1- ME VS Large siate of activitiesplannedfior .'!M RO.V Bishop Reding reun ion gay 4-4 L art witt tic eld holh J~ay .3d 4 in fli Yaa.txiIs new Hall of F temer BItihop Redng Sec oîndar Shuoot si fff ad sud nis F m ih p R dn in E ELECT ICS wl rhehamPion Runzî h -hcl craei, A 5o)Pn pmas lZ Roa1f y C1hucfowd h IShop Mderv's .Where Qai E Less ýAnnira uinn ReriWLk.Th Man S3ee andio wi4 h NOW THAT V/NER' OVUR IlS Ma'y WîiI 'îick "j ai g; ti sI h(x',I Tièkut% wil tir on salei ai 1F flfE to UPO AD hc Jour.)i103 pAn is . ai i tlmn i i 'ifl kc At~f 1ev' LUTNAHSyTM T N U ANfYON!? r,.rls haskeiali a 12:30 p in., girl%' field hockey ai p .mt) cootrols, fre_.ms Plus. etrs.r ul 1 -rA1M'1V8* Wquit a Itens ro NIn tiinour oif flic annive-sary the esiale iii the laie Kaititeen Amn Co~~uu u exrsfr -l Reding. sisir.r of t laie Bishiip P. t. Reding, diunared a choque' re:epIi0n. tai $2,(XX) il, the schooil iii fond a sc.hIlar.%hip.and graditaiin We alsocarry& nstaJ the Il a e oa~ 18 lsatellt dih for the ul M i, - * mati npc que ity recep- SqtYýa April & Bishîap tedîug. Whoi dîrd ti 119l3, sa, deepl> lilin'iled oa J S n~ cî v;oýa, Ap ijt incipa ni Plhuýiýn lic edsraioni and hîs support helped hring il Ioi ttahn. sud thae cke lyfor (91 ':O - iciii oUa iiigtiiiiis 11)0 ad hock e fort A Su :0 t 4 Rediiig siiulde priiid oftihe sctuuiî and whaî il hasl Registratio Ido«t accoiiiplidI"~ o% er is lief IOvear," tic ujd' *-9WlMILTON TENNIS CL 670 CildsD'n've,' &usniNstill ki availahIe for purchae IPrîîuehîîu Nie sseek- l:l ý ýà e ý '7 8 1end -rikets.lir tic keer gardent <adîsiî9e l ofe [Ntaie 1) Blini~>,r. CETEsuasi age and oenî.sstých will inciude a 'lighî supper, ulsi $20 -7 16and nmusi Ill purridseld in advance, Cat thk schoo a( 875-0I24. P 7 MOT. 87 -777§Stiçdents and ' pops team.: Up CQME LIGHT Up. Yu, Â at Respect for - * Law. Camp A griep iii grade 7 studcMs lutl tic £'~T~PTT T -~~~ ~ rn uiud~u PanYi coeocd inio Hation i.>ROOK~ IVIL . TORC Regîînat POlie ciadqurie r; on Breone ~Road Augusi 24 and 25.> Tis wîtt o(, hiiwc4ic, lie -punistimeni j for sensetesu asis utvanctatisin ur sti<plit- The-Town of Brookville anid Üno (JW-- l n.aleuv. wl co h ih nonGaolight li iec (cl4a -he k paion ithe ngiî yourday itha toch~ightng erem ny.annuabl4aton Re4pEct luit Las1 Camp, yourdaywit a orc-lihtig cremny.spîînsoreaj hy ttw Oplimlsntluhn nf 'Nation. Ille camp i% dcsignd lei stio* siudents lhdi ot'ticers arc regulirpeople tîke eveiy- ate ay 2nd, 1996on le atteNassagalveya Communfity Centre OP.eRCg n a o c ir e par~byt- k mentio demonsihae techniques and tqwp-> Guelph Line, Brookvilli ment. Mueh of théIuaming witttbc "handý ion", arn *. . ,A pp i in s a aya iabe &MIt cootn, 10fûa .... ..Commemorative Cereniony and must Ksutmite hy June 1. 10:20 amn............Torch Lighting, A $26 fee covers thecotof te camp, * ,10:30 arn .......Reeption & Refe9hmeats e ofnther iia4i n c8nt8t6392.ia Titis aient iiimark the arrivai of t'aaturaI Gas to BrookvilII;'and the town ' iiWa t88-32 access toi 4'ow-cost, cnvironlnentalîy-prefcrredfiéel. H UN T,___________ àFor more informatîÔn cali, Keitb Hoey, fi-lton Division 416-335-11 J-1 - ]Extension. 311. PLEASJE JOI N ûs FOà)R SOME FÔOD, FLAME & FUN! * Unio CasneColpu Énergy For You'o ,Bad le ', 876 £58 =musa