TriiaIo P h oeio W IaAvenue OPmad Ofa eml ui làm ciMn , tewm wiuloaw lu. kf A*"s Afica calls Io missionaries i »y @RAD HEAUME 4ira.yeu.old Juab and bahy David ralli Io Niger bcWs1ýdk « ~ lia. ChaP dui Maratk 4 9 PrcsbytaIaaas. the PMupcEs WC&k dough the non- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1I ' Pep, m an il"a say dyliv iw n tua diffeguu dcnbainaioalSociety af Inicnahionai Ministries 1 workk. (SUif>. whica organizes uý oek in 29 i miua- Oamiy ie Widiau Avenue fualy of f ive. Msv- tries. lue Phillxx is a nmbe oto in faaalypmu- a iag a typical Causie egisseace workig. toing 10 lie ullhiMr Pluba las a muitzs dçgeam inhcapi- -i__d -ad a.AB ula sdcol. peayint bis and, oKa prerafins I auve ta' Ici adnuaeso MWi a .Msnajos daaobig. bilM OM..a MW ABS 6rcw Aines Tcgedae d"~ worked wiih hWi a doma doo&m inhp DWImss pfrbdia Aie i duir ailier fle dt towas ff Guigna. wtaare diere ia a siml hoqgudal Iliey aptes live yars. frm 1989 ussil the &"na opeaied by SIM for &bout 40 yaars. ba or ne of oMy I of 1994. as maissionarits in Niger, a fcamer Frenach e-7 hoepial in a couhntry of 8 nilluon people. Hou- lc olony in st easn" Afnes. Niger lp bme £agc ave, ulien they ramian April il wili ba Io uamdher by die UniWa Naions a hi pocast coumqyo FAi uL. faaty. M Thke PFilpM ad iidiir ddékInici five-yew-cid Dedudly. m PMEIPOT onpae1* eniuoeig 7 *ii ABoiA, *M wbel. 1 Al Sd. A8 osi&Wàkel, IMU inhdl @ucýM "COMING~Ph Sa~ TOILONM R B1 n Tlb, F Milton, Oitarlo 9O5-7&M6O' bA & C a mm4b ký-ffb MI tlSStock~a AW, l «ed1 J ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ s. i aai. mg s a. bu ms 43LY.eqmmii B um ,. il