1Hunter Puts heat on board 1 eV SAAD ImU I rm naàt$. ail lhcy cmi do is tailli about The. champnçar layons u daaqualn gr Cmclkw Rida ayuully -n ourqmo- Aile, lhainer la' Lep l.i onX> rier- WiÇiC l ag ofl o duation r.pendlng. deiledd [y ta xe,. Militait lrwn c0runcil aili.icll bmne, sayrng poMi i& H tlx a ho asards a retMi> APPRmned trustci have an 9 er coent moave in ethucanson taxes. s, imnpossible tank lams iveel (mramclikw Wily bhunier Sugf sytn as aK luge aind ge..ted j, Imite, iau ac cliol hmardv.%aying -? direc i prvidc rlw i.,vn mv1% mi in suppriri of lich- Prvinciai pe grarnN imaeav in.mdmimmn1w.msae urrntla jud fuFI l mo«iraI% ýb lx,.it wm i vila ifldiim-1 HL dday dit $272 :j'oli taxe, htghlighied lie- a vucIl, i llin pe.nt b ab j In btioh coumaînie wk anled il mnade ieme W0Iy HunIe puhli.hIOl hbannd fi hi wbiîpirinmn tgl lait dollars.g . mu.i euaeHlrnvmle vt rliiln. lion.an hr irw rea .% Liante loin, Itodh i* rraiy* abc ' fi aima ill Malnd Regmomiail I là.mlii (irmaimillir (ierry Brooks ledl i charge itum.miîaiwdlisv ircele in l1Y)t. againi thae nmeaammrc v.ying counal did nli -l lIuld in, halak te ri v aid *hajve an inhim.me knîîwledge of ihe ('aiilii Colin Il ciW hâve lma.led ami hatards' budget pîmieve oar budgets% .edsct 'aritegies a i ela taxesN -Wr dni have date informatîion avait Il '74' ethis Victoria Day, long mm qg'a w . weelcerd, but please A go safely! If unsure, ~UJhl ~.have us service your -~vjtV \' ~ vehicle before you go! f@ omwd OL N.I 11 MUSsa Ie**COMOMITEE APPOINTMENTS >«ifOeg dire am us Mag W ehuby fs Tom ut Cliai foçe goc*na faO ixe bl onmI1ý LOcal AmooNh omomUon Advhao Comonah - eb Sw* Aqm Comauhen * ~~~(3ntnuuiurd laMuudai g, bim mp W m*a aO iadunai Kmnule a ogfn . itrioli or nolfl a oe apgla n -uigMM g M ai your A.000.18. W m a ' WIWMaa WiiM7 4C on UN »' cu pla~Thl Ci tri oet -o Nwi -o of phqrTon ofit. ConuMo (LSA 3mn*arqts S BWua<XWU O MoInamom o.inmsliiU ai u lail olakiruonvodgapg puay Otne l iU wlpm pc gan limuniavii mU oeauli sido - f*-aê sover taxes Lgdà*p 40ge IDun de Mnail MdS ia 80 se Whcn the vote as Salien codltuiliora Ptan Funk aW Mmto Howard Poanan Mr. h ftà LI n le 1 foula i vuwW Mhaint lte magme. MM~ - di but* ai at th bu mbe lon sul - CouncilFor John Chalîmnoar daxagrecd uI Plhol. m.iu a gatioia IIII miusN 06 wt Mr. Brooks. 1i's a "mmre of pritri. "0( si. 0111111111 pie. Eidïer you blaieve they shoua balance *1, rany cool" oMlEth g7 iu amit Pmm ic daîr budget or you dont. fie> have baib scho allent. c( beiag amd à NWW. 'l la 8"aalI tut gel tu a l'en) fier cent incriase aind ihWts d, Un of Lgtp ud3 MMoi' ah> l'm di..appiinied Wr. have the Aex'a nutnfhsel edas a aoliHAmo. Sl resqaMàNr.bllqy ti) 1,1 People koia . oop" ii d uo* W&4 t~l U -d- Lpa lMr. liwlter quasied figures on education ta cair. acon (mmt a eup of thoegumis of emim Wi %Iradint Iront StatW.iio ('anit. saying lar jý lonqtli a g = * 0 eVu .apo eio a hs încreaed 301per cent abovar inflation ucWv Wfor biglh -laig.dli.i çmPacJuus -il lance 1971, despile a decreaxe mn the lm 111181P aulmaotag*d 0apuatki 1 * 1 tl m mo al il hima jua à$W dasO '-à ing romrnlhe %chooal board," aid Mrý b pntu oujdW likil eqrn;ue for MAi. "Ioud bc 1 uanier -laxpayers s> ibis as ni wucept- i p . c omuM w at Ill nailito cîmaap* ié.- abk, %-y- have fot generaed enomgb vav- bi .ulsd ai Oig Mmn in Tonna. Then àX eoONWM igs, Wby arc fiacre tari payrmll depair -w Win t boucs ID aw duc vialoins of <tued-ls igu ment.%? Why arc fiacre lau humila atatam n ilOsu or otho apae-tWaomiLago 1pvSatdm. resures dear'aents' Il*s a matter of fan- Th gea pim. la a finetrip for kWt t0a aVI? iluh bbe mores ai Pb"r'da Kennedy Spaco Cont. faloii by a tdpwJ l=tIcin ta« &M a 1*5 aginx. C orrection maailt* à<.tf11M -Mbmm fl.1 On page 7 mn thme Lettersctqd of. 1, audI indi « 1 lu. Who cf Mdb imy' nwsaMBo Wllam, Sacl ueVw bai Ubbfavodlv osaimpvai ofhfl1ic omito la ard ofcar ion enier% ! a vkylailtaishi«ami hmdq âggg lswiai tha-hL s ot *a cad cmin mebero edas buiid-efl, oxpia"nc Pho la y a bey Mils in h abc itecbat union. as bai laer n&A% etel » me C<h I . 'Iks be« hulldIo Lffa ii 11111110 ha mn &curann arilleu by Pal Kali, mli Pol aI.M qq d. M y lts1Kd mn dit May 3 inre of flic Caiadian uiltlan qoeimo.ota ktyin ChampéinweLYCP Mr Williamv' derail% bits curnent poti ýM ..i- m mal a *4I a~il b*VU& taon and acordn on diitha i (bc1 lester _h awll nlsibd n li ~ 'h newaper. accept& Mr. Wiliamsnix1 nwe$nli é mat k tais sn staiemnts retraas dew auacliot tital in of ILae -4 M ita s y" oi u 0*.o .Pu Kellys "amun @4 ldtm date mni *polo- mup lw -0 -eov.oo giex for any emhvarrmptit or incolive- Sul nom' bii nience ft Mr. William. NU"! lLUIMI f1lln UNC hotr b "i Pun ram lmeoU 1111aWn M&M mli Uoen inF abâ om Ai.U.U. lm. choper pin.amadapva un MmyOquas liaii uugdD. I au. Umai ftnimaPi.1. aî .,il. oaçaanwat rou oi 1ui 2notn. W.Iî . 0 h MW m. lm0. coff el ~i trai o mi m.lm U. T êil. pchlb CO-OFII>ITO, UM4~WOLGGY »E~VSCE Thei loupcof Mi0M le bcod 0.0t M.Mtu *Op of Un GrlaneT.a r. tg&c~. *Ioan cf 31,000 mxfiu l<uir, lbue amm pam.o An à~iauiluiw1. ~ oqi iad "a nais polilgon ci CxotOeMbr, Tivog M iai luW -u1 - -ailud Ii A TNts fai poalonmi liA guvtaomr sunlags for the Toum la à nas cmn nu. nilukmd PC-bfod yilm la p&i-i 1w 1000. Nwa~ui1rmi wdn fgsT ih toquoedova gtuai 3yioa. fln ob rqaus a ohew ur il Caoru = ml. Sde= .ti vuw g euoni Iraco.lalooog daulanit il 1.oêUIitaiicr o jur rililsmd î l g Ibo p11 SUl b. pas~ sStaii fqvm f1~Tu aruum»& h wia Irronu mt -- i ga~ ON 1 *naiolilc c Muaob pS if, , ban 'l 'f'OWl1~k~.4l~, - -- --,n-~-- flrK - I VICTORIA DAY W KQIÎ lffiLluil