~5fl~esUnpleasant choices stil confront board avT o iTîis Kingsbstry said a 7.64"er-cent mit! rat! 1996. wmblt rmuh in dit eqmr $16-miian sav- -çp- Id 7» C-fà.incrpse watald bc roq*M d fi Vat die ;I&nm- it. Amongl lhe plan s notable saggestans -: hoedefwki fascing tie bautd. "Negotlate reductions ini staff compensation! -A signilicant property tLu incruase, mive Pari of the boauds iemma, nid Mr. Kings-. wum" for a savings of $6.07 million for SepL-« ___ spenéiN cils or à wtred down cambhnatan of bury isr 8h tac rvinial gl-ant fond have, in Dec. 1996. luis saving. tht largest itemn on dmht bt.! Sih o ume filaiM6 *8 o m bath - thast amen ta be the dumned-iyo-ks Halton se bÇ :ensa d hy $7.2 milisIm In cauid be realizei by; cuiting goore jobs, askimgr da ,-i-ou-don't scerns being cansidoeed addition, the uV of tue socia çotumeurs baud tmlcyeg owconsider wage rMl by.the Halton Bard of Bîicaion in tie face of a an ôhaana Il'Iion pre tMg * bhdwsf andior reinsuing-unpsd days off. Other big-~ ~q~iyoB taILbudg cnsthà. roSts. iTre us sa a reéioed srphuis of $2.7 mil- ti"e items ts foewuti include: à"f Ebb Of a 0 11 iO h lrtec days af lengthy discuquons'uary lasi jiom rignde t ota l 80 *ie 16 miionm. Ont-im trsferfm ewrnvesSî-nuU$ risoU0w AsmltiS(P),wbc been iglud'finance commiec mete 'Tht board 'saîd tht recent annoumcement ta . Elinate %erting budge ftwni o.th. I~uUa 274UçU~IU ~wtt! puuasused lmi Wedaày with recail mmr tin Oisf of the 572 teachers targewet nology inframlnture. ta bc finànced throuh miedaf, d a<é tie introduction of saine viais of Me-so-tasy biai- for tennination - by visait of the collective bu- baud equioy capital teserves front future sl the. quly of iducation wl et m etiàne. Mm bard may be acked wa swalia gSuing agreeniene wieh Halta's seondiay anti schocis sMd ses - $I1.33 tailicin; PI.41YO. ' maon or ail of thern when it S2115-million budget eletsntty tencheuins - nitan tither raiung - aduce budget for c"àsrom commtrs Mase hie IW ' " MPlOic for 1996-97 cames Up for approvai. likely i ts taxe or fanding .gIplcus sagviaga wlin bad. $1.14 million; SMUP lsWt MIR soal MqMM AMI 11 t î ies. A 30-point plan intodiced bi- boaud administra- - Eimimns ai sane iminacùi" assistants -dIS 68a hillit -U0<UOfU- Milton Trustee andi finance commitic Chair ona, if instinsei in ils tntireey bttwte Sept-Dec. $1.2 million ncew achool year betina nae UaPwm. li s 0*6I kele dm bond wus uir in nos rewcldiuç ay tScr- "Datant. we're a litiulier tain, dhéy know tgy cms play wâu mu." sid à* Elstub. "Wotb the tOeen thérre ' .* SGRT. dssin- wmtiaaae çà,,&.. wt lhe bard isau.d plnkls îo 60 mm"w bsyti e*W by bapilaffi- rocindotIN woui. bSi mmrn o( die B«Ningtoq Tauslc lab Mctood vw Automatic Transmission. w Air Conditioning 0W U~OfTIUSut POv ual Airbags V Power Windows & Locks m lV Dual Electrîc Mîrrors v Luggage Rack or Rear Spoiler IV PoW/er Steering vw Colour Keyed, Sîde Mouldings met »v.est by a grait U ni d DentalPlan s.i tte74 i 400.60429 AIE oXTOlag CANADA Vea~aurIsosa. saîs Pash-Lqu1mS.W smmp. SM- 3 mi 1