t1L~ il I .111 ~!J KIL Alieustamd Ceoemual~y Nn~~a. lII. 157 Ns. 54 7~<A3 1.1996 NewSpaper Box 451 oAKVILLE, UN .Lbt' 5A8y A nul. 1~* . -a SolyýAnn needs you .Expeat a linocit on your loor f rani the Salvabon Army Monday door-io-door tuncîreieinqblitz, là amll mit Monday (May 6) WIN Mon doodu betwée 6 aid %p.m. mlrgfor doniaiona tg aiÇpot te 87 aervicesa thie Soivatiori Army Cbired by local rogi4nil Çouncillor Colin fiai. the Red ~ledAppea altso includes Md aeInd ai appel for dons- Ï wnr coSporatiana aad busi- 'We dopen o- puablic sup2pot ta item Us go liua extr mils aiO Pro- vide te qualty of service #«i lihs Sahvailan Army la noted for," Mr. lT.e Balvation Army provideas Of A iescriits- a lold baik aid 10wco cl10n soe-s te many spiscialized agencies op~te by lit orpalzatin. Moweffr. lt.e currenu economic situation and claning family cir- .cutanees11 are -a# demnands on the organisation thet are becomin mors dlfflouft ta, meet, %Ir. Ben siid. Vokomr cuauer would aiso* lie apprecite. lTse ame mit. ment la about an hour. To gsi mv caMr. a i 00-M. Letffl ...... .7 DeUMtlt ..........9 Sports ........ .14-16 (I U ....fle ....... 17-19 Rami Embate ... REl-RE Belford defends education budget vote.ý Jntegrity of school board under questioei BvKAB M fllT "*Wit l'in concerned w l a, la <his bdget 7he ChaTpoon sisto mcd tha nae of the swad.tqs Ôther trstsee and cammunity groupa have CaeC&Ms titi ves cmi on the Haiton Bonrd of quasdonad di tepltySI dhe bornd uta rass of Educaluon budget were tainted by conflh.âtwd polmao ic',soiU L inséiesi have no legatimacy wlitstver. saya *i110W cm a n& a ta' squt it un, tt Mihon Trutee Fie Dolord. by abaaq on, àar muter biusaIUm "If 1 don't vote theu I h4ven't rersse ie$272 million budget of which 79 per cent is -_________________ people of Miltn.' said the tsussem7anitriw aIy. asked the chair or lthe Taapayers% l'gatd tit a scitoa tnuuwwosd be Prcctuded. widi 77M ch1mpn yaiesuly. Coalition Burlingtina ducation commistat. = um tsusiiig or voling on thc proposed Ms Belford. wtia lives wilh a schaol vie-pui-t Frank Gise, in a letterg thi etsppr r~ciga schonS baud eutpl ' aaÏes if psi, sud dia bai every rienu ta vote on the boud' "Wbc iea dcsncriic -oe. ý v, ls fsom the scitoal <su bus a parent. apouse or child 1996-97 budget regardlesa of lie personal raI,- mpeçeeuimo of cotuins iat effott - how- wito is tan elupipyce affecieil by die budjet." donaliip. Provincial 1mw aUows a pencen watt a .ever.well mpeanh - lo avoid canflicts of!teea f Iia docee & cont u $ inl tapa- family meanher cuaployed by a bud af edliciio <hase combtieas am e ntitled ta ask if they are ciaIly dia case where thie collective agreements tab ha tnssaec on dmi bannd. als pombd cmL rapretisait i al." alfecWe by Ailsiaget propostais nec ope a.frena- Ms Belford bi reiuctastdy resigned frm the fThc lkme aiso saad four H4lta sehool baud gotiason.and die relaiives mea ovetwdtby sach baurds salary comiace ta Fe&naay. due to bar tries have clame fatmily connecios with bond 'open' usta.. persanal mWlduuimp. ad dcLwsed a camilict when employeca. "a comani a tladaw oe die legiWi Na flefoW*s live-in consmaia.a Ras Danya. as tlie board votcI on salanj andl benefit issues. macyaof 29 pu cmii of voltil, baie Aimvd a ucnsad baurd emloyce who would likely ha t4owever. dmt satid a&Ç firmiy halieves <u h tuld Us baiford. who sad siteha baud enin com- affeciad by ghu.d ageung cutbsecks. hlive no bessing on lier nght ta vote una <ha cnire plaints iron cansfijaaant about lier voting as the I won't iscusa ia caaisanaaiata" she sait badba _ final budget. believastheli isýuc lias been Mr. Csar liu cailati for i Ms Belfoada mail "Mèny nus= wlio declarai conflict of inter- ovesiagit Sic r(esu tais"s à emfidaisa alhr Mme% masgnaDaii «lte lionoom e hn çat on véi ons which were inclaadad in Aie legal opinion olaitheti by thitiloard fto* tW l or <hna. ioda s la a ave Aie baud an& in dy . budget liser vota<lom Aie atue budget." shd . Ontario public Scitoal Bon& Amocixjjt, wicis pulic itactsdu n a btsh iM " WIh*n eveing Un th&WInnu' Ciur. et Mo<uwk R.o.my P"ai a COnPOM FaWtlonMaksow ftr Un'*& eekt E-li Pbk u YOW baffl m pwobm srg 734 lmbm&t