sqn. "Hou Dopa" AVil be presented Saîurday. May 25 ai thp Ontario Aeriultural Museumn ai 7:36 p.n.ýTbe Chorjaters and guesa ptrforiners A,. .Cappçlla Showcase pressent toe-tappin', . fOl-al-pgiôn' muisic an à counstry actassE.. Tekus con .525, whisclialcsi a barb. cued, hall-cbickçn djasneg. ickets ame avâa able mipg, Dduiouts, Caufter Music orby Calf 8791751.ext 123. -The Mu>tcn amd Disicici Horticuttirai Society holda a plans "il &W auictia fi th1e Milton Pair GOmunds ai 6:30 .ýti. Annuls, perenniali, shrubs aid &ardua * supplies are featssred. For fusiller informa- * tion. cttdci Lin Lec ai 878-40. Thie Vlctodiýn Ortr'of Nurse, isolds a foot cmirillaito adue Bruce Apnerii. 40 Ontaurio SL. fions 1:30 go4 p.m. 'Ie cost as $15. For Ralier inn.ase or ai * appointssent, cain 827-M0. Fone ciie clas- ika ne by appamnins oraiy. Milton Coanmons preacris "Algaa1: Forest Vmeu7" ai 'Htig Botter Hall ai 7:30 pin. Unsa Laanport cf ie Wikdanaii League discusacat due illfe. foresi &Wd Ul&sc *fff 111 Algona Hugh"ad and how they watt bc #lfecied by tie gov- erment's plan Io open il up 10 Iogging. Admsission camas $3. Cati (416) 767-2752. Torybudget~~ we b"*u a governamnce «sawu tse * bmcma mmi sismmc leodpobn" Hea eqlalna du scveaanem Win suait- ly ma%==asc a sody col du ecollâ and hm&t. pi Iqillnt by lb. foi of19r7 . ajor ccaoudimao f dusutis provinSe- vrille pcolIor 0< canesli "at ùtuest laxan., aiaie wcai bc medsute to Ruaid dot ethICalo sysiet, . .Tory M4ojctions faogzcuIh in due bmi- OaY mre vety camiervaive. tise Has Norâ PM sait. A dcomn ur u " W; ail i ubualdo. of en sab, asasinp âmoU ras noý,kohg i..on 10 atpaam M. ch1mij sali Proviacial pollcy la lo clus op tise Mr. ChMIg .uid MAltoma chIi. ââmw"vo omm Daml lipa e. ii, suuetod provincial SOvensnea cma lb' dml a* paogmvt n lum au..' üLl J 15I "q à 199. ESCORT LX SPORT 3-DOOIq IV Air %Pn CD Mayer nd AMfM Stemo w Dual Airbags/ wfth Pnmmlwn Sound ,w Alùminum phort Wheels w Colour-Keyed Sîde Mouldo *ngs ,w 1.9 Litre Engine vP 24 Hour Roadside Assistance w Dual Power Mirrors w Rear Spoiter %» 60/40 Split Rear Seat w Tachometer w Tilt Stçeriiig Wheel w Light Group %P Par Seat Heat Ducts w And More! 1* Intermittent Wipers id e . 1 . '0 C -aýR l~aL~ I , aadssoi l ha b 1@81. et inca ppM m vo wl aisioi - cASi AIDE Stia/ead Dais: June 10 - November 1,.1996 Cou Ne fe@ for UnempIoymnt Insurance recipiantz. L«&"ie: St. Paul's EIemm.ntry SaceS Burlington Coulait Shondan'sSkills Trouhrng Conrw lJ»teline IS S. Wedaou May if AleaI auditorium, 182o87-~3 Senira«Cüz=CI1h 88 I W frgm9:30.ar. T1i speciai feats Thela Victornan OrdrcfNurses hou l2.pâ*l f-alrg plat,~ou i "Victorian Teat" b Ja thpw«ers. The. feol cm diluA ai thse ilon Lenièrs' bmking a[ th1e Royal Cadi i.goi.2 vCIII hied by!t M11 Ml,;n Ctrstian Activily centre. 500 Chiilh Dr., (rom 9 -Charles Si., fromn 10 a.m". 101.0 an. Coffee Hmti, alsoI 1ncýdeîa gues arin. ta noon and ai Milton District 'Lunch *4sved fro%4 :I iaÀn. Io01:30 pan. >spedm ePuibeile anId aninterlude of Hosmpital ui. Dery, Rond (mmn 6 Io à p.m. It's Hlot Mi DMu Day ai th1e Milton exuaical selecios. Admssio a free, and Thec cou iS 1Si.crisis1jainhuma" oor 'Sentis, Activigý Centre. SS0 Childa Dr. bahysittinfis;provded. au appounment, cal 875-16#1. Foo5ýai. Enjoy foodaajd tclIowt il I:30 am. Th1e Uaea League for malSai astr- chsamby "oAnmnonly. 111ejMitton Seniors Activity Centre. mtad ii wiwedl la*t miliceu 500oChilds Dr., holds tise Evulolg Eaelre ai Ch.nsh aniy Reacure Chlore, 540 Frlùey May 17 téaiiy at 7:30 p.an Seiors ame invited to0 Cliia Dr.. 8t Spns For halier informa- It'î lHat Missi Dowi %a ai lise Nb" Aenjloy thse friendly comiseligion aMW &issa. lia, cati 871%387.476-0772 or 878-m83. SenaomrAeiiviy centre. 500 Ceaida Dr. phise. lIe cama is $2.50 pprin. Primy f> Mu a y~ 16 . joy bcd Msd bbl»nNhp as 11:30 I.n oadreftodelnnU inclie 1l Ladies are inv'Il É atend thé* Chroae taUipe ayadw sia atara a' Nelghbiboe il CoIefs Her an the mm ai 1 pan For auia¶er dials. clin 78- m SoI,8ya Under 14 Rop S6=co Teai holda a botti drive outaide 7%Ç boer Sose on NOM"eDivi ficm6 s 10pm. Ruaidenhg are asked to donse tsalr beer botes go hclp. sessd &J~ teamn k thse USA - - - Sdody May 18