Ries Boom c alis Auto dy and Mckbrhedng Enterpils$ ea rMa Ucî on VtVL home wl neom' plaques tram Satur4sy aenig's &Ultan Chaules of Conwi MConaldy Awoit ho etn Hation lUI.s Plafcie. b11's Auto Body wott Bûsne" ef te Voar whig@e Me McDonnld u n mm Businessi Pérrsott of the Veer. Community praises solid citizens fram TIRELESS on page 3 talion and citîrens of tlie bown of Mîolion. Accepting <lie âward was presidtht Helen Comber. Thie Civic lmprovemiStit of the Year award was pe- flic soctys main mijective is promoting interestimn senîed ico members of the Milton Horticultural local hîsîiy. T'hey have publishced thec books. sprat. Society, for thec çcation of the otte and attractive sored lientage Awards. researclied hisloncal homnes Town FUI1 gardiens. ansI org.înized allier initiatives - ail svitlout any gov. Planting andI maintenance bath insîtte andI uutàide crament funding. <lie walls of the old jaîl and execise yard 'have modeý Ms Commer praied thie liard work of several of lier tlie gardons a popular phofographic destination fur %(iciety countees including Jîm Dilîs. Alex Coake both weddings andI walkmg tour%,. andI Ken lamb. Alto nomiîd loi ilhe awanj were Cordon FoodI Tflie Hisîoricat Socity was eliosen amung a graup Service and Milîside Restaurant. Accepting <lie award ai nonsnees which incîtajaid tlie Unit Fodatiion - an behall ofi the Harticultural Society were Krys founded by Ryen Ltwhy - and te baaîncaa pWpi Good, Jenifer Mimolin andi Mnron ecUr. OEPARTUENT 0F. IISUR!,SERVICES E<nploymsnt Cenlt Oppoiluni CORot, Flit and. nlghlrmWYouth Pvograms lite eatntOf sueMqêae1ceefOU an eimediale vwAcncy for à Coormnilo, Fitr' m ancM-mm. Titis is an ff icintalh ownc ta - reiaean emp ioye onate itye fort aw eto f Msy - Dmemde. lm9. 4topOrding It dOiector CofUm Lieure s tehe damu empiicpm buli reepanai- * crclînstionî oit iflnes cdrent andi "ulhi progr and dsumuurir cânpe; s ta f sapervllo, bgtmanagement, qmalty contrai, çumomet' se-vicea and cwmun. fi Ummseo wlttvn pragraneea; The auccesatul appican wl pass. a *degrea/tio-am n lysglEýdumAcstcsXna y = eFeAio or Fblnep L«idership *egitred F'itnesa A-le STFAaCF etfe. *Ftnmsa LesderMip Timining (F<>LP or edlvawxn); t e ureeffit nd valld Sbtndard Firat Ald ansI L"sm C OPA ce'rrllatio; lm atmimum f h- W er iopn r ogram deaigr, staff meoomlon and adn, . efectve wtla endveracmmaricatdan stdalle mffenIt orgmbud fal se Titis posiin requirea a wdlhngneas to wo* rre i au t n ingw evet*t and weelcenclb. Thte Coipamorso a àer 1946 Sala RangmiO.* 1.107727eam VI>. lntremed eppicana m #~Wla ba km" sa ob jç!, noUbWer t Mêttdqy5 Api 9,199M lai te àwmettn0 P.O. au 106./ j ., VIcteglPokulcU aie abP4» rsa tt Toma of Milan fille rmnahtUagon temua UtaI90 hInbt Tax EN la due oni Apuil 30, 1 >Wpulmt(tamtely T'Mrharty) 07871 d17 !0 amn ta 4:30 pmn Monday la Ffldsy. ÏF Mt UOUE IFORMION REOAWBM MMO ASSESMMfT SUIM PLEAS GALL 14110-Ma4111M Oh UU70Uoà AmE MxA F0R Tax palmia Mum ie mmavad in tie C9wpamae Set*ca mofc <Ioait1 TÎraaw) on «or bafara Uta due delle la neql penly ILMt pae4nant dI*ga a i11/4% taim be chearg6d an te rlml«mfa doms4 arid on uta nnStay ot usait calendr mntit I i"c dmUt defatooet<h*It4 Io nu mqita etpnahM ai it lalepayer ta enaure titat tae taxes are-a- a ted ai. vnI h m OW Ill bil by Uta dueWe data nienellait. jTawÙamWybe pad: o A) Ely maiil ta te Corporel. Sarviâq DepaWmant (ft-metly Treawy) Box' *1005, Viooa Paitt SW»o, Nftn,Cf Qtir 48 ;Mdn:I 8) 'Ai lta Canadin Imp@Ma Bar* of Coe*tut, Main St Mlbn Mlier le a wMm matvice etharga. r C) Iy 91ta1 Pitat-t IU yçu baa* adth Cu"e Tnial TO Bar&k GGIBC, RoW em~rk orb@Wro(Uonr<eL Planale colUi O lau odata. D) JPy tM igUad sPDO gbki.aaIaita m dSrbiTownal. - -« - b l- E) OUbmtaoatOa, m *MpinalUu cmaiol. o HeI VtWtaPd m ,ho -mma 1 tu TÙM > Iffluir,