q i.. -Atoms oust OakviU]e for <Triple A titie Thc Halion major aiom, Hu rrcanes from SiCatharines hefore besting puiieoffa Cnral TnWe AIleague bhaint Oakvile1forthue championsmp crown. pionshi rea aresanill downing raPa n e ies in thissason'ssoc- rginlrvs Oakvil Rangersw h essaY&,k W e Iton piaer John Giced, tilI Chli Hay, Ryan bM Manus, Maiu Siuskion Afe fnsun the regular seasonin sec- andiJosh Vanderhreqm, who were joined ond lace' th 'C neswn on Io defeat hy iammames Mai C1umk-Ryan Ellis. Mat Stoney ~ Cre n[i pening round of Fiding, Keith Fraser. Kevîn Barbie, Wi OMHA plyaci o beoefaing.n a Goha. Andcw Pemiteion. MikeDuhc. a ce foghtwi% Brampton. Chri Jowetf Mike Ley. Aaron Cowey. Fm hlcrilt heouded in ceague Lucas Schot and coaching staff Bob acto - liug asdi:an initai chalnge Daidson Bil Goba amdAIGale. In tournament Barrk ,edges I4antams The mmii hantam Winlcrhassks had iir train ride ertsumess dLbamted receriîiv idthei Barrie Invitahonl Toumnameni. Having hiown ihromgh thiser colhpeiton mn rounti-romn play. Milton me, up with the hosi ieam mn thie semmîminals. Barrie mdnmsIpiay ihe roie of charitablec hosis that weekend. as iisey claimned a 3-t vmctory to eiinaie the 'Hawks. Afier two eveniy matched pertods. Barrie domtnated the final frame wiîh a çpmrf unanswered ogas te, adiac Io the hiaponship natch. Miton'svPaaul Pentu putfus club go(front 1- inthe firsi pemod, siammmng home a Kevmn Heffron rèLound,- Parrme's equalizer cam&osn a second 01W power play. Goalme Brett McClure hati a sinliar petr- formance for the .Hawks, turning aside 28 shmos to Mitons 17. The services of ioredieremy Robert, ion Sprenger and Trevor Saliba were sorely missed mn the semifinal lif EnrIole 10 thse semîifmnais. M~ifon' chaiked up dîmre decisive vismories. They rouh gs rolling wilm a 6-2 win over .1P.otisanks largeiy to the efforts of hat-mnck mani Peoo Chois fâamweil ijiliei lu4ise and Jason Ford countet the other wbi Ford and Heffjo drew îwo assista ecdi Gyltiwo wentinm favor of Milton by a count of 6-3 over Hamilton, wiiis Pento and Boumn Gent caci scoring twice, Ford and Bramwcil added îingles wtiis Danny Bmnbam i.olecmmng thec asists and Mike Leishian recomding iwo. A tomglbr match againsi Newmu kelimn garie tSec saw M.iýon double their oppo- sition 4-2. Heffron led lthe allack wih a pair of goals and Ford ant Pautl Faggtn had singles. Pento contnhbubd Iwo aissista. McClure bickstopped the 'Hlawks tiseough ail four gan. poatting an irùpres- sive goals-againsi average ni 2.5. Athietiques are staginng track meet' For the fouth silpugh y, Aihelaues International Tracie andi field Club sull huai the AI Nîcholli Memorial Tràck anid Ficeld Nieki. Nom oniy do thse top mhree aihietes mn each event receive niedals. andi tise ,ext three rmbbions, but those breatu.g incet records receive a lropby for ech ne,. Lait yeac. tù; club bandeillout 33 tpic. Scheduied for Saîurday. April 27, tihe proposed site for tise mecl ta Oakville Trafalgar Higs Scisool on Devont Road mn Qakysîle. Anyrame mltereated imn iaiing poin mn the mccl ta invied IVi phmone Bruce Burtont a1J27-TRAK (8725). Vicki i >vti>b 75 MAIN ST.,) Eàst IJhrasoumd b- Dr. J.L. Mel .-7- 1 ,ý yappoitmeuit 90548%78-8831 ityre M.D. FR.C,,P. RQdiologist t' Houïas O'f Business.» Monday, Tuesdsy & Thursday. . -8 ankto 7:30 pmn Wedne8day......................... 8 àbn to 4 pm. Friday..........:.................... %2 am to«5pm. Î.