SEducâtion Miakes Ontairio Realtoirs among highest qualÉfted anywher I inaRealtue Is a Menandmng occupaumur Il esse cmer Il silo covent the fe~ie meêjlt-id expuience in exociser suci m e"au" %b fe. cad Real Prop.rty Law, la tatgl reqtra aet aci of flcxibility. mstivatton regimauti as a î1îespenon as wveil as ltsg maI ýàng peoperties. qualifying purchsers and by praqctiaing lawycr and eill "aait you in and dedication.%nd. mosi importantil ent aical sIilus ncoessay ta handie typical irns- pxraring thetffoe. - .gaing an -brmmüng of te -ay confpez. demnandi a hMgh demeo eiato. jom. «Afler successfully completing lieaé MhW. n tauoylu bihmy fc I Iiifie. thanis to high educatirma standards, Phase one iys$Iucd directly by die Ontario you'Ii have up to à yerr go çopy for regiirio rçlalc transacios. regisreatd filespeople atsd brokies in Onstario Real Estate Associbon; ail alite codigca arc a saleuson. The second. cal&l Pninciplca of Appwaiaal. are amung tite moUm lughy qstahfted asywhere also offered by.21 communlly collegea across tehtMledprupau wsil keWh you lsaw go accuraiely qtMaise preit in the wd , the proince. . 1. Once yoet rceisie proebaionsary regiruon ar -ey and as desgned jo-lvelop *your aùtry go IIf you'rc seriously thnidnl about becoming a Plrase4two consista of a 60-amour claaaoom a ceai estale vulppeson yeu'II ttc required t0 cvaiuate.'property.ktr listing. itsarkeifng and mail cutre .ritato u sitould know that course ulticit seul introduc you to te technica complete two ycars of an apprenticcship - tinancing. you'il have go take a semcqojducational cours- aspects of rmal cuir practice. suchi as the federal knowrt as arting.- wil* a oeil ecalc broker- TI'r thira' cntitled PrincipI4,a of Mortgage e s: lTe finit grop, o!f courses coriiai of tht-c and provincial statutes that impact te reai age. , Financimg, explores thte Icgal nulitn*tienud. phases. know as"Real Estatre as a. Pro! ess0 mclie profession. Drn titis ls two yeams ytu*il woilt under procedifli aspects o!tf.lgagc finifflcindi. ~Carer." <.phase tht-ce taa iglie longer in datration - cont- thse guidance of a troke md lie cxpcctcd to Sm- g The lri, phase is ai two-m'ontlt correspon- sting of 90 classroors houts. Il is cssentîally a cesarfully omplets titrce miss coutses - îChowutt 7is a"cl LtpWkd b, 1oa Réalsor, and Fdesce cours. which wmiI give you a gencral workshop sehere you will leartt the pracrical as articling courses. These arc cacb 40 hours in die- On&zlo 4ql-ral A3sociio <ORFArfor overviese of lte benefits antd limitationAs of a geil aspects of reil estise rransactons. YouIJ#ain duration. loge bet ficopkamrs m roge Mdu esrw ar/mlet aU "4.4.4. *I&iiiflJ< ,,<*î ni <tii' <0< t~ 50< i <cons no~ii i ooo.n St. OR <cd. se~u i. ont. <0054. ehT as7 0<. iM Ws mm.0 mat, m£4 =4n r- mm tisel 1 ». A Cd.- or - - bns om i.4m etugiAt. COd Aaadry NeusiTic =57u,W Cad0 Audrey Neumîl. .4 NI Who. .tqum w ft owp.