Comimunity. rafiis around cali to end racism, ft am TUJ LL hwb a rlgactiviat Riicmocy Omio, now .uofn.1qhtouu.u adlin 4ol0l own"s sy to The. Chwmo Ch:otCom"iuoner 0( the Outazi Human Site .1w iu s salsps onamSh*ao0 aemlaélltwsg 1'Rigato Comimission. monu dm h oon of tcant daign la tu italnedbocaui dasial mia"a 111004 Heavy mw blankobd Uge nd witile caL '70doY's iinternational celcitcuon Spreaona bock as 173~o Sic Johni Cruves Sinicc dlassIed a a moule s lei Kim*=ta ha- îrsp winds blew Ihmgugh bo.l lico wea &go as ic wtt?.s decision go wtPpu s ll & iion. paacao = * lan ieh poviao. h wu lesa aomWhlq 0< hi'a UL mudier nuature unloaalion e of jo lmi icinler Y., maly thuItI you'co juat a uili comnâaity. du. lion or l ial in the ilIh oempire. "'*%ftmbo getm atnasu ild laii but you have aircady album yoea con 1501 asver- Slip» MaMs mtetlo bc ho ataI rIgtau to a kw soleo hiiVlésa lte boy to cosràuq Yct inside ltugh Poster Hall, a warm aira ofsty ùMi gond tilinea 1 wuu like to çmpmi- gandI tie esiabhloion ortho Ontario Human il la duo* sOpen irWue dohaaims AU of Ipelc ancl unlty b1ocicd oui UieoId - as resi- laie you on heinl su Cànadian," begam Ma Ri$mta Codei in,'192. 'is la nui an oMdmcy us in aoci&*ý nO.go gta b saanatI hia. nie dentis of 1ton aWs atas4 abuts andi çhjdrcn Brown. 'province in a nul gw ordliay country. Vau're vision can o nly ho achieved by a collectivo alike, gatheresi tagether Io celebrate culturaI Her camments.refens tu ie 19» irfidet in vecy speciat i.itm way% thon you may maol- effrt, when emoeigh of ush dmaodreansiof uct allete 5. p Hilton His, wlarre beven members of the Ku e." a acioly. A full bouuse was on hond ai tic local celebsa- Ki Klaus. daosscd in fwull ie repala. shlowei Houever. ite saisi Cantl recoird lejardi -tu pifio lion Couocl la heSp4Io c iait nion 4f the 3MU anuvcrsory aif Or Internaional ù.p on the alcool or Georgetown aidII Acton to diinatkin lias nos heen pecfect. Along with ing t mfrcmao mUi wfh ello!ef p, Day for the Ehmnation ot Raacial -proimole their message of white supemnacy. th. =cy apforanc of Uic KKK. she sad pic con ad i ul chue Hoter, dûi eu~ Diicrination. Hghlighting Uhe apedblouse Site "ou mnstead of tolkiig teothe supas. mcm- odiïr racially mivatesi ScuW cs huch n i ent con not juat accorone day àayoar.'Uceu evet, organizesi ty thec Nouah Haltoii Cultural' hors of thc conlmunity opiesi ta etabmsh the publiFizcd Herilage Front have cantinueos a Ms noun. Awunel Council, wax a speech by rimowned Northi Halton Cultural Aarncsa Council - flouniahimn Uhit coulcy wnth'limîitd succes in *at oa CEo pp1 'everbu.un ... EASTERSTOCK4UPSAboa a ffIN lIA ARIEB> I M DE Io RE-$toÇK VOIl mAu. a ffl A IRO~ OF COwaJ AND UENT TO RE MAI1 MVVIJ OE AMIYt * q1RITS A LIFT.~' (4. - RimO iN iii: Ab 1 WIZARD,0F WICKS AND RECEIVE 15%â7ýOFFouR EUTiRE pIJRIIEI i) MIOF IN FOR A VfII - YOU'L IE 8L40 YOM DIIi E*Min,aaaayAmei 9,t9 1 J WIZARD 0F WICKS 43 MtAINSI:S., CAMPIEUVIL, ONT 905-854-18;3i OPEN DAILY tO m te6 pOPEN 400D FRIDAY MTirw lnnno teDra *EASTER SUNOAY BU1FFET Spring Bedding Salc > ove W4 10a . 30 au Om Paslsze ........... Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ov wr raloeia Tutiiwhst Ib i Dmiml or QtIlS Size.mkw eioa.SI '4.99 .............................................. ......... ca. oSI $84.99 ~ SHAII S, M. ue. MMII pil , jet - iW . hinflO W Wbée BY -~ ~ ofv 1saal fr 1U5 pal of 10r oru Mmai DEUM plgie a o w w do Ilabllt I aO&mmtlfl Cm= =el'amgW L5Ioay u n (fl 814 M G7 7. S 5 - ' ,,