ECoedv h pg.. ma"m Halton votes for reorganizati bk Schah. hlm bons a pmotuu of a uhig i.a pulscq IxQ 1. die of Ha"o Sei l d erkve d. an- proceu tili continue juta t4g h. wei& accluil tais oekqms of acting 11ke imall lown politicijans. -1 believe toay's de>ate is lm irc i up lowud the anilgaUdo ci the rase. l'd fike ls. province,1 late charge tud une Halte as à pilt pupiect for a laUg single-tier (cre gownuna.î> nuuidpal- ly... Doni Taylor, director of m municipul bamaiddry brandi of the Ministry of, Mucipal Affairs. WUa ou b" for mms of die d"bt. He sal he wu impeçsud %01a omiaus emjpad on sucha1 u-> tieise erefud ta lay whedu is w-"j b. adaple by go. MwAuhc. affl SaY PolleY annoacnements cauld b. 4 expecw ud ai a few areth. 'lii. ministar la .aylng IIumIIcipSima have na chaice in dDwffhu iuvan fisc" responsibilitlos," Mr. Taylor sald. "Hoaraver, the prorata sh"tl bc Iocly Wd5bi M nrve..U Aller the meeting Mîbout Mayor fiord Kru&I aid b. aas nt disappoinled tlw auBe.., ab c~g luaIvoured a 3-3 datorIbme fle added a reurguasaion af councils ai noar llkely lake place at the local levl. lI's a Pm"ud ga how govemes adi evolye," h. said. "IlVs ail on the table: Agencies. baards commis*»a,aSc"a b.ujin ciher spacwal ob bL"- »Y, Looded, Loacled. Lood.d. V8. op. surafi C, mn*figl bards. etc. S25oed,- 20~ 0rî00 £ E ad b 36 -o0. à-d b9 *M Loaod -â n00*.s um W. R SSV WPOQ 'yw =.n sa - . -a'..w ww. - coaw&quMw, alloy .~wh.b w/1ô wtu orel loch b rvd 4 cwid f rokg Wt~~ IMM~ e..An " "il, M E Tù r IiI~Kdf - M4r-I