OUR RED RS .WRITE _Milton -trustee Mer budget vol Downtown advocate nWo happy wlth bank Dmo Fàila: 0new cusiomters ame iold illai new accounit musi bc In a receni article in The Canadian Champion, openied ai lthe mii locatioun. ýadled "..leasing downtown afier 4 years". lte Bank - Mr.Houlihan also siaicil hat *sornbecusionterswiho of Monfreid discusses their May 10 ctuuing of iheuir use the Main Siiei locitjion wilt kc dirpat 1niedby duwnîuwn branci. In ibis articte Frank Houlihant.hlb muse. lThe peuiple musu likely lu .i «ccd by communhiy banking manager, us quoieti as saying: tie move ame memktr. ut Mliton-s large senior popu- *Business kit (his Milton Mail location> bas gruwn ltion. Living un and arotmnd the downiown arca. many limes oser, but grussh ai ut t dossniown branch seniors coutd go tor a short struitlu th banik and han- i just nul iherc. TIbis article, andi stleemeni made by dit lheur affairs. Now many wîlt have iii eii!ucr [mnd a ttbatik, have intunateti mai) ddwriiîîwn business way lu makc il0 tote nut, or relt-caie iheir accounits owners.l ýînc uft he four baniks and i tst cumpanties stl Tkt tack ut gruwuh ai the downîîîwn tî*afin ssas ibm% ing in downtown Milton. creaicdbhy the Bank ot Monireat, lu the thrc andi a Downiown Milton us un the infant stages of is hall years.that t have bLen in mi ftsiion as generalt kaulti"tion prmgramn. Wîlh lie hundreils oflhou- manager oftihe Miltoni Downîiosî BIA. the banik ha% sands of dollars* dit thk businc.s% issociation 1 Miltona bren clinstanil> reducing hînirs and iîumung away ne%. Downtuwn Business Imprusemeni Association) us clients. 01 coursc Ihere is nu grossil sshtn potrentil puung e~i lpromotion and tieauitufcauîn ot our historie uiuwnîus.. n. Kpea wîIt suon tic travelling L eters W el om e . uomnewar andl fir lu scc whai ikey have kcen mlssiuIg. Lett rs elc mec May nw bsinmesarcopening in the dowsmnowni 'Me (lanadian Cbu.mpî n ssttcîîmts li.llcrs utea 4tglir> lu, ht siîorWr evere Ih rilil ii eît. Downtussn %litiun iv .ilready the borne uit severat roevie .înd rejreere thîih I dt ncreduhly auell kni,%n tasineses wjlb cusiomners rers adl rc îni tied nreadlur travulng frinm ait user Ontario Writrs ill e cmaced i reard , rvi- Even wiîh the Banuk <il Muintreat muse, tfitare am t sions or rejectlions. Lellers uîuusl hc signesi tour majoir linanii. insiiiuiions Canada Trust, ihe andi th aduiress andt ihc-iclephIne nuuiihr ol Bank of Commerce. the Bank uit Novsa Sculua andl th the wruuer included. Mail Icîlers luý Ttuiriî,iuninîuin Bank. doing business un downuîwn tueb C.unadian Chanmpion Milsin. Buis 248,. Miltuon. Ont. L9T 4N5) Anthony Allwood our 1case îheîî ai uur oflice, 191 Man3 in",i "al Manager; 1 Mlton Oowntown DIA wlten you ned yme, omeuneber of the Royal Came Jle Profrasih for die besi quaiIi> dcice àid uenioe, ai as -y7 cOffpdUe rk. Aâb J& DTIRE SALES 555 Main S9treet, Milton 876-4788 Dmo Eilar ln a recent article ini The, qana4ïia Champion, Ihrec trustees expresueil due opion uNit other irni.M. Otoul nul have solei wen lthe cutire Hatîojkioard uf Eiducaion budget for 1996 wafmgbt lu (Wt table for approal, Il us nl yjmmrbq for inugSîes lu declareýa confliti of itieiqs un an undîviduat item and refrain tramn debaie and sîîîuîg on fihai itm. Once d"bt andi discussion onm 1kw induvudual iemis is c.umplete. lte etrie budiget mtisi kc appruveil by the bourd, During fli duscussitîn (lu the satary lune item, 1 declured a psutenlual conttici uf b@qtersi Il us for tibis teasîlu ihat sorme trusics (et t shunî nul have soleil on uhk entre budget. "' woutd like tu ctarify a lew. points. Il Provincial taw nernils; a nersn wiihà defehds r e stance, fammly nm r =eoed by a buard Iukbe a tiuae&o iharlo,.1> 2) One of lthe most important fimnciions of leunlees us lu esUablist anti approve the huar budge 3l Many imees whd dectad conlibsR uof mnicresi on sanous items wbucb werc includri n the budget lter soleil on thef eolte, budiget.i Wben irusices arc approving the final budlget bey are detertnng %wkikr IbêF huard cau riasonaby mccl thé flnancial - Vibligations un the budget suiyti projea - cdi revenuç.<M t had nu) conflici ufiner- est Perfoffinung ibis duty, t soleil lu support a budget which includeti a.$6 million reduciouaiun the satary accourd. Tnit, Hafton Doard of Educulfon UHtan01or Ward2 e1 e Fýf! r;,I [Vf l, .! 547 Main St. E. Milton 878-0931