Bail1 is iii Rammo's court again ICKI~»n Rammo uas a n.w racquen d à good shw- lfg in a recit 1 ou.ammerit 40 show fSr h efforts laIuy, &M la loochng farwardlto a a.lld Bunr on ti@ emnpeli- liv. tenalIs circuit. HQOD a - .'. aR" Outumdng cutken teN bonne en 1-li2 mmre. 3 Ré/Max lié/ Wpg bedructns Fénldy elaas 1:1cmn w/Ada-cut afFam tr 10 2,2 decit. Fonnd IlNg main $@pan"t *ang ,oorn, Feamm frplc. = Ioal $2u4.00 .CO MURRAY ties 511s o».<N IMM,1#.nw,,333-35oo1 Trw Dy STEVE L*LANC Spoeîgo 1rTe Chaffipior K A1hIER4mwal wmu. au. ru*4ff 12 tits Tuesday, anfl Iklflnsonie special celbimuiae planeal wiLli euier unaf1yElrfriends. "ouver; amy prescrit stucnresvà nexl wec<c ai pmiuly pale in conupuunm oe (oIfr ea ste emned two wee&s &go - Wien dfi estaililica herMell1aNao Canada'n chie clans of Young tamis players. An acoonplisfied compeutor for four yeaes ,sow. Kalflenn/bds latesi eITons carne ai Ifhe Corel Under- 14 Indoor Jugair Nationals ai Ihe Wlle OasInn: anaL tac u ian SI. Caïhanenes WaIfam fiipvelgiel a &7 nuifiirof lamiycar'. par-.. tlcapanis soisg over-age, 'fie kraide 6 W I Dck sludeni was %ceal- &l ird fly Tennis Canada an Ifhe 40-player claq anad Svcd tp tu ailf enpecaons fly fining tiiid an thie overail sangles conspedi lion. -Beang packeal to finish [fard andl aclualf y Iinishing iflird âte Iwo differeni things,- sad laItier Anpa.s Ramnuo, Lasi Katiene iLanli seedeal ai Altfer fie indoor air ouldoor naionals., ýrd) ma htre*s a foi n*w prc.%suretcause se rnledthfirdý' After fsswîng <lui aiop sceaeal Marie-Esc Pelletier t Queflie 6-3.6-2 in thL e amilînals. stuc went.,n tixe laumbr four scea beCl le acko of Quehec -k ather semieinal liner -- friflird lxxt Sfiewon an fairi> m.nvincîng fashion, 6-4, 3-6.6-3 Enroule 101th final four. site hesiemi opponienîs froim Briniisît Col umfla anal Ontaio hefure a siellar6-4, 6-3 tiiumpl iser fmil1h xced 1safiea Clesanska oif Oniario in ahe mlsarlcrfinials Sfic anal Cîesanska floukeai Up a' pariners an dloubile,% cumpilauin. anal a% t[k iuIl rdeedeal teant wenl ail the w.ay Iol th ials, wkrc, lkey 'acre calgeal hy numbehr unie rankeal Pelleier andl Genesmeve Charron oif Qmeh 6- 3. 7-618-61, Pemur tu this. lkey flad ispulaposa uthfe lfifi anal seemam secal in the quarterfinaf s anal sermfials respeautîsely *'It*.çil vay e.arly in the seaon hait airaLýy 1 fort fs-c Made saamc big . amrprulvrinenîs.v I.. tepped up hoiam n> serve anal groui ase. KATHERINE on page 28 SHOPPERS DRUG MAA~T -CARFIIAGE SQUARE <* 30 THORNFN IB.SC.Phfib. Pharmadist Dbn Bel11 ower/operator of oppmi.4 M" Cupri Squpe.iw *ap(fs fllcd~ ~ dt o For Saleà Direct Frorn Manufacturer$ Lacrosse .EquWx ent Have your stick repctired or restrng for the doart of 130w sOOison. RSnMacNeI 8780198j ELECTRONJC Dop Marvls - Wheoe uoalty COUs Les' TIMI TO IFGRAD VOU EXISITN ANTEWdA SYTM. .Al vsu c arr y n t rineas. rot or Coni- trois. pr.e-nap=lus h. mitras for quaity receptacel W. aiso cavy & iràIi lte 18* satellite lJisl for lit. ultirrnate in pic.M quality roceploa Lw"iaMht<rdte lsx>byâoIV b75 L1. <878-7776. p