WE ALL .WI-N WJIEN .YOU SHOP LOCALLY!* *SP( LEA9 M"SROOMS tO. lJTD. l ini la I rtniI &.1 J.3A V'our Fin \SPI -9- \~ 75-0232' TWIS" FUELS~T FOR OUALITY PRODUCT9 6ER VICI * SIIELaI,(JELS &LLJDRICANTS *AUJTCMATIC DEIIVERY * .24 HOUR LMBERENCY'DURNER SERVICE INSTAlLATONS FAX 878-278 8 32 STEELES AVE., UNIT 15, MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 5AI BAILEY HEA7ING & COOLINO TD * AS, OIL & ELECTRIO 1FiJNACES *AIR CONDjTONERS e OAS FIREPLACES UPCOklING EVgNTS lune lst - Kinsmen & CISS Ftýt Niew Country Videot Dance July 11 th - Ladies Golf Pay IluIy 151th - Golfing For Cancer kpt. 27, 28, 29 - Fail Fair - 5th AýnuaI'Evehing of Music an d Ho MILTO ,.S PORIG M DAFFODIL DAY *CANCER CAl *HERE'S HOW:., *During I mqnth of April, cans *donations and handing yoaj liter *patients by your local cancer so ,SPECIAL THANKS TO: The Bee Sigma Phi Sorority and Theé ~Miln Pathfindersiér helping with ~'~' affod 1 a0Li1ton Mail !'Mynagement fdr poviding the stdre. andto Brewers Retail for the ihandIing and.storage of-the daffodHs. 14.BI BEATEN asserswill be knockingo oour dcxxseeking ature explainang tb serviés provided ta cancer ciety. I help ffnince the research to find a cure to beat, cancer. CAU. FOR A FRMi "8TIM'" Frnoeinformation about the Milton Chapter of the Cancer Society I I p leaecl 877-1124. Contnt9OiStix OUNLy$I .ROAu L------- ..te. 1#Now 50/ OFFo ro M a & *uLdm u Vilm M y c' Il L 1 a a 7 a a * O mmN STU« S1MO JI * * wl -ai~ Lapi àlto - CarpetdVM * *. du -