Bad -srell lingein' for some with compost deai @D RA REAUMI for air mfaoong staions <o bhi mnslld The. Champwo as part of the setsememt. Hie sait Re was afraiti of disease hectuse the odor «mua To (sote onlookers the T.ohn of -signify <liai onsmding unwhaleanui in Mison's samleunn wîth compost lamer the air. Jim Sonit it mepa~udicsmli tes 'Ilic reason WC sre ail sining hem sn'i Towns officiais baveagreed io1 a seule- becluse of iandscaping. anti it-isili ment, with Scots Conipossing Faim. enir basof site plant it' because of air #ng almost four years ut legai baitIle,. qily, lie sait lis bad enomugit di il Howeser. severai areai residents wére smtelis but wc reiliy Ion'i know what ès unhapps with the comnpromis. .ayinf te th re is.%,surroundiflg noxious odour% have Ini 1992 Mr. Scott began fltçtili of a omi becs a.tesed . composting facility on bisi famîly's Bnitannîa Roi resndent Clîliord Junes. ilotaisma Rad propety. At ste mite Wig complaitsed to cotuirikw. [asi %cale composiing was reia- week thai thcy teerc "throw- tis'y uniesteti in North ;ng in the toweli hy acpsîsf Amertea and Mr. Scoti i, witlemrent undecrestîmaieti thepoletiiai "Il'. vimething ibal really for potecilul uokurs. whiich glis me. You ve miède a MIN-- could disruip thie lèves of Jus stake and Ysai are not recîîfy- neigburb îng it.' bc saud. "Were is th Complairas in <lie sumini spine anti bsckbone o! tbis of .1992 siaited nvcssgsaio Coiiicii?» .y tyhe MOF ad tirTown of Iittated i hrouigh negoliti- Milsos White a number of lions begtsrhitc lasi Yea, legal challengts teok place seulemet agieed su by court- Mr. Scott bonrd bis çotspoe- cil iincluiles iasdscape imitrove- Jif Suatl ing expertise anti was alito meuts go help bide lite composimg opera- ,largely contrai is operation. <ouncîl (ion from view. a tamit tadu <liest of lte heai <lient bave bien nu *enplants ta, the usçealaon, Mid an eW te< ail legal procoati- MOE front local tresitien ts in tbç 49s 18 mils. moml. In addition. Milton will pais an aiseilt- Accorâing to Mihon's dîrector of ln init <a is Unculmtur use bylaWprobi- ming Mel lovio. Mr. Soif's operia"o uili îng ailier large-scile componting opera- hi linimed ilis prisent size. unae, anti witl aliow Mr. ScWt ta, opefit -Anysthing beyonti that wili rîquire on tas preauuut site as long as i hem a cer- anouler zoning amernniit, liad tificali of approvi (rom te Mintry of addition. Mr. Sienlits filedt a site Md at Environ II (MOEt. laniscie beri will tý buift <o, mAil m Ajiatuer treillenit. George Powers cili * CMPS mipg 5 IlalanRagwwia Polie IWg.. L...An Artsali demn 41OW IPIRUt tamallt UOV Of Oa.OmOt- The-communications ifjeline- Of Halton 'si public'andùQlice lii KMS"eprocess is ssaghfm;WSrd, bowevee ti public nie chwffleais Ikée n <hiuw fy ti ia a &I cadis to Hlon ligs more thaîna Imitier of pressing a bl ?n for quailenson àma&i Roui. whiemr P taler li.dialid Ballo Regina Police Service comnu< ehten 878-5511 or 634-1831,d<le <oa><nn ambes., il coule Io ifialini th diesantis of cali e very Sortie Multé cîllers get anaoyed when <bey caii yeu.. police for asistance ai an address on Main Sijee and While conwuwiical0fs ciii transfer ant entergincy thei comisuièifr jaila. "Nais Strun t m di u ci to the proper authoriics in a splît thenl fi ty." Ma dfrey si*4I nulety of cilla iiic<iu<i 9- 1-1 cilka ame fot tirr- camus Mm#n dei Milton uanid akenly inuam gencies. saiuf Sangui eodfi.ey, SemmuctiolSMpir- dheir Cai is ta iang awoid 4y die front deit cles nt vise for dei service. due Milton police saido. filiiy gel upliel tsa We WorýerilHiton Regional Police'scommunici- don'tknaweaactly wlhely an," mi 1 . (ions centre as regional lidqurners ini Oakville Cinipg Up midi conmfusion mi orii of Hilto police' uuwer cilla front nisei contplmm*t ta lifi or duwali t- goals slmaing Natioul Police Week. wlacl ki4ed off itiens ad dispalcli officia i thei scells. »I WC- wmwo n pap 11 Raise food foS »h SaNalloin Army Food Bank. Recelve recognIllon for your organËzalon or buslms WVIn csh.for a chadly of your c AUl non-proht organiza- flans and business' are invited to creatd art wlth canned and dried goods in the Miltan Mail trom Ide9day May 21, 9;00 arn to Friday. May 24tfh at 2:00 pm. Judging wlll take place an Saturday. May 25 two categories of judging. One for the non-profit groups and the other for busiènesses. A total of six (ô) organizo- lions will recelve a Cash Award for ther work of Art. First prîzes wlI receive 10'xlO10 area ta creffie th01r Iollowing Monday ah te' 150.00 eacti; Second conned sculpture. canneib aitd drled goods pnizes $100.00 eaoch; and Organizations are invlted wl be tailent to the Food Thiid prîzes wIi ceceive ta Place a utgn witt their Bank ai the Salvailon $5000 eoch. name on the esshlblt in &"m. 0Ail organîzations wha thelr aSàocaled uppce. Challenge Yeur> noli*- participat il l recelve a Afta thse Judglng. aon tise bouw erp -Mll Should your organtion be lnter.te In patlclpatlng Inti r and v.ry worthwhill avant pleaie contact the Milton Mail AdminlWraUon Office et 878-3900 to book your apac*by T1i.a> May 21, lu&