Ldo kin5-ac 95'a.ta .1 lion. On ..9' 4V) 'td a .0 0tat J 9(05) 878-2341 P -t 't" A~~ .'ttt uts 5t.ttfta t 2 an Oliver Pubaisher Neat5.ti aetwtttts atttaa t n'e'lnfi 'tetuan ffl, tanc ta vmss " Cutt:.0, ata.h titi. attittaI. Ssasttst V-tt 'u'tg tst. e tTIa.aatatttst.ti.st, "' i '. ts t' acst n sat tatctsatt o i 'to iotas Wq i ". a "attqau tetta saes a t Tim ('tie t'. attt ,.t5itaaL'at 5'tLNCt iesOs'Osentto nt ta ut ta U'it Sht'a i aaS.avS Il-,., Ad Ilta tI-ij '.i,vu"ot W Ill lu aaiaçsa. fdet tarni Tr U Flawed .politic*al. judgment shown, * Olien legisiation lags public Opinion -the lailuire of, Prohtibition in lte Uited States is a case in point - and offent it *rads tl. TiC'recenqly approved so-called gay rîghts legisiation in Canada is an example of the latter Tite open question is ' even as turne passe,. is titis whcrc Canadiatis wanî tu te led9 Sexual dîscnnainatin againsi gay peuple s fni une of the pressing issues utf the das, in Ibis rîdîng. and ut prubabîs is nul in ihe rnajurilx uf other'g ('anadians bý and large ui ui o crmdîne homîîsevîîalîty. but thes din 'i got tott ai if a tsi aiiack rt cubher Su titere ls«mrs lit4 île potinti inisnping gay rtght.s op as a uomse celebreb-ut tati s jusi whiat Justice Minisier Alait Rock tiîd Msr Rosk has neyer been accused ut heîing in tucit sith grass- rouis ('aarann senisîbîlîties or sensîtîs iticsý lie was% oui in left field (in gun conirul. an>he's lutritriouti n leti field polari;ing pespie wi th hîs laiesi actions. Note weere *îll iorced fo ttînk. tehat ducs thtis reali> mean. in icrins oi niarrnage. spousal benefit., pension plans. ras breaàs'i Whateser ti nîcans. its lîkely tu te tîed up in the cMjfls for s cars -And wishle tte mnajurir>ti ous would Ke ashamed ti pick un any- une for their sexual orientation, a goud rnany tof us. prubably Most, have substantial dit*f-iculties in according a tumosexual union ail tlic leg.îi and murai sanbtions we dto heterusexual marriage. Titanks for opcning a can tof wurms (bt stas better lefI alanq, espisial> in viete of aIl our mitre pressing challenges. Mr. $ssck Rob> Keliv Well done, Milton Titere aven't tuu muey commuiittie. especîally those tif aren was te Miton's st/e. ohere vouu cuuld [aise $10(4 in te Iss titan two 'cue r mnunts. and lurn oitu moire titan 2AXM) porential dontirs for a sick :0 Ye lîttie girl.e 'lie peuple of thîs ton dîd lit. They atcod te lic and sut aeound for hours on end jusi la tige Polia up for a sitot at havîng titeir bone marrot appcd to sec ifît would poin tar help Dctdre Scholtcn iter lire and deauth struggle. Thcy quicîly workcd, bot bchîed lte scertes and boldi> ten pub-a lic, giving. organizing, contributmeg to pay dowe the awmesm bill rU due for boîte marow tcsîieg. LasI week those eff&ns pid ofi handsomcely as medical experts found a compatible donor for Deidre. Her operaton is slated for, May 23 tn Toronto:a Deidre useat out uf te Woods ycî. by a long shot. Site stili needs a lot of hclp and failt. But so ma> people te titis town have donc so muci to give hier a figitirg chance. , They sitould take 'uomc quiet satisfaction, je that, as the> sparen tougt for Dcidjc. te hopes lta: al ill uIn iuwel. Es'eets arc Jargel> oui of titeir harle note. buît ohaitlhg>acould do. lte> did splendidl>. et t I Liveiy aoftbali matin nvolvingi14 teâme front acrosa Ontario drmw a. crowd lo Hoa'by' Vmrk ln Augual. 1963. Itlernational tiarveatera front Buiinflon won the toumnantr, defétng ltae hoal liornby aqu.d 9-4. Pages.of the Past O ne YearAgo - Fmom lthe May 17, 1995 isau * Ward 3 ('tium.ilitr Mann Howard iook a ceave for a few o tnts ilt couse t gnps wiut strsses te ber flfe Ms Hussard soanied ti keep oeoett.ing ait cituiil agendas. but site ilas'i gttîeg ila tîitet an> moure tsf lier counstîlor's pi> If ttee lotnger ihan dure nisntits. Ms Htiward's sdIi ttautd hasle becs (Jetlaeed vacant. ieadîng ilt a bycieclîon ut a couucil appusuniuiwnits ini 11te sacais,> - A Camphetîsille ist>ians. dispute îith lialion Region resealed Voenttai toinfit te t-aitues neto Officiai Plan. obîcittire.ned hîitanti areas bai caited fori future Guelpht in tee'sdqnlig. Sylsia Baises ioa* a ito year dispute, .about a building thai"sai soîth in ler peopen>y ami on a regioat i'oad aikio iia lulthe planning ami public 00*5 a.tmmaiie 'flic issue was deferTed ti lthe faIt. * Spnngrîdge Faim hield its%«nnuai Muthers Againut Dntnk Driving tundeaiser. A terni fistuung derby i' chul- fi dia.plays. face paitaiung ami wagon nUdes. ers Ago Pro lte May 19,-1976 saine nU Mapiehurst offiers gaiheeedl aI Ratticanase ou compare notes on a seachi of thte escarpimtte area aller a Maptebursi îmnate escaped\T'he yuung mani gst fiee wlasle ajati esori pauiy was clean' tortsu lande ont Appkrby Lise acmss ihe --a ro tialleaaiakc o- . *- A prnposali î develup a jîoînt lndiI sitç for Haion and Peel regions en thc Hîarnby area 'fell titrougit Preliminary invecstigation ni the site convined.Peel offi- ciais ihati t wasaiapprxapnaic. *.Keery Trayauie of Hoiy Rosary School wial prescnti4à a certiiaie of ment and choque b> Mîlton Pire Chief A. Fi. Ciement and. Apsistanlf Dcçmly Chie! Jura Couis&i for 4er4 chitr> en te irefigters' poster competitton on fie prese- tata. She alo wn an hontorable mention for ail ut Oneio. 50 Years Ago. Protta tme May 16, 1946 jue * Halton stasi tînt> alita.wedone represeniatîve ai lite 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. ht as tihe boy who recelicîftise higliest sumber ut points in judging amd whio alita cooelmd a tcats. To girls oho hadl te hsghcsl points ai Achieveitent e Day oeer aise îo go ont a trip titnagh New York Stc., 'lie ladies of Honsit Women's Institule hcid aitir rerg isiar inontitly meeting ai the home of! Mis S. Leramont ws& tlt Mrs, Milton Bron persidihig Mis. Clemet was lte gist speaker oho spoke ont titimetshp. * Addresses b> Mis. J. E. Wititelock and Mis. Frank Ford hughitightcat a Omiagit Womn'n Inalitute meetmng lcld. ati Urhomre of Me.W, P.Bayey. t ' ' kvSteve Nease