Halton Region looks south to open a new seniors' residence ay BotD AIAUMI 7?e Chalpon Ilon Regmun will movç qumckly <o .jien a 100-lied senior carte facmliy ln Bimelngion or Oakville, if addmiimmnal provirncally-funded heds ame nol fouri faccommmudlaie Ille developmeni, 100 lieds anmd ihe 'assuxciaied peminuiai houding currently ai Allenidale'. Martin Housc willtrirmnsfered. Halion wants a pfin- vac c,înîpany as a palmer mn the projeci. Regiîînal mîfficials will scouo thec prvimnc irymng leo finmi nrmncip.iis wmllîng ru hmmnd iîvce unusd long. tern cire hLdsý Each bLd reprsentms nccssaiy provin- cial iunding uscd lIo iperalc Lmng-irm i.arc iaciiirsý Illiâtn , sceking egh lieds li, proiîsdq kInding fiîr an cighi-bcd f.milî\, ai Cicirgetousn Vririci Itmspilal. a 50-:d addiioni iii Main Himuc ilirnugli rermusalinn. anmd replacement mof 100 lieds. wljch ssmli W ir erre d Irmm Manimn Himus, iii thc priîpmsd ness <i1(- fmcilu: in simimlh Harmn. Ar a receni rcgional mcciing. Hurlingron Cmuncilur Jack. Dennismn argucd flumt Mailin lliîuse shiiuld nui ke doised, but cpamdcm hy 511 bcd(I because (il iîw cosis asiociaied mniIh running ilic l.mciît. iCli makes no serîse to relicale bcmjs lii tL sui of Hallin n c naflmi lîruse mà 'ai cuisli efferisc,'> Mr. Dcnnmisn said Wc shoui4 tlt the unused 50-bcd capaciý il Mariin flo,e~ mii iben wrsuc heds fâr suuibcm filaimn. Remmnmng bcds from Manlin Himuse is)5-i irrcrcasmng mise mmwmm'irmclimcmeimcmcs 11limcneer il cuncîil, Oaksmillo Mayorr Annie Muisaie mand Burlingmin Ma>iir Waller Muikemsich made il car ihlai mai1 %s. nul th top conccmri T1k,ý ited <kL djifîculIý peple frmim %utlb alin fi d in vmsmriimg serior% ai rhe Mlîîn lacilily. *Twice we've said v*should put lieds wliere tlie «ced is." said Mayor Mulkewich, , efeening îo a poevr- ous report. "Peuple Ife in ihle souih. People in Bwlmingloir and Oakville need lu have k*e where their Smilies ame." rùý mayor refcned lomthe 19819 plan for lonrg term' catie. of whicli the construcuion of Allerd*-was the firsi phase, saymng thme plan eallcd for 100 Fieds to move siwilr But Milton Ciemncillor Cin Bc,%& tamcd L9~1 swueld bar. haargcd since 1989. Wc have lu, keep.cims duwn.' Social wseesices commissiomser Bonnie Ewaii said ai Icast $3 million woudk bc equired fi) renos aie Marti ilirue lo rhcci provincial standards In additiuon. she svondcred Wbcrc [bu curreni 100 residents wud li houascd white renovaîrons werc being Jolin. Gordon. Food Service - rain OOROON qIP mpg 17 Sirs dmfficuli (u gi-i a -locaion as aliracnve as% <bis omm.- the dircdir tif uperaions samd. . Ar ihe same mm, the alla ranit cirrgesied, snhmcl aJsu ma*ùlo~icaiom kdal. Mr. Sale admkW. flie 4d the compamv s plcased to k nommnaied for kh ann.rd, mddîng liai m*is aiwaysniccr luiek rmou ii7ed. Aismu nmimnaicd foîr 1995 Cîvîc Improvciment of il- Year are lic Millidc Resmauraur and <lie Miton' flrtieulurai Succy. Thu .mward,%inncr wmll bce anlnened during a 1l cnimg ai Hallon Mls Place iiotruns (Salarrf nîglil "COMING EONTONITON!§ ýeBruÀeIIo 395 Main Stgeet East Milton, Ontario 9054875-3305 PATIENTS t & CUSTOMfvRS F1{OM SNOPPERS DRUG IMART 497 LAURIER Al. TO SHOPPERS DRUG'MART MILTON MALL Ail your.MtD!CATION - RECOR DS are»nôw lqsçated at* Shppers Dnig Mart S Milton Mail 878-4521- Our entire Team lookç forward to Serving ail you r Health Care needs '%.Iih Service, Selectïon and - Cox4venience. Thanc you Patrici.a CampLell, BSePhm Pharmacist/Ownýer.' dit,