*OUR"READERS. WRITE'.,. Teachlng as fatéd feara for future of the achool aystom Ms an intructitnal assidasI and as a parent pl chilreu iihuin lic lialion public schîiol board I am, vM iy faiul Ijur (,ar tduca- tiîrnal.Nytenu. 1 arn in perthaps. a vmeihai uniqscý posiioin u ia ' have children alto have recciuuéd exira support. and as an [i deliver exira sappofl daily lu children wiih special neqis. And ye%. 1 have reccivLd my chter of termination.e 1 amn nul sure nsost Peuple un4erstand the role of tise assistant in th<le elasmrom WC have a vatieiy cf jobs, depending on Ille needls <if ihe moadene We iîlghî assîie a child wîih Downs Synd&inîe in lCanning to hîs orfier poieniiai. Wc may assisi a efiild wih physi- cal disabuities. Iiu childénay need gros,% moslor exerc. diaper. ing or tiicling. fepding or as.fîntance dressing for thse otcidours Persunally I have dodgcd flyîng objecis, fumure heing shoved or thrown arotund a runi and I have been pqînehed, aIl in an effort Co proieci oiher chîhdren alin a dlass. TIsere are chîldren wihf larning dîsahilities. Tourelle's syndrome, autism, attention deficit disorder. and ihere arc thse chddres îith family difficuliies. Evcuy child iseneis sehen an astifsi deals wiib ihe specilic requluremenis of special needs children in a class. EvMi chîld in tis school board wîll suIfer if Ille recenîly annotuncedl culs are çamied out. Imagine how the special needs of these chaldren and tise requiiesseenis of the deklt chtldren will kc mset i large#class- monts wiilsout an assistant. As thse sayîng gues ..il takes a village le maise a child. Il takes parents, a communîty, a province ) a country le raise a child. Peruap, lthe grealean wagedy of osr preseni econnic'sîluation and the offe;ed solutions us the hunden we have restid apuncuir children. C. Baron, Milt on bTLITY CLOTIMUSLIN WIsîi<1 &l uinf-uht twi 1c 5 ni NO0 W m PRINTEDKIT NOS 1 Nicm stde .aIf As.ut. dsîgii.s & prînis. 34 ,Our Rt-g,7.98nn. NON i Ipmcn.1ia~ 13411AOCLOTH Ilttkni>uidý, * SIJPREME RAYON PRINTS tiSesn, lvîdl'ry. , <I)u> Reg, li'ffl ii NOW LINEN-LOOK SUIiTING t.iuur keg .4 iin NOW UE2041ill POLAR FLLECI) SOLIOS. 112l 4.4 i.s 14," ic NOW *~uo PALACE SOLIDSNW 14N5ni stidi. tli%. F.,<yesiCr oauugîîO8iqn .mO bShe'd.c SAND)WASIIEt, LOOK Ouc. l t4- t4ilc NOW 74 Anm ub VaoreI.SfJlerfu doeIUa [547 main St. E. Milton 878-0931 C P&TtC.1 vlA CiEtiis lii: The est Dance waa gnr help appreclated Dear ihor: Thtis year's Hockey Moins Sweeihcari Dance Was oce agais a greai ssccess. thanks iuth isait wurking dance comimit- icie andij¶jur volusten.rs Spcmal ihlanks ix due le, ail Ille generus 'bu.%inesses in Milion ihai dîînaied door prîtes. Wc'd aise lîke Io qhal¶k Milion Minur Hockey for iheir cunfntied support and hep ai lire dance. Much-appreciaiios focs tof7ammy Parels fi* aitliber help, Lolmwd MItotwl iton Hoek.y o Harris iakining 418 1 do hoipe dhat yodf maysie fl t oJubliss a fcw of my thoughts. Witlî gicla sadness I waich the Mike Haryis juggersauti n acîioq. Mr. Harrs is a mfeanijpirited poIlu- cian and lie is in ie process of coeaiing a like-minded province. Il was no accident ihlat Haris' rrsi vic- tis wiee the poor and those on welfare. With strong.support from the belealguered, and l-might add, rspidîy declining micfdle cLau, Màr. H4is loouk die bool toi welfare., ?frxt was the I1-hasoi;ed and ail pow- erful Bill 26. which <v0s raned thitrugu Qucen's Park. The ramifications of ibis Vogue/ '7 2 FREE OurEnu.sgia î"y IMMM BECÉ COULCTION mullas uw3 20%êniîu...p Ever.1 Day! Aak ait about Il! And Spc5 >evlnn u SHUANTiJNIGSSUeitJI'RMECDRAeERY SOLIOS 115i135im wide ltopot yuster. oui~ is 99f 09 niii NOW 112 Our Reg, Pmie* CHENILLE & TWVED UI'HOLSTERY UO 135crn w.du. OUIRI,;. 1ililuNOW né 18inavista. LACECURTAINING .143uern cuide, lIWX, îuîiy.lsio n white & iuo.y. Indiviualy pnrcdl Now 25% ci-u- m.Pcî,. %ihkb NUH will foftver change clsrcîe Iienir Io Vesend eny propoeed tas iii Hi% peit la,ýel méy bc his own provlt. Il us4 Io ke iha&l 1unly ihoughiluct j cial empioyces. Whai will the 20.1)0 Plus Bouchard was a danger tu Canadians i ihai.he *4eîircs" do'? How wilI Ontario euer nuw know ihat Raipli Klin and Mik C gel ihrosîgh a govemmeni crouied reces- Harsms arc equally a.% dangemus. sien' Htiw wili the $0 million.deficîi he o . aiaonPw reduccd il peuple are &b afraiJ4 ut jusingG.rfaw Are YQU Unemployed or Recei;z UBenefita?. BE-IN DMAyD IA limiteil number of fe.-poying seati ère availéble. SKILLI FMR IIIE CONJTERIZED OFFICIE May 6 - September 20,l9* fincludes a four*week work placement) * WordAedordPer6ecî6.1 eBookkbtWisg1CCPAC Simply for Windows * ExcBI/Otfor Window~ 4 Business Communiceltinsanmd Office Procedures *Introduction %o Internet -Employahulity Siailfs CMPRUTER soFTiLRE AispucATioN8 - BASIC AND INYERMIEDIATE May ô fB Sei euse continuous intake:Send date basd on vour training needa oer:inpke availablegvyery eight weeksl * Word/WordPerfect6.1 * Exce"ous forMVAndows *Introduction b internet Plwgýeq ;= trio or elligilile t0 receive U.1. Benefits. Locetlon:Calge Trafalgar Rond çampus Conteotl: Celi: fSOS 257-2203 for more infouriaton. A Proigréais are funded * Vsmin Resousit Deeoget aad 3iTl SIOPERS DRUG -MART. .,r, Cý.IB SLAl *oy Il i W-, * 0 . . . bas ~ * -i -lu. rcs.l Mi .4. 1 N Il I 2 4 ý1 0 a k