jThere W4l be no meatto Îh.e issue thi, _Saturday lit KAtF si'm ioping people wili kave wîîh knowledgc "On avnrage. vegeunualns live six years longer Kevmn Pickavd. the Toronbo Vegotarian Melb Chamfp4on of vcgctatianisnt - an underitanding of how dha rion-vegctuans,' s1fisaj "A prMpe vege- Association presiden' titled "Why Cjtooac jhLalliy il can bic," said Ms Calaom, wli formcd tinant diel pri.vmdes a great deaF mure nutrition Veg ana,.." 1* eS-,suwd scpetinas, alunýg wuîh liuse con- the Hialis Vegelarian Association fouir ycacs tisas meat." 4 Coo&ng deinonalratin wiII follow ai 12:20 % idLenng a mcii Irce diii. will galber ai Hain*s ajru An increasing numiter of Canadians arc and 1:35 p.m. mnd registcred dictician Bonime lirsi vegelanan fair ibis saiunlay (Maty 1Il. A vcîciari.in de1 eliminates every forni of mi- itecosnlng vectwm. Ms Galasso sud. uloting Kumer teili speat on iona e getusuuam" IHwtdrednol pcuple arc cxpcctedtci lun li itand mal flsh. Vegetaridns lisc on a diel frec of 'i i eas one vegetarian lives in 7 per cent of ai 12:41'j.m. lur displays, frsnîî ondlo and wouiîng mea, Cigi al fowl with mn' withota Ihe addition Canadmho'slod Th flmls prescustaltion will hcatur Pu Drain, a dcmunstratiîins - ail related Io,* vcgcîarian of eggso qidày peuducts. Thc.OIgOI~OiHah~ la se orhya auiptt tda.womid lilestyle. A vegan (total vegelanian) consumes nu ani- mudelleti afier ihý Toronto Vegeta .rian cm sBoosting Your Irnisas:Systesn'a 2 p. 5Miltona Memounal Areita ilIli lte home of mal products îghatsocser, including eggs ami Association's annual fair aitîhe cil#'s 'Vesetacian faiecatcred ty Mollie's ICiteheain It, is, st Gi1id Hiculth Falir. hîîsIed hy the dairy fîiuds H-arliourfrunl. rhich autracts 10,000 people per Budliglo andi Paradme Nalucral Fos in M1hIm 15O n jj>imer lalitîn Vegemarian Assucialiiî. Peuple t)cumc segclanans witi lthe idca ut ýycar. site said. wîll iteavailahi for purchase. The rg.ini taion,Srctdent, K~art (jalassu. leading i hecalîliier ilcsîyle, as sucil as oisu ut A ciý)king demntratto wîit Lesu King. co- The fair sutîl run front 11 a.m. tu 3 pi.m. sjid sites hoping W() Ioi 4(X) fieple suili attend s;oncern lor the suell-heWîyg pi atitmals and a owner of lthe itcalh fouit store Alternativs. suili Admission lu lthe event couas $2. itosuese tbeis t ar. the lirsi tîljor guthenn <i vegctarians dulaner envirosiment, salit Halbis Vegelartan sIari off lthe activiites ai 11. 10 ar. is no charic for memiters oh thc lhtgn anl 4rginAssucialiiîn niemther Pauline Sluckey. Next ai à a.m. will bce a presentition by Toronto vegetanian asqnciations. What avoryonie sPubuld. know ABOUT MUU1FPLE. 6CLERD5Ia Muluie sckxvo (Me) IT' APISEASE.of the, ( fj rtrre w!htki F2 t" A i é..4 C.iKA ÀfUr vr, d-Mà À&îtL- id. .urt L.'iNI Nu Lit cA I Iin'L..WiN N ~ f. ~inq, walkiriq, talkinio, etcI The Multiple Scierosis Soelety 0f Canada. RESEARCH ...Into the cau se, curte, prevention and treatmentbfýMS PATIENT SERVICES .... Through chapter-supRorted pr'tgrams designgd ta help MS patients live tileir fullest potential PUiBLIC EDUCATION .... To inform the public atýut the great economic toli MS exacts frofi patients, their families arft theiF employef's P#1OFESSIONAL EDUCATION .... Providing phygicians and .health cqre professionals with the most récent informiqtion about MS management and diagnosis. The Multiple Scierosis Society of Canada actively seeles your doneptions, grants and bequests to support these vital programs aimeid1he conquest of this major health problem. Vour lo cal chapter provides e Self Help Groups i Yoga Classes e Quarterly Newslettérs on research, updates on neW drugs, etc. Box 71024, Maplehurat P.O., %..b- TO FINI? OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP, CONTACT ..Burlington, Ont. L7T 4J8 b1el multiple sclerosjs Socity of Canada Halton Regional Chapter .Tes (05) 681-8770 1 ~~ THI MESG ISBOGTT O Y HS OMNT INi: UIES . -AVTON OREDIT UNION VA Procudly Serving Members: Since 1957 "EARL DOLMAAGE - Branth Mqnager* *Milton, Ontario. (905) 878-4b168. ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B. Se. LIFE MNURANCE AGENCY Lit. - Diaabllity - Annulties - FlRIFs - LiFs Miltowne - îk ~InsuranceAgencýLtd. -25Group Life & Helh& Pendwo 125COMMERCIAL ST., M4ILTON L9T 2J3 Officq 878.5786 Fax 878e369 Res. 878-1191, wa ae*oe4e cd~A"d mmeom.. LEAVER MUSHII'OOMS CO. LTD. Ca*bM"U, Ont 878-9375 w Pte. U. J. (Jo.) waters 21 Charis St 878i.9005 FITZGE RALD INtURANCEI BROKERAGE LT D. Mdton's Olclest FaàmIy ' Owned Insuranoe Brokerage Estabisheci 1934 1216 iain Street East, Mifton *(90) 878-2326,'870-4ffl * Fax (OU5) 878-5139 Roçlçwell International: fflnbrg wfthe the C6mmunhy to make:!MSton à botter place to lve. * Iock elAutomtiv i (ff 88-2395 aviiith fc unôonntroie vrairl !5 -15uch f