IAN OU VER - Pubse IlN1 The Cane M B Ont. 9 878-2341 Fu:. (905) 878-4943 A 1 D. 10ý%jrIITON Advertrg la accepted on- the condItion thst, in the "Iâ ci a twçowràl*a error. istpor- tion of te stm4sNUW spaco occupls MO erroneous Utm, togotm Mlh x ms&*ribW- altowiance for Signature, WHt nl be ctiarsd for. but du balviceOf the sderlaM en wtt be psl for et the appICabIe rate. The Pub- ilsher reserves the right ta categorize and reject «ultsn. In thé evant 01 tyPOgrpl cal error advetting goode or sOMMce 81 the wrong priMe goods or services msy flOt bp sotd. Advertialng sa merety anr aller t, SOUt and may be wMtdrwn at sny ttie. Prodd on beh aio thé OskvlB, Mon and District Ra séeBoad.'