iDespite objections, Brookville* developmient a go By UvRAD REAUJOE Much or tise u-slsaped ianik propeily is wei- fams an adjacent lund parcel. "Weil, we aleeady devclopment is crazy and wie keep apcroving The Champion uani and modifcautionss 19 tise subdivision would have tise isigi waier.', tisen, thinkmng each s tise 1"a," said Mr, Day. keep develiipment weII bwaý fron the inviron- ýMr Janik called tise developrrasnih neutral- Miton directoirof plînnang Mel Iovàu suggeded Dcpie iibjecfiîîn' frum loc~al residclltv tise mentally sensitive ateav. In addition, each wei- sayîng tis sioping nature of tise ptqspeuy woul Mr. bey was refesting fer mm'l ease subdvmsio, w. hamici iii Brooîi'ile will gel c tird and final uand aria would bce aitacied Io a specific loi in notbe distutisei isy gsading or isrnging io.,fil. wlstch aien't attacised fer any seuslement comuistasi o' phase ot new hiiiisý 'seseral oridtnts spuike ai order Ira assigs specîfic oesponisiiity. - He sait theftwIoulit ha a minrinurn impact on ty or bsandet. adt cffld tise Jarik prerojsal a dit- tari weck'r iosri cuci meeting. oilining tiseir' Jîm Williams, tise ownei of tise properry isside trees. callsng tise ires ant aset Icu developntent. ferrent tising. Mr. Day-said tie unly dilferenice raie objections. kîver cr icil prshei the 16-lot tise u.shal'ed ianik parcel. suggesied tise, 'aea Rural counicillors Rîck Day. Barry Lee and Misaone type of deselopmnttwas inside an Uttri- subdwisioîn liirvard w&.s vety wçl, Oiticr luical tesidents agîeed. sotie Oerry Brooks vuited againsi the itevelopiseni. ciaisboundary andtie citer wusist. -c he l i rn ling lii mose ti.ih ing lie- cîinplaintng uf a ver 4itOis wateî table whîcis Mi. Brooks said ha could nt convince iîteif Mi. lovicu stret.ntd tisai the tuwn han stninger 9 i'%. sd piîîjsen> îiwner Jerry Janik. *e Icads su fioeit hasements undt septic. peobleis. tisai tie pitîjeci wa5 04 .an artilicial expansion ut conils on cuiment isamiet boursdarries. Tise land havitZr a I 'Is i n ie isustsiIn san fis% wet. Tisey want asubdivision conte hall tise isamle bsurdary. in question is west ut Guelps Une unit nurti utf' tonigist' or isigi water," !Md Elizasi Nuoin.n wiso -We hase liere on rec.ordt saymsg titis kinit of cuirent tesideittial developmSteti T %T 1M ET E r M R1 FP 0AA CR (IMVNYCuts sofar ini I. Halton school Ou croise control. AMIFM stereo cassette. power windows. power mîrrors, fog iigists. alloy wiseels and rear spoiler. / ~ r L~ 1995 2zoox SK couPE 29 standard features including a 3.Ot.V6 enigin. automate transmission, air.conditsonsîn. pomer windlows. power locks. 130 warcAMIFM stereor cas sette, croise contrai. alloy wtieels and rear spare tire carrier. i legs PAtHFIN6EUl >(P NIS NOFI H E TA T MO IEF LLLN A R N Y board t r011 CAUNCH on piageé 1 Soe- of thse cuis su farlyearly sas- ings: Boasi ietiiement dinnei . .4S50 Instoactuonai Swim pts)gram . . 140,137 Lunciseocin Supcrvisorsm for regulaz students ....$450.000 Classaroom ktputet5 Staff trainlng .soo Pinclanit public su.isisi ienîsalîiin sa 5.00 Lie huýstu lii igh su.iscxl M udenîs .... 439.9%0 Facilities ,r.'icest (building mlinienanwel $200,000 Piolessional andt Legai tees .ýM Fuamituit andt Eqaiîpsent ý ......$100.000 S yeai 100.000 kcm Major CocpocienltWarranty mitisNo Deductibie *8 yar/t .000 km Emêsion Control Warranty on SelecetiCosponenta - 5 peur Rost Perforation Conerage «itis unlimnited kciometres * 3 yearl80.000 kcm Cornpvisensve Newiciicle Varranti with No Derductible -3 yurailjgree 24-isour Roýdside Assistance anywisre in Canadalçontinental USA. Call 1 -00-387-0122 for fucrtle isformation. I i BIG TMI NORTH END NISSAN 6 10 Martin St., Milto;n (705) 878-2471 xi eSL7 a... M= w ou Ir -aq ,..s, n! . d ss a- à.. mm-*Ct .Omw ý NfflM - Il 111 e.. W v a r- 1« c a, .. aiJi fi - .w .0w P MERRY CHRISTMAS. 1 9 9 5 N 1 S S A N