0PI1z0N j r Box 248. 191 Man St. E.. bu maw Pm «M Wo»o an f i u M hta. Ont, '9T 4N9 . é Pumti t.I owgu. 0 . um al sm% -0, .a*": bt (93 878-2341 F4Isn mm m fwmunes, brua.0en rwm Saetome hgt. ca arae -n I. .. 1 Walis Cosedune lmia -Fax: 878-4943 Oin sSae .ruSeuN. ntia/hmF. r Classificd: 875-3300 Iles Wie. 'ii tIÈ %iS alée Ws Mau~e teno & Sm, liand 1 PumAeguluh. Wnr. géUuil~s Nuu'u*at I AiMai Eri heu. li Oliver Publiuher wonhiamf.ng slows. Naéh orm Niergaw. Qasstt Imm.i ais Tooy, Nmd Oliver Aocxl Pabkush, " 1~5 WhW« 1 C lités1l % WO. PuUWOtehi li %11140111- 0" Rob Kelly u.dto MI N i" LMés. Seuioo », Mna />Nu SbniemI II.Suc Cor mid,r Manaupr Triietai, Todoy*s Sain .rru fo- Moooogr errai. 0050 parilof sie iii. dsW aWS n oc~plad by Iai aonanu fu. Tien P-rdso wse 14afler 'togitr ait a ressemfble -n., toi ileatm. wil ni b. us *.i ïSn Suie Direý, g,r "IAdwnuoaag as= Of., MSa aoemm e sa MW grai li%0*uI ate ile liitp- Ted Llaàay leelSig ouqrhhrrmes lca lg tantgset uetsni or dacéal Grocery hi- il'~own., phone bills up' llte phone rangý Il tas cOur tomnaer. Did Île neei a ride home i'romg scltouli ("My 4French boum and ail my brookcs are toc, heavy tg cany -) Diii hi need a nde Irmm otok" ("Ils lae mnd t have a kgt of bametouktse do."> Diii hc need a ride from dowhtoowi (No partueular 4scu.. li, just thougbt it wauldn'i hui ta asIc) Nofta adl of jhose reasons for pltxming us. A ride boume te could toc hilp hies wilt. since hi was calltng [or Milan. ttaly. But ytos. hi dtd need sauottoung fnom us. In fact, hi startrd reading bis fust. (Scifer. ot bas ul inetuded s cty for cash.) Could aie tend hîm aur pancake recipe? Appmreity. hc plans to piqpue a Canadien ment for lfis Italien fafnahy. Btefare hi flef ta ttaty, we agonizrd over wbaî i sbould take as a goift We finatty drcided orna bllte of Imopie lytip Wbat hitbway ta bighlight an ali-Canadian product than WoîÀ4t fred ai pancahef' Couhti wr go ta bis school and pick up bis report card? Wbat'x the rush. kid? It tilt bc waiting for yen in Juste. While te tre as it, couhd te also Semd bi tshe booklet on bgis And, ah yes (ire 'aas desperation in bis vote), hi tas schréaulet tu sý a prescntagion in histaey clasis on thte Canadien lyst eti govari- ment. Coutifwe mail him tlit information ASAP? tIopefully, il titI rmach bino hefote bis stsy is over. lte speeli with thicit mail bas bren travelling liack amd forth liettren lite two court- tries makes il douhlful. He suggestod hbby amd 1 attend lthe Parent. trachir rtigit lu mort bis only teaclior of lioe ec- ond semestr, a physical education instructor tho poall tould tos bi abole tu put a face to bis nante attoce bis class tas ta lie. But, lte teen said, titis guy tas "neat". Thtis tas cit instance aitere mngeaes touhd mt cit fore ma "d Pa. Wochd bis atler pIcate nom on fig nAno/uwe Excuse me,j Although if may hi hand tojoaiove. t don't baïk in a ticai tave of admiration dote ta my Net once lias my striking face or citied physique causal a young lady ta %Ém. or even cis aekwaitl sty glane in my direcion, for dues mmte. This cauond me go take notice thin, on a reelat top to dme Mantmes. 1 rnded up stopping traf'ic ..in bais direction. Surehy thise lucky bluenoser baid realizeol thagthlie Gibater Torcatta Are& bas long aven- kooketi 'bey teint bave caught a ghpue of my niged (ye sopiii-") de&eaiU aid al.nply hall te puit on lte baket ta Ui a betie loggli. Hoteven, a I toolid up fronti My Puain&. I naied a graoup of pedlestians pas nieanti ta& serons the si in front ai' lite stoppai cars Ail toc qiily iid t meaize tit lie drivera tere nut my audience- Thbey tere inslýaa pmacialg te boapitbL gasture of slotiag down and xtopping th lot podeint amas ia ira. As 1 Wur fiand cut, titis is vony communs thrtougt tige Maritimues. t and sec if bc b.d any e-mail? She tried hbsoo T iSm~ ~.p Once lie wrF lis way iburugt lthe fit hi resptonsibilitirs cf these *nase are heing'con- detaiel emey @viry lie bail angle. evesy food irmplueed hy a travelling rond show of suplédn- bc badl caten. and every observation hc hadl tendeoth. atees nid alme eàwsatio offbçpls. maéde Sc fat of dmt tiglian culture - Sc many' toliter tré, itefortes - deaiguwog lt4ew* peupie. anad lad toc. primitive plumhirnam. chicken coup. .e aca irives. et Whita muet hi clearly understoocd by parent, Our grucesy bllh bs niot dowo drasniealy cauncils is dbis: 'lThe ehocaliotia eat@Nlihme o in sine our eonstattly, starvng meeto left bonte, Wi doemx'[ wani you. You aic beitsg fbond upon our rcaltig phtone bills exceed thatever tc Je g Èites gray bave saved in goocles. 1 1 I5 wof tin se your lam tax dolla tô UKMaiti Altibougb be us suppcsed Io bie attending control cf standards, aaaesament and aconut- ho1cutsliiHloni5detematel school in Milan. hc informed us hi lied "ra- ability. lte idleil cf parents deciding alladent Tlwy ame met wh3as% ac Veam laMii- gled a trip wtth year.long exeloane studesits. He 'curmLa, board salaies, andl other speooiing vidual acliaclu as teil an tie. public bird of mgay bc a beouer salespero dmn1 imAgined. Hte dietosi mm u duqema ad -MW.t eUilot. tich doei'ltt t a relateh and bis al-female entourage beadleci for, Sartliais. Exiifing paintu nasciations havebelg Mk' liâmies nid ploate tenaillent of indivisha scai fora 10-day vost. contribulors te aur achocIl systeras. Tbeir OMWtC teiihes Nol blUW for th*~ coopera. Do te miss taun? Huliby safMe ci.s - a lot. efforts, licever. bave been prgnarly g.uded tion then their turf i. hiing compromised. 1 don't bave a great achei n my hiart for aur totard ftuiaing and'acting as aupervinors boSal officials àalt qpear rehctiq ta pguvud wandring mn. bht 1 do note bis absence front on field trips. char and accagate deuails of ie laklst pucei tite ta timt. -IA aew.direction may bc onnlrginsiaf thm 10 Ibis giuP. WitY diaulti tti bo a a00re? Jusi thin 1 stan wooodering rba hi'. upt ic ecently formoti Hall" Alliane of Scheel Lill GasE Milt RuOpuWye AMaciOdà . beMY and wbother hi's bapopand healtly. lite phane Parois.Orwganzalos cet ge of a a a rd e askiai for a ive-year hlstory of board tiI ring amd l'Il he bit deep vcice as if hi Tireli of. belles relegatadjo serving tea and spending. Titey aIno want tu, bite wbal lte tae ony a minutse away. caches, *4 firoult 14 lying 10 orguize &I dit bard bul dom oser tdais polantl agie cutes oiitade the cwuaoen tou wr tly - " ldY ylia hma" i se ocassieout. Mid diey are asl- Par oh m e hè 'e.ing why lthe bond baa i peasufe on lte 0ardon mefst hluy yod!, let alone stop'for padestrnana. Do= u ratepayers mii next Wedaesday Taiod i. Sile an i-liu swaiminlbwkUi ' (April 17, 7:30 p.m.) as the Milton Opimise cm-etig b4ghiti types Whoa Win ample of cente in focs en lthe issige of cues. Wltere lîte cbikhan su malle il ta a meeting on lime. deas qui, pttay go? Wito is reaponsile for H y ùAu]nd dmtlt 0" wefl MeliceaiM immas ta spendini It? Wha he be al deciglonitu s ? it. for evesiwbi ie 00 tnain reandus la ina- rai*ly. I hope a many teachers an pmble ed tîids Ibis Lertus-shving lifeatyle. Yon oi show xip. lthey ,peu Io bca u amftaad an g1s filet eidn c ràaen&nqdie or qw fù mastof usadsoubardpetning ___________________ ille townh Accordlng go Filtons pMli board %lbesg il can't. tmniie dm flal limne a iruuber sai "ia qpouiaiey SIM0OOS par yen se tw"d fidy hrigk u d bs deo Citalo'fe9 *I" Io me ante paased an lit daldn. lThe a. chu of 30 eetary Mid ad 70 in 80 per mgyjacket am 9icy 1umd mmre fie "Mu. - fleqiamty tIwu~e pAp" te " daiga off Car of.slis kmniwiib"i Salu conte. lu lion. fur euh puer Je IulIn * aphey. Caudic avempg teacRêi la auppoaedly pol lmu dm' it'p Marane baw t ften t"be a gund dm of sItiving ihoai ait imymr And Ut Me, S5.MO go telles dam u rmof dia iny ahen bapll. pride gutewNomty w-m- Socs ce, 80go élimte cogstly go redIe bat dsahby our lm-t 1ýe ohm. *lWbroecpk ls bUS Ut Ma ' Squawhody la Svaia s a sat job @Wal hwu nareai in §clocaItauOil .aa bckwien aqlact lmt me&#i a u - long baim ac eerbhad of lal AUl p lo oiogi p hslclm àa faiue mof o<oeiingto keept U tmS.ba e Sutbm. ..u x er aitnigai ofelisction. H Citlaiy reuInà cogi casatey tbou tac hmn mta bc i Ut on. Rendul h. Io n la val- #S0 gae Wld of *9lviq ev n uni comkiaa, boni petite Canadians ara, 'and boni çlaan ly l iut a i m -ni * dm5 amai g.g Mare iaae.Ytu coamt TOUMOco ta. Anmes lyo igajffbm Dkitiae HMgh &1"e by oudi t Our meetin 'Te truti la. taein soutiera Ontario are a aise a u*ig do " Ctame"h Câepisn «».î Par Kelly ila Asoimaernwofou Ml/D money-gnihbing. puventent % paotdig. 1M - oaotmâuixw aio poogmi- Rdipefes soitiaon., . . j.