1ISMeT Earth Dûyetia at Crawford Lake .On the caiendàâ1 Earth Day la ibis comlng Monday - but Crawford Lakce wil b. ceiebraiing a litilie earfy ngain ibis year with their sixlh annu- ai, Earth Dey Festival Suriday f rom 10 a.n.*to 4 p.m. Mofiawk eider Albert McArdie (Cjhief Tpp Lest) wiil sh*e his uniquei insights about the plan- et throudhout tire. day, with atonies, songa and banda- on by photograph- er andi naýura- lei Day. Hawke, who wiil preseni sreverai stide shows focusing on wetlliedu (11 a.m. andi 3 p.m.) and art in nature (1 m. Visilors can explore the recon- atructi 151h century Iroquoian vil- lags t0 learn how Canada's tirai peopilet md t aire a guideti walk through the sprint w"dands at 1 p.m. Meanwhile, plerdy of nature gaines andi aclivities wiii ire avait- able for children, Crawford Lake la locateti ai the corner of Guelphr Lina and Steelea Avenue. fÈve km soufir of Hwy 401. Pegular gaie tes wrll Iapply Sunday. witfr 8.25 for asin, $2.75 for studenîs and $2.25 for childrei, andi seniors. Opinion Page .......6 Dateline ........22-24 Sports ....:.....26-28 Classlfled .......29.31 iReal Estate RE 1-RE8 New Homes ...NHI-NHS I A pz~lig pdývate place, Tm laie s à mlepg .d i 11us11 aUi fileu hi irg qud l Ir- U S hu &1#1111p ea Crunch time .over school board budget *v KIM ARNOT Spocial Io Thre Champion ls lakes sever.rl weeks worir ol maratiron meetings, but rire end s lisally it nigirl. I-litn public scirool board lruticn caulti final- ie a i W16 budget as caely as nexi Tuesday night. H-owever, iLs unikêly rire budget wiii &atlsfy eveione, admit!, malsice Trm Kingsbury, chair of tire boaid's inance commilice. '*You cannai guaeantee "Ia rirere will bre usiver- rai happinrss.- ire says. "Idclogicaiiy, we're it compîeicly diffeeent limes tira we've evee heen - e're in uncharrei waem.'* lT* budget wrll mass layoff notices for ai leasi 400 Haitor Board of Educalion staff, For-tire haard*s 43,000 studesîs, il wili mess cuits ta cîsasrmn cmputern snd supplies, buses anti scirool support services. Andi despite rit tira cuis. local ratepayers mey stilIl see tax hikes. Truikees need ( iréce tdm pro- posed $286 mùillion budlget by $16 million in order to keep taxes from nising. Thre finrance cammitsec wili also look ai lire pris,- ZU 11tsrbmlity of transfm ng $1.4 million (rom h .oard gu il dit IuftrCseCe go Cuàdioi lire laxt iipaci. aiE b. wdwd So <se, inisiccs have sgreed Io climrnaic school lunchraom surmvrs, cut more lihan 8i0 admini%- a, ir Ie.ppW"ui, %Vei rative and çerrelarral positrios andi lay oiff 25 per auesmVdv ~ JOa centi of the counisellcn. iherapists and instntciional . ... ......... assistants wirc provide support ecrvrces Mi vIsu- -TIJLKIIMJSVdents.- M~ssui>tsa. 1 7 1 Tiey have &glo cal lire uges or classroom computers, staff training an i r enovatîoss. At tris point. ticy've choppeti about $7.5 mil* Bi tire finance comhnieie iras backed away lion, whrch would aiean a 4.39 per oent miii rate froin saine of the mou controvetsial moiresav increas for taxpayers. 11ta translates to a $60 tax ing prisaIs 1 increase on an average rcsidecnial assessineni of Trustees rejecre a plan to malle kindergarien a $6,700. fuli-day, altematé day program ri ave rin Irans- Final budget numbers 4oni ire known ani portation couts. Tucsdsy, whe-n tustees debsie a min cIa for flhey have &Wi lurnid thunibs-dciwn on peQfos- $6 millin wartr of salary nd benefit colleesioti ais to elirnnasu timing for French inmnersion siu- frqm teachers and otirer unionrzed employee dents and urbnn hjgh schoot strudentf. grnups. Ail decinions. made by flic finace commtie~ If thai motiros passes. approveti budget cuisé wili requare nraiici byt eire tboard. couki toiral about $14 million. * ant CIJTS Cuipe4O INC. 878a6919. ~' i 8212 4th Une, Miton