i Trditional taste ofspinngftowingotMutbr Ouick -Grab your 'ili. each spring because tlte sap is ver trai - hich at M ountsbegdenemma 'vestier depesSnt. nie 'veglher need o lions of sap cieeti#ui Ide aigr oUse p@ncakes because the bic below zero a( nighl and above zri in boiling by 4aW tnen*ers - thase attenid- ilte aay.' said Delibie Jackson. outloor ing cas vis the candy bause, the.snaple ma l Iyu ifow n '*'deth "to insts'Ucîo ai Mohantst. syp/maple cwid sales building andi even Msjackson explained Mountsbrrg*s sink their teetit into s deliciotis stack; of- k proglam offers as indeptit Wok ino the pancakes and sausages drpnched in te Bv STEVE LSBLAN< csgie Inapte syrup-makig pmss golden liquid ~ ~ Ia o the Chsmpi#n Visitors cat tske a tour ilirougli die ino- A horse-drawn wagon ride toanmd front qï pjb s flowiog at Moutsbcr wherc tial production stages of dnhlling and sap tic site adtis a taucli of tom"na splender 0o ne of the conservation ssE's tiead-loved collecting rigi up until th1e cvaporating e the day. Itraditions - Maple Syrup Days - haý and tap boiling in the sugar house -. White a nsotcr of similar prograras at 6grtuned for anadier Yeur. were the sap dma contes oui of tie trcs ather conservation ameas have becs elimi- 'Those istercsted ini11o asnual tradition, bçcomes thec synsp ti cornes mug of your oued due Io govcroient funding cutbmcks. g or iiose 'i i a swcet tootli, st ll bave a containers 1,bo nne. Ms Jackson ssid M auntaherg nrgee is Ciol t wecks toenjoy the fun ai -You just taie th1e sap [rm e t rcs and siill going strang., Mcîuntsberg. Tkir Maple N'nîp Days pro- hoit il down until yuu haNie syrup. Its actu- Il continues ta bç kept os setail Wn gram, open wvekends and itolidays, begas aIly quite a simple procedure,' explalord intirnate scale as 'veli, 'vill 111 iajarity of March 3 asnd ros urlil Sunday. April 14. Ms Jackson. 'the syrup made useti simply for the pan- "Thie prograin oMy ruais for a limiteti lnaddition i0 sites ý4kaog tkhsuzar hush cake nseals and casdy madie on th site. Along with bring openeti weekends anti hoiidays, Mouotslierg otfcrs thir prgrara t0 school gsoups anti Englloh-as-a-Second- Laogulpge msres dirnugifit Milisin anti 'SaeMding i . mofr2' y* 'Ill progrim er rc unfi20y* oow. âdt is definitely ont of oui oui pop ular events of th1e year. We have people coriti from M1i oser becsus mt's such a gicla Canuffla tr"dfioix "f hiînk die ras why it's ta popular is because Ù's literally'tle Oirsi latte of spring. it's thc biggest indication thât' atping buias iet,' said Ms Jacsoan. Maple Synip l)sys ai Mountsberg run front 10 arn. ta 4 potn. eveft, Ssturday atit Sunday andi thitetigltb Easter week- end. Mountsberg Cornerenon Ares as local- ed on Mtillmgb llove in CampIilville. For mms informuan, call 854A-2276. at mils a Wàa bon« tm mmii De dualtisa ilpi Sru Deys at notuabar Consrvation Arn. TP ý he collection programi 'vii bce on yon, garMge day exi two teks ~#flou!April 1 tu Nevamber 28. The. yard vaste 'vili li tàkeIi go a iW H composter ficility se produce cofmpostC~~l~ diverting matenial frnt the lWnfsi. '$uclipptnSs. êden trimminp - Piue use am WD oriqea crttanmr aucb aac Isbl.IJasep eIrpir bagl èlPease» OOIput yard vaste- ioto, greeni. blacleor oanmge bqta a. I t msy bu nid"kmforga.*qe. * Yad vaste ag o comhisra- "liod lie un heavier duon 23 0(Ois), * For futhmformatjou phaeýf ceiF~l~Wo~gsS7Sn2Io COIVtiUCN OIFAýIW iT - UION8 S9 JtK-i Dei projecj nvolvo4Iw osn~oa f Sx 1. mçaeWU~-Oe bulea c4mhtNI.lq Masack tkruua hcndut4ts bnge7uSui4 Mlie documenta miay bc b&til»îdÇda' Îl5.06»omqihU..Op"mt uw Victoria Park Square (Broum St'eet a Mary) Milieu. lmuWdaIy.~,I ~ 0 Ail tenders tu b lie ittei oaul bc plarh ni a mdpvmlpowhk"tsay sa"u iw um O 1 h Lora rBy TenderntieuaIyUted Tenders wilIli bcacelledi untit 2:00 p.m. IaçdLh, 1 Ig% spLl 11W ~ . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .o m .i aM o ilen "Iv Pim b IbWor.. -fl , 1-A , M / = 2-M 4, 1 SPRING SPECIAL