1How to wok -with à lawyer to seli Y If ynsare tlslfkiflg of atili your home soues. and will provide you with an estimas. of die is ho prepaired aliowingbi i.~oad Syou shouid Igios tisat tise selling prot - hile - fflhursrqumd. Make mur you have an are inbe distuibulod. tu diaclg the moeigq. Stise buying proec..- oi invoivWa number of tarsadng of die facture that çoui meult in and psy dm. costs asaoîimd wli tie Wsnas- legalluies and Leai jargon tisai trout paopIe fd m or due onpWsnly antlcipabd. lon. Tii. baisnceda your n poceeds of the confustng and sonsetînses downright intimidst- As well. ho sure tn irid out wig: orier iegsil ie.- A ng. cons may ho involved au you cont budget fore Your iawyer or his or lier conveyaacer oi If y4fi haîven't usesi die servicts of a iawyer limae - but don*t let your dc!i" iongea soieiy mmn %iili dit buiyeras iawyer (oir cmoavesbe) foi awhile. you might ho wonde.ing about who on fes. Thereetsn't aiways a direct correlalion ~tthe land regislry office on ciosing day to tu u gol. Tho mhost iogmCai person of course. is betwecî fees and a lawyer*s experience or the lawyer you hiret whoo you pumehaseti your expertise. Go wiUs tse iawyer wiio you f.ei bas current honte. lise right expehience for yosr situation. IfhfhIlII - flObioîsiy, this prson is laetliar with yW How à howyer hale4mD~ property and lis speifics. If you were happy [P-ROYAL LEcrnw l îh the service you received front this indisîd- In gial estert transactions. isoyers look aler ual. your problemiris&)ilved. the many time-consuming and corilpiex tingsIiIIIIflII goult of us can't do. One important mile wouid Taik b f~~.uda be a review of any offers submitted by pur- od OugPolsteSricsk If that particula- lawyer is unavarle or you chasers - because whon you and dii buyer sigEs want tu chou,.e çomeone else. tise best way tu titis document. yos ait iegliy cotnmtttd tu ýega referralis au1 iik ISpeopie, you know. pice. terms and contiions ort sait.l including famiiy. frienis. co-workers and Hoisever. you souid not exptct a lawyer tu neighbours. to se. if ih.yý ca recommeind advise you about tise peice contained in an offer %omeotre oli subscantial real.eatate experletice. After the condit* of the offer bave been Iingc.diey may bcabletIoheip point you intdm met your lawyerwsvin begin galhe.ng dIl ie- night direction for a secommffendatiôn. ,mente dma are tuceuary te complet. e m ns-i Andi aldiaugs your riaior catnot recommtstdl actio and oîra ie t.e the nqw ounerVIGII or endors. a partiqilar iawyer. hoe or site may Yose iawyer oi abog lie in contact %viglb die BPAZE I ami also b. abi. to gîre Y0tise nalies of sevefsi purchau.rs lawyer and wtli respond te goy Ss. iawyers tný contact, questions or issgues regarding titge or requre- Repreaativ gli 5 aeos mmor If these approcee lSeAV yoni ei1tlm-ild. menti in the agreement whicb have te b. 87.e0 lovaey à UOs vieaini -A tuy conbacting t legal referri service tn your resoivesi belote cling. 87 10 oodiol VlMdmW bel c>mmunity. You oiliikeiy get tise namtas of lî you have an exiating mortgage os your to (Ir dires iawyers to contact. porti. ani vou plan tu pov it off frois pro- - * * ceeds of die salét. your lawla will oblain a copy luquire aboutt .semie of die mnorgase isolement IrM your leader. He wisea taiking go prospective laisyers, ask or sit Ivill aise snm a ktu thlie pircbaos about dieuipa ematle exparilice. After ail, if lawyer diat csoftrmis tise muttgage seill hodis- jhoîr puuctice concesitrates on litigatisa. rsey're chargesi froro tise plucetda. uniikeiy to ho invoivesi in many reai estime tUMsaciOnS. Sltwmnt etajor aea Ask them if they are easily accessible on seeketids and evenîngu wisen most offerts are A sbatemeul of idjustments.taîiîag di. presenteti. Chat tu s tisem briefly tu Meeif VU are cultiits each palt' îs ta r eef deposts and comfortabie widi diem. Von may even stant tu prepoid or unpaid reaity taxes 'Il ho preqaried as for referenoes *by your iawyer. alffl otha alcuualion Of t balance due on ciosing. A sepaal scbtdluie Wlse; talking to dtlfdret iaoyers. you il saishahs nosie a difféeefce Ln tiseir esialiald ý1 .hee& Sonyf .111 iropusie a Single -fat f.i" for their services. Ask houille fée la strucitued. "Aa services are induisi twill boi aid wht etisey oi let you Ignore if coots are iikeiy lu excet titis figure. 1 Other lawyers moywork on an hourly rote >ur home excisange di. papawork requireli for tranafe ring tite. and tu regiir dt relrghed documents l'ie proceedi of t* ale oi ho receivei ani diottbuleal by yoiu laoyer. Vouer mus¶gM oi hoe diocharge from the proceeds of alie ami expenses and otisr itemrs ' wi ho paid acconuing go the statel6aen of, adjunlsmnts, \ou001 thels raceive a ciseque for die na proceed& 2 battsrMOM. t bedmooms, 2 bai- aura". eu". bfWa cduo il - ~ ~I 2 s 000* large dti*hd. on Sufnh&mthorpe R& ai Pardd E pn ap mao 6vf "ii ci. Oua oth et OubIL Tisosiba Main fi. sduoe bdfa., 2 Iooling MisGEs clii a e o f oth lb piS 1018 a1a. Osai &NOL car garage. Saparata wOraslop, Tofrno abyla. urnique dasiq for W. va et Ia b a ilea. Moada à TH COUNTRY CORNER __INGE WIIUTHER* Direct Une J005) 84743f speciaIizing in Co«ntry Properties for *years uRal q & atr5&ermr 11, alnesBR$e>ndT irndy's spedclar camy élst. tht mm baa -Set autaq maes: litae on 24 oastala odkial bas ma a ira aid ,eai&d by ps- glak PUeai. - à id s s g~-ge Cad.oly sesU::uae eveatIog il .016 a slmag 16 seau .aloa w - d ISOu 'eoigial Ou nomis b udoe pille bavea aid sas. tirm- waodaulgiop gog l noua cilS c piaet. 2ad boule, il sa 1947 los caltJi uitldqrus lego and tql 6 ovar 6 sualit pai wados. plaeil and U.d H=as balls tic Ail on 90 atti CasIh'u osIc4O. acme wit boaS soi airums 3673.10a Ili wWbl large dock, bl tib 0usd spura 2 car Co"e boas. Tl" mmue &mmt du wséas ce ball. -illa o, trir and domt t.o-gbIl. Lagaicli adjuai We buanad î l.. n and of a aïel rad ""'*~- Z. =. -p coup wxk lIM and ~.s 1Ua " boas lma mu the "adua Cam baLII 0'gl la bmq4 tuas 1ày fan Md ipig ba1 la@- 361r.11111. 1b'. ulf.iq dm e