It pays te Shop Locally! 'Patricia shopppd at Tilemahs Iteriors iP Màilton. "I I z ~, sentI m~.uLTye test,? .uc-~u aoemaft~w CONGRATULATIONS '. -a 1~, -'1- .~u *Y * - - - .- ~-*,r, *g* 1~ - irv h ri nri- DEIiIESCHO)LTZ 4UCTIO UPDAT A Xi, Auc1#on l#ems are dWsplayed In the wlndlow of theld Mton I*>bb CrafL Ai HIGH BIDS to datit om 4naroed on llsUngtln thls wlno nid ât 11e Champio Office. DATE,,OIF-ACT(ON:, PýTURDAY9'APRIL 13 g - 11ME: 10:OO.AM Mi2:ooNO XN PLACE: ,MILTONM MALML - OLD H013OY Cà%FT SHOP t"4PAE; Ses odms Can4ioofor Cowiip. cmU Én Mp bs0d retum to Elora Fvéot eim Iqitnibe A"ntiqSws , on w tit4redc clochau tdi, diom. cerwhdA be uventA t'uquedo e whe deidcçaIi, - Theyspendtaclshi- wolunee ter trevelirg diese dic nd tralie, c1mecing weuh fi J mhm their conùac, accumulai- Show ta place -t th in aéâcQU mjoIC(Js oSm Cosmwsaity Centft stock--.noftoio*- on David Streetin Elors. relaoed. Ir opes Smnnàcy. AM* Clark .s especaahly 2Ods. éo 10 am. unil.6 pled euch a cics 1850 pin. id cpsrhwos , walkt4sg stick, in thse faim Sunday, euprt Zust, fmai of a gol( club. 11 a.m. unutil 5 p.m. Appstnly, ihese club- Admsion i 554 includui lîke sticks utere used bus GT sensape(o udaslyScotasten oui alu dvuosct Cazi ou. hough sample the excellent playing golf on &aindar mu in thse sIs E(e. wau piohibited iheti, lises Alto, tie show, Le mmr walking sticks could stîli to visît the shape aid whack à hall a fair du- aIttracions o(doenown tance. Clark and Maureen liaisopti a&l weekend. wiii have an excellent col- ttrk~usci"g thas ejio of #, sebal % year us tise Bo)ra Antiuque dter a)r antiques Market - a perimanent at¶lso Fjora .market with dwpka by Antique Show, April 'nearly 4Oideaers. C4nl a 20ts aid 2 lt. dwno drive (vi tise Tht "shw convenors, 'antique show the market Ilkewise, have Lotis busy us weli wortis a visit. recruithsg new dosiets tu Mark iais calendar for the show. New titis yene us aseulSen eIes Fred Patter - dlock que- iboa 1