Rockwel Intematlonal: CoonItny t. nu"a *M.fn a bottu 150 Steeles Ave., mion AEGIS SEC URITY PROTECTION Unit o, Mlftn, ont ffl5 347-7M4 Home 875-4M À&'Mhoelabal Cbauâ* kw. %401 Wb.elahaterb IJt4S7 O-m OT 4W5U * Fmx NATmiON POUCE WEEC MAY 12 - 1l, 1M0 CON\NIUN-IiY POLIUIN( SI '.VOIYS1 IFS r POIACI WVFIEK ISNIA1Xl2ftf,- S e National Police Week activities wiJI bt'ce1ebrgited by law enforcement agencies across Canada IL. Halton Regional Police wiil set up a display at the Milton Mail with following displays *Crime Prevention Ontario, the Victirn Services Unit and* the Milton Community Consultation Cômrnittee wiII be on hand to answer the publies questiones *Operation snapshot will be part'of the display and for a donation to the Ontario Special Olympic.s visitors can dress up as a police officer and have their picture Stakeli in a cruiser or the force's Harley-Davidson motorcycle. ROYAL CANADIAN LEG*N Ptc. U. J. (Joe) Waters granch 21 CSharles St. ' 8'78-9W05 Fire Proof & Fr..t EIatu Homan Securly Alarms S ~ - VWseo Sur»M1noe *Cdoeip6 Lock Servm S"uio -Senico - enaulsilo 841 HaW rd Av.. MOIQ - ON *Erudo 1gh~ (905)678-9603. Ladi~SoVs LtdU ~ ~imImycoe~ Cminw . On16do (4101 «84M7 ________________ t - % - à Àr