*COMMENT, Looking Back Bo,28 191 Main Si.E Miltn sOn L9T4N9 (.~.95) 878-2341 S'Fax. 84941 Sliait Oliver frfsb.Wi I " NaSOhar -aia aa, fTmbi. C.1 Ut.. Karam laima ,nd,î,, ftaa il.ý 4111i (luam X6liia .o s mau, m0 Z429Ti~a k Dah" LN LidThTl.m *UbUift, caaaa i #à.- im 0, ". ISilaf P. Aimi Surfe.ým Sauwt lmga Pm. aimal ca OOLIuly TIaS magm Mu~ia IaMaMi & SUR 11411100 é aaaanaa Mur. Mltigi q aim. léc adR hmiB ou « . TaBaY 0*.. ,WWIy / aaaa Vaaima LUia ýý,, luc Toia M wa sisIai TlSTgJ IO/Ti#l T'omt Tai. saasiaaaa n. malamm aa U'lIt.aia se ah. ani W gmiiiaiaa oii Doti i iam»ai lama~~~~~*R aamu .0%.a ..iaaa ml.Tau m u airiMa ~ U 1i.a eaaa 6liiuai a.Si. MURRU ai»- a. dfgmim uiaats ia aima t lI .Sharin'g the pain* *Publiçecmployees and teachers are feeling thme uncentainty of poieirt, Ma l job reductions Their unions have a 'JioiMerful opportunity t0 use expeniences of culbacks in pniv1se idustry te modify iear approach t0 the transllos.ipsed by lower govemmcnt spending. Unions shosild sike4hW opporlunity and propose wage and benef i By proposing the rôllback*. whkh are inevilable, the unions would gain, public sympathy .and bc more able t0 maniage the specifies of change. 1- ' Hovtever. the unions arc noi doing [ha( and ar walking die samie lihe of years past. The public. which bas suffered froin huge changes in the economy. îsn t sympaihclic with the union approach. * Private business has. be dealing wilh economic change since L.CBI 1990. Governm11enî has avoided iievitable change bytimply borrow- Ja Sf ing more money or raising taxes. No one wants'îu sec people 10o se bailmi iheir jobs. But now it's lime t0 face the trunch and gel on wilh life. Asca There's no ni*tre money. ll's t00 bad se many people have go suifer ëbecause govemmenîs werc too weak or iIl-managed 10 bring changes on slowly. Employees of privale comrimnies suifered as well Ahn L - theV employers were caughî unaware of major change. Ilc former NDP govemriffenî lhed te sofien the blow of colbacks by slicing spending wilh social contract provisions and Rae Day, Un Former NDP cabinet minisler Alan Pilkey said during las( spring's eleclion campaign limaI the NDP slralegy te conîrol debt was a melhod Ihal spread the paittnround. Il was a good. but limiîed approach. At Pa People mighi kc faced wilh Rae Days, kc said, bayî a leasî lkey sîill favoite ri have jobs. Drury assi 0f course th1e NDý> Witte sîill pushirig through huge deficts. Their I*rson ofi kearis were in (bc riglt place evein if Iheir brains were cikijig a hôli-miiean day. lî's hard te tIN -of Mr. Rae as a bright man when bis thin MUimagi h WaSse muddied. nkin nagiesao Now, the Harrs Torieà*are Iooking ai the whole picture and are sneaers. detersiiined t0 end borrowing.*Ihey've decided a slow approach »Rev. D won'( work and have opîed, for deçisive culs t0 lry Io stop th1e debt -ca il) l0w Spinal. , Peniecosta Iheir cutbacks in sgpending now force th1e issfe of ho*st, reduce Basics: Gel staff. Under union conhi'acts, layofis are delermined acçordin t0 senion,îy. Across-the-board reducîiôns in salary wouldË1llw th o-20 Yei emment la keep many more employees. We suggesl hiighel colbackcs. ai the top salary levels and lesser reductions lieur die botlom. However. unions rarely find the wherewithal t0 bcèrpt this solution *,A trip i bease senior worlcers, seho represent th1e tmt viles, won'( 'p "QlowîaI Ai les hney te subsidize thkir lesser paid cdileague-s and they know ir' nu ihcy won*( lose Iheir jobs in a laýtcr. . -i Man>w If thk ?lalon Boardl of Educatin's grandstanding in announcing * 1,500 layoffs serves toscare employecs imb making across-die-board concessions ihen somiethig wiIl have been accomplished. ., ft OPSEU is complaining of heavy handedness by govemment. but User haven't proposed the across-111e-board salary reduction. OPSEU 4c100 and various leacher unions wave th1e. flag of every privat industry 'N perk eveÎ writen 1,out and pard elhem itroul às if eyeryone in pli- fi vace induslsy is receiving every perk oiffed by éery coinpany. Most ýiýkers in private industry r=cive iso-erks. Tfhey simply operate under the Eniployment Standards Act. If OPSEU or 1the I Iqachers' unions wanî t0 accomplish thç mont for Ikeir memkbers. thcy should propose wage and henelit cutbacka across di1e bard in order te preserye jobs. Employees will ke better off, thée pulcwilb bte served and Ontario will kc a better place. pulcwIkble -Brad Reawne girlii Bf rapdy loinlng softbali boom. in £lty 1964 uhu. 9liar Romm.Iarg, Cthue Moê,d end' tuait (of th. Floa Slio* tamn) ~oo.#{a "«lV9ltw durlng a break In "rm gama. loGW.' sl- vlly has b"n thrvine I the eammuty a&4 at iWIl . Bu bahl lam, th@ Millon Girls, SoffbeN Ion aponsemru hWo tuanms lut ocoipOt. In ausle4twn play," reéict. Tii. Champion. ~ges 0f the Vast 4 r Ag q ew shsp in the basçment of the CmblvieOpera Yrom Mae 99 Issue Spencer wec sunnoundcd by reinidhed fumnituce% Siaan antiques colIecled oser am yeams. r i N rition Monîh, local "chefs"'had their * Tlie Sunahine School waa preacnîed wilh the ~cipes naiyzed for nuiritional content.. E.£. Presidential Award of Honor (rom thme Rotary, Club in stin f Gaiy Heaney Apn Pl lmy. chair- appreciadôom f ils service as ie officiai 1976 Eangèr Scais qée 1 aI MuiSerlice Aje& Advisory Com-, helpers. MIk NoeI aungan ail took part. Malunvic i1 r*nw mascot *Da(' follosein a '5Q Years '-' w dii wrapped up the mals Match Breacciv- McCulcheoniprescnlcd Dal wiih a new pair ofF kMae 8196Iu avid Main'se of icleviuionis 100 Hunîley Street il Finsi and preseni prsidenu and secrélaries of the n. He, spoke tu a nsen's f*psip ai Newe il'cé Millon " a nimd !îlIoo Association ahared, 1i hnr a IChurch. His address was enuiiled :B a cugo imu g the blràc e at,ihç organizaions21 xmrag Your Homs in Onler." aaM vrsy. MrdWwar init l'rflnesidami. Mm. Ammaa.an. ri A-o Front th March 31, 0t76 Ilue o lamnaigo waa doaaatd go die Milton District uxiliaiy complimenta of Waliy Caouler -Trasel r. fic Trip for iwo was lo be drawn ai Uic ausil- ai Maylime Bail ai ldm Galaxy club in Oaksiile. nuques were on display ai Oid is Beaui. a gween aecetmMrsMn MeGropMi preian cul su Mm F. Dewar, finit aecassaiy, wcoe ail F-een * Ilc Knox Chuith Choir preaenlel hIe Sonng Musia in dmc SundIaý Soc*aol Rogqm wiUi good audience, wicel acspoetqed in an mfpreive mariner. Mr7 Mlion District junior Instiuiibimet ai the homte or Mr. snd Mrs. H. W. Rijianami bf Losevlle. TUt meeting waslùrgly attended and thert wsea a *iindid voet cal. flsubject of Oie meeting seu matnms in sehicli many _____ _____ ____b>< Steve Nelse