* Big prizq for bird watçht*ng. More ùha Sb,OO in palet as f bi r d qeshe a p u tsnPMe. Proc otta Ii avarmlalto those who WSk p@r in dis pub thwiag de M oahf May. vflbeM80xpdieR 'Moslerg Comnaion Abqi's Prizç for top e-ut én top qio- Rois Caaàg bftpmudv Cte- I mmi Drdathn sort include à framed Robert Illdg *AMo g. befmId am Tfndas a cvBaes i-Dtenm Lxnî. Bshnell binoca. iy Hilton Region codiervation tcpnein sonebfthe Mn. Camraf Show i Moaitr c.org by c alhg(0) !.8 iyor world... withSpecial Gifts from ShkoppersWorld 10dM PMp, thn cuiir of J.P. TM$s Faim on FMA Uns, ibioby Obs OnIy- Uours lim er àI Thwruday ffiat à home ho oi -d. Sulilnd tse -oo two btildo.e m 1 01els Uis groumd uhor a hous mnm slicd. Le witA flot bink Fire ravages. uninsured home on Fifth Line FORI MOTHER'9S DAY SWeIU give you a $5 Gift Certifcate f&r Mom!! Beghinang Wednesday May lut, brlng your cuih regiater receipts to Cumtmer Ser4ce (in Obils Hmilway) and if lhey total S50 or more (belote GSI>, we'II give you à $5 GIht Certifcate. These certificatu. can bie signed mkd prehnted to, Mom on Her Specia dmy .. Mohir' Day!! Hurry, this spedai oSfer avuilabe to the« Birt 1,000 It's a famI~ afairi Dv KAREN SM"4 The Checmponi A fund bas been se ap in help a FifUI Un ain ily jhit wîs Icft wmtlt nothing whea fre desaroycd their Fifds Une hom flu.tra moming. Robin Popp and lier fou cllàen lmt all their*po&esstaoatdt fiac ripped through their twc#storcy. wood-frumcd h6me. owned by the father of Mi Pojsp't esarmged ibniid, Tim Popp. Owne John PoIap, wbo oçerites i irc farm on the propeaty, hadI no insairance on the houe aitualad in Naay.noh of No. 15 Sidiroad. su iton Firc . - Depérsient spolceimtan Mark Crois. No oc was intbu firmhoaj wben i went up ian nlan ai 9:3,m. Johnfopp, wlao wa i the backofa the property. nifticed fuames andl neiglibotie Pul Neehuads calleal the lare depaatmest. Ibe au*aon blaze tec several hours to haing under conimi., Mr. Crois sud. "noti theold hormes fim-baaing wood framre. Firefighaers manied ta save ueo antique motorcycles that wesc in a small garage beside die house. A bie nd Wigt "sna periahbed an ir blae. ihe bouse wis wahan estimai- ed si 00,000, - m IRE on pige 13 - j ,UND49RSTANDINÏGVOUR LOSS A Fro S.1 wnlb ofosan ffHURSDY, MAY eUi, leu t m fm 7-30pmnunUl 9.S pm -at Hugh Fotrv Hall in MllMbn r» spqw be: MR. JOHN IL SAYNOR GonsoSw Bsrnv.nut Raum Contr Atsane aMm. we au . "e udu m aum of <lm. Bue pora. gpies hia or *oer orn My. Uaduraaandaag 70Uïar nA gniesaia proc.aa id MWnoraaasfer y..r or heeL i. la ahjs.iuaalu, w. tra be shad5 ileus .aufejinp gboai: 0 ?I gtagsnee peupleearm -p ea -% vùia 0 n6e rseume on own am"ie Wy ofy <capig wuah yonr lm e The urvulx eau relanl- uOfynUuu Foui freie t. corne by yeurielf ort els e "A~~ oç reletive to qeoupny io.AU ARE WELCOIIE! W. ba orward tu soeinag yo . u n i 1(. have 11Y poulinais. 1lc!*w cahfw jwwîu 91.n