Women create new service * trom DUO enu page 14 , -You havr te, tîsten - cake lime lu sit1 with tem. Litlcic% more meaninglul hor hem 1k-n Il'. No eîîmtoriahie hasi lu kno% simoinc 1, iherc M, Anglin and Ms Duncan ofier thcmC .services on a monthiy, weekly. daily or houri) km.,, Il il*% sîmmpli compamiîonship lis' needed.-thc)*re wiling to go Io the nurstng homne or lthe hosia ani provide il Ili ts k eomiipaniMenti lh 'i nedic ai or dental appoiniieii Iha', rcquired. tt' il provîde thai ser, ke as ýcIi and ffii aisir oller thrir lime a, a mompanion (In riop, and iounneys 1i havé h,-ard .) îiiaii etderlv pei$ie nr whcelchatr, sa%. 'Sirkn. 1 wouid lov clu go iit a tnpý huI lS', ,i, Mi the inons e. rien e of gctling on a plane or going on a trip. itey iton' sa.s M. D)uncan Tht. là somethtng we coalit do ior the eidcrivý Spectal trainng f or la irii> sLaltist aI'. an aiea thLy woutd like i,#alcive inio, given flic oppollunht> "Wc ais,, have the capabitity li prii'. de spectalie scrnsttivhty trainttag in psycimi* Nuocial, cultural ud other issue, lor resi- dential tafft" Thitet services can hc customied Io htend wth cadi circliti' personai situation "Tcey ian supervise clients in a stnîeiuoed day punîgrain or plan anti itopiement stîmu- lating acti vîties pcmti ici ttc clint'% necds 'thcv'li ai,, pi)vidc one-on-one suppoinlie Cenctlulng To ensure the service is ttentive andi spesiai. Ms Duncan says iteyrt wiitng tii take iin unly threc C:imnt cadi ai the pre- sent "We w.mnt ihis service iitu mcmrrwninglu. AU ,1. sed«094e rOTIONEER . Sales of ail types and e valuations .59 4 ELIOT CAES., MILTON 878,2576 Sondblastlng, 1Tambleblatut CI.anlng Soda Meetng' John, Proctor Compist., %mbie &shop SerWco PahUMn a Pmwre Clmanng Oit Cabinets & Su#pies Glas & Almlnunvhoits axj& a corýa i6ci VA6AVE. E. TEL: 878-1843 FAX~ 8784SU not jusI rmnnmng mn and wunning îîut We wauti to bcli vcty spciatý" Because the neeti enm'.ss Ms mnotn anm Ms OunCan are irymng to reacit tamîiîcs ,hotim tte: mmgit lie ale to holp "We're nil reali> charging a lot ot muîncy liecaue night naw I don't thmnk people can alford tii pay muct." Ms [Dunican sas, Aüyîine wtshing more mimormatiun cau cult 8176-0747 or 338-K1227 trami DATELINE onm pagp 24 met ridusirs, huines, and gowemmeni requmr Cfis l'or «more information anti refist lion. cail 1171-4330. À'.ing With Cancer C.rnup mcci'. ai S iiaui". llnmted ('hursit, 123 Main Si E cornier iii lames, andi Main st5mptsi. ai 7:30 p.m t cd t> nurses. groap dm'.,a'. sonms provide emmoliiinai sauppitin andi prac. ticai guidance tii patients and iti famit> and fieînds F'on more information, cait 877- 1 24 Overeaters Anonymnûs mccl'. cacit Thur'dy at 8l p.mý aIthe Milton Citdren and Yîîuih Centre at lthe cerner ofl Nipms'.ing aîid Titomp'.on Road. Contact Cathenine ai 8171-1039 for more inforna- lion. Siîn'y. no bhysittmng is avaitaltc 'li OdysWy Teen Centre s. iatuvng a gane oif Street Hockey Imom 5I 30 ta 7 30) pmý The centre is locatcd a( lthe Milton Ciltren and-Youth ('entre (corner (it Thompson andi Nipmssing Roadi. For fur- ther information, cati 8176-0766. FIITHERFIELD SCHOOL Private education for your chUld may cost less titan you thmnk and be more worthwhile than you ever imagîmed. AT HITMEfIlELD WE BEUEVE ffHA1l «Childrnn are iniportant. *That they 10cmn besl when thel are élappy. - l9ues yommr chui t.njoý whaal' Moe, vitur child talk a-bout whiool with enthusmaçm? j'. hueJ'.k ecited abou Ieanimg andi eagr to talk about a no.'m. heing '.tudiéd, or about a mat h qpiz? Aoe mati oltemi neaill surposeti ut svour.chjld', pleasure in doing sonmething wvell aiitc4wambl e Areo laed with Il,standard ofYouqr - Dmaes he/sIr brimîg honme %vori ltat showss a '.tead ' . siili groi? 11 Do u frel that vomir chilti oecrives emaat,' indivdal attention ait çehomi? *Are hi%. or. hm.r tength'. andi nemi'. comsidered in the cIa.' progoamînea. Doi au fMe th&at '.ur cltd à i. 4lenged to hisAser jmotentiall HITHERFIELD SCHOOL hi an indepen tearan achonl comanlteto prmvllg a hig$II lndividuahzed pro-. 'itugtdent. from junillindrganen to Girade Io. At HITHERFIELD. we atove ta prwideau Ditli dawammc.ge'4 metmie duey ai want te learu. 0mw hitent 9w ar de'etu1wu omnly-&utzu.g cdecnucfidi- in la ur "olu but &Wm eo-ap tien, relpeet. and iNdeeme, ina& muiutah If yomi fi-el duit yomir son or daughter nught beaefit froni (or prognimme. do conte ta our OPEN BOtJSE, oDr phone. 906-854-(M)9 for an appoontment. 24391 enth Sideroat. Camphellkille (one lune nrth of 401, we't fmit Guelphu Une 112 ton). w w ' LIONS'CLUB of MILTON FUNPR4ISING AUCTION W IN SUPPORT 0F CANINE Vik ON - CANADA We are asking for support f rom our comnmunîty merchants, ý~ommercial, inidustrial and households for donation§ of items, anti4ue-Ijew, gently used, large, small, packaged or plain, items or ýservices that will support this anction. *AUCTIP4 WILL DE HELD AT -THE HUM E AUCTION FARM Located et: 9413 - 4th Lino north of Stoolo, N.E. Milton Auctlon Date: jiunday,* pri 28, 1996 at 11:00 e.m. Auctoner Lion ChrlsSochouton For furier mnfocmahînpplease contact one àf the following Lion mf)brs: a DM.5 HECOGE.....878-1500 a JOHN PENSO.-.....SS2ffl - CHRIS OCHOUTEN-..7S-2576 a 11001 ROUUEL&E ... 8784844l - a~ w~w~ I HUNT PLYMOUJTH CHRYSLER Lin. .500 Oronte Streat South NEW eUSED - CARS We wacit your business! Sales - Service - Leasing 2(905) 876-2580. VCR STEREO Free Estlmates MILTON COLOUR8, SOUND- 676-1175ft. o I I I