"Uthit un Cq.mr belx? IhMs ui hm bu à lut habN ltr Mi Job amg L Wé I.' m 0 11 dmc mh m MWih he Ite MW ita bs t tWfNflthF5IW" mtg hlUWs Cance Soety helps Milton man battie against his illness rv SVE LSBLANC the Chedoke-McMasier Hospital in Hamilton - with wp a to The Chamrpon voluntor diven ofLen waating for hours to bring hlm cembe 7,994 isa day John and Elaine Diersdne Zami wil nover forget. In addition Io thlis, 7%j t Th as rhe day Mr. Zansmit was supplies ar., also dgnosed with Acute Lymphocytic donaued for his regu- Leukmia lhe bad news cane jusi 24 lar dressing changes hoursatrahoN et to small lumps discovered on - requiteti for his the o f hi ead Having put off a checkup for intravenous lunc. te eaweý muchlo hte qr>raîhîîn ofbis wifc And as the couple hi ial accopated their crour-.mnih old son arc quick to add, Anqhonyt u inmm ,alon appoiimeni and had the lucre arc several situation explord, other pattent services T'heîr worsi iears s're rralî,rd othen the bad scias avaîlable for [hem to camne in the sor boul day "iing a nurse, 1 knew tapi inte slSould they somelhing %uas wrong #,eaauçc John hab always hemn tequire il. 'flese so healîhy. When wr go( the news, 1 thoght ho was include help arounti going 10die. ,saidMs Zatnmii.wholost ler mother us* John Zansent tlie house wîiIthe ovarian cancer in 1983.. Home Care Services NJow for the gond news. - Board and fli living With Cancer support gtoup dhit Il was only one month aller bcbg diagnoscd with 1morts evety otherMTursday at St. Paul's United leukemia that Mr. Zaanmit vent into remission, a con- 'thurch. dîtion ho maintains today. *Wjthout the Cancer Society, tsiugs would have Ill 30-year-old Miltonian is now oithe final been a loI harder for both John and 1. We dont[ uséal îtretch oita two-year treatmnin program and appears Io the services that are avaulabte, but 1Ls suie nic, 10 bc wînnîng luts baiute wîlh the disease.# know te out tiiere if we needjo tap insu themn. And whle h stîl has toiconterai wîîh regular saud Ms Zammit. who stressd the combination ofthe clieckups, intensive treatments and of course the oser- support from the Cancer Aocarty and thoir own fami- present feau of a relapse - lbankfully, ke hasn't had lies, plus lier hwhbands positive attitude ani detenni- lo go thmough' t alone. nation Io persevere, aie what ,make the situation more Along wîtt bis wife. Mr. Zammil says ke bas bearable. received tremnendous support froin the Norih Halton Mr. Zamnie says ke has learned to appreciaelfe a Canadiah Gancer 3ociety Units Milton Branich - litile more and Lh stmply tres to diral with thimgs which il; curtLntly in the muislof tts annual Cancer one day ai a tinie, witt constant atenon la maintain- Moritt campaign. îng a properdihet andi an overali healthy lifestyle. "Ils vety comforting fo Lhink of aIl the-support ttê 'The quicker you go istc, remission afler yon've Cancer Society has gi ven nie," he said. finst been diagnosed - ant he longer yi nyl T'he MiRton hranch, ke said, provîdes flint wiîh Irans- immission the first ltire - dme los chanc ofa eapse. poolsoion tci andi fmom hîs nwnerons appoiniments at - MILTOli on page 5 t' g1: '00VMt -~~~~~~s - cest, r-f 11 l ô-4,99 -.< 4184-A,. lUI PflflIC 1&T Om, lit Ro. w-nt &W ndW. AMam gl. P.M toi.. pWAXl ll*I ie.aywlur . lý -m lmE R4 ta1 dww. MaOa sr Ofi. àti.m 'n i«. A10t. A gg A c s do rà w t%4 *12,995 onoe 243,,,. w tuti., tibedDr,p la cM. a,, Mo s,'s Ï 3,995 lU# bpUl àlU Aukbu ~ dm ww wm» ml.g» amp, wv~ , *3 eu.» .t IVU wMIU w No AO. mi ALWAY8 MORE TO CHOOSE PRO W WAURANTV a uw~m ~av ~ w &6 lac I UM~ 7FAMILY ENRIOMENT SERVICE... C.A.C. OkINQ F PESEUNTPSEZD P~ ATUNAY FLfNR L 27,1996ANQ BufftRDAYr PR 719 RaBffletsinr8p te Rancng9les 1a CDash Bar ..ia *e Cash Brzes -"*,Doorpes e Singles $ 40.:;'* L[ ITALIAN CANADIAN CLUB, 104 TOWNUINE I1ALTON-HILLS WIN A WEEKEND FOR TWO OLD STONE INN-- NIAGARA FALLS FOADoET RENA SMITH 78-1288