FrIOm0pu e Mon.- Fhri . $bt:4» Cam e Ion #"ouaw1 Classified 1ED -_______ your classlfled Hotilne 8 75 -33 Ô O h 9i. l lu mo*&e a A % 111111Y 1111,100. Mode. Na wu OsnWd.ind, a vef Austin Robert Anlonaus Altenburg came aoreamng Into ttuis wpfd Matci 29, 109 et 11 *3 am 'asx weloaty. H& welghed lnat5 Ibs. 3 Dz. Mcmn Tanya and Dai Tony can't figure miýrr he gei Nia Impatience trom. Proud grandparenta ara Bob A4 Digne MçDonsld of Milton and Tony à Joanne Aas= 01ge Milaon. A nom nephew for ien & ocoili a IMil brother for Dylan. Spdclai flanks ta Dr. Cawmialal and tha nurses at Oeergetom n Hospitrl tor puttlng up mît h onafise labous auld the nurses and dc- tor etMalasarfordsvaragn. ARCPIALO, Donald & Lesls (rue« .) 0fn Guelph mr pfsdleO sI votoie lue birilof thir aghe r. uany Jade maighlng 0 lIn. 9 ez. ei Wille OiVict Hospital on AtarI l6. 1996 ai3:15 P.M. A baby iaur for Robecca le love. Proud- jmcara.t oa BrbraAhle of eleown, Achlaid cf= O Torontoand Dn AI- aI of Brerplo. A giront oram*bmahr fer Ehn Pmra ef fasu ga andi Margaret Céruin of B.C. Thom$s 10 Or. Peurand se ile lurssali Mite.n District Hospital for thlr support and anorgmant. _________ aLEPI - Barry A Jonaullar (aise Zrnil) end' uimirLaite. g ar 1lsa te aamounce lu ba aif Tylar I t. 14 oza.. on. Bil àI Catherine Zmnmlt of Mli. t~I ~iGlanai of Burtlne HAR A -Die mnd Su dbig trolurs Davlid md Mi-si ore pl@esed tea drne l buih of #ig doughitssr .Banailf. weighig 8 Ibs.' S ozo., at Milton Distriermcapital dn Wednesiq. Amsi 17. lmI. W. Id MM t glve aur houardétlie te Dr. Kd4 soif hWs staff as mdel ts Dr. Wu and: D 1. OS Malle GUANMA il pbwlaa te- bkliof Maaa ifty bornt as ad Peu- gy Pail Und Siue Cwkmi on Tueay, Apdi l, 1M0 migha-g 11111a. TltmbA go ci te Dr. Boaud, Or. 1uailar mdSaff Joseph Brmi oapeut In 1 Lu"Momý" Lasa & xey l Wedings. portraits and speclal occsions. Peasonibly -rS. Refarmices. Cod Sb* or Lm"hi (ffl) 87"M56. veDm pt4OTOONApty. 100-115 "rObt li shiff pluaaas. Il gall islses 1 ,snoesll. MaId nis -i. Pair pu rfet PlIolofy. SO&M39710. THE OFFICE 0F THE ÇANADIAN Ct4AMPIOH WILL BE OPEN MONDAYS I UNTIL 6:00 PM TO SUAE YOUR CLASSFIED NEROSI -V TM. fflmIdI- mfmmcetaV~swq, Apro 27. lm9. 1iso a anar su en dm oM usomd Io d. Agdasyouarraag.ofl TY aIa fRc Bocchuei and Ras Annr e ge upyefryo ChUdIel=0 ae pieaid te1snnounce their I hope fluit you cm fhm Me,' angagement. Weddng tu tak place Auguat 1 miii >cia culd be hare, Harvey k Pamela Pet.grew.oMitt-nmeu l a O ts. . a20 Cpleased Me auou noe the fot- c ov r unIk.v 9s 1111u1, besosVar Siai Y y oi r aca Wba lbhe = ofa Om teoniama Yeu aMWy rmmrlualaMi~ are ~ ~ S asae c nonc h ot-w buar loioua oisen cmn f raec W.lsduhtr And e iaI for a cae& jillMare t (Reinad)Hruc T if e i @PM ~ l mmdz Wo i la m Gel na aio H, Sa thew a. - VANi àO. eaa ilvno mad cf s Lav4am &mmlau b 18tnt 1aap. 'rme N chaM87da -; inthformif luh 1996 mloai va3 puai aie Mjl to Diust wArict H0 ospta F-=at . reine Uwc - p nWensly 4h.IE m a eure prcitd '7 /X -