liraI is conveyrd by lis asuiri, whîith incluties a lis( oI tnuites.volîsg for lte budiget. Ire article ries le 'sggest ltai somcitow lthe iisîres wito výoieti f9r tire budiget. aI (bit point in lte praccss, were rformers wanfi- ng no las insreass wite those wlio Voteti against il were îradiîonalisls trying lii bang oil le tire oid way ci doing trisgs. TIraI inferese is absciuiely tnorecr. In fat, witcs ycs arralyze lte reî.ortiet %sol- ing pattern sie 1 was eletird - on issue,% sut.i as corpurate sponsoesip, advrtsisg os snitool buses, alternative prcgranýs 4ifteig tir save btising rosis, seitool ltrit- salogy, plans. I îink ose ssouit conclude tere arr more refores-mintird Inistees in lte isI ltai voteti agaissi thé budget llaa in-lte tlit aïe voîrd for il ai liraI point, In Iems cf lryisg 1u aciîve a cern per- cent mii irirrease. titere were revfaniy items wliri 1 suppieti eemovtng froem * budget "ha woulti bave accoitplisitet t s amd would liave iteen arbievable rite rmosai cf au atitionai $31 mtil- lion in lte 1996 budget (or appos $8 mil- lion annualicei> lermeti as snegolîale reduîtions in staff compensation accounts" ulien Wr itad aireatiy remeveti oves $6 millites (or $15 millites annuai- zed> feom lte buditget subject te negehta. tiens. was for mie not arbievabie There is iris doubti n m) mnd litai itis amentiment, made to the budiget ai lthe board table durrsg ulsat you would bave te teres as lthe fast miue. rauseti the budget to fait ai tai peint Nose periraps 1 tati an ativantqe oser lttîse witt volti Io reirove that atidilionai $3.6 million. because of My corperale itegoiattes espeiesce. But if the pubtic s ,given uhe if lumon i kti nof suppiort lthe btudget iterause cfa iill raIe lree,î-ttai is incorrect. Viie I cleaeiy siu at itat board for lte surLss, a miii raIe frece lias item, andi wiii always lie, lite tagêt for me. 1 asc itelieve itere are many leustees wlio voleti for asnd agaînul lthe budget referretin your article. who realiy -aneti a freeze. Ts'uafa., Word#ai à3Mltn1 Pmd remy 1 tan ýissLt you wfth any cf these areas: *RRSP GIC *Lufe Insuruance *RRIF C aIl me wfth any financial questions. *FtNANCtAL PLANIING AT NOCHARGE *MiJTUAL F1JNIS - LIFE INSURANCE *ALL FIN»CIAL QUJESTIONS ANSWERED *CASHAME CEIFICAItE AVAILABLE Derry RoadI to BrIttanla Road ào ýý edýý