Education makes Ontario realtors best qualified khgarohrs a dsomdiai occupation. Il moeasate caeerWl fiso coa*rquire. eting propeurties. qualifying purchasesend commoi and salfory lasit whicm may effect rei= aI gratdeeif flaibity, encélvêtlon eu fjoreilraon as a salsT i a l as prepuring the offir. î rosi sase transactionls and dedicatmon. And. most imiportangly.-il the omdailaical imls laicsar tri hanis typ- After soccessfully copeîmng diTplms. he second1. callcd Principles of Appraîtal. e dsrnands a Mille degrof educ"on. ical Wpnsclîoos. you'll have op ti a ysar toi apply for regislràtkin il merle ysc op how'ýi atccurnmt ly affli%ýe proit' Thanks t'> higli educaional mÎsidrdt rails- Pliais one î, dfféred dirsCl>y by dm Ontario asaulespenon. iiy ssid a designed qo develop your ability te) tered salespeciple and brokers in Ontarm' are Roal Estats Association* ail ailier colurses ame once yu vs pmbaiéry re$iumtkatii evaluale priîperty for listing, marketing and~* sarong dm most hîghly qualified amywhere in ais> offéed by 21 community colieges acrosis Il rosealais salulrson. you'Il ti rcquired iii financing.-e dm worlù. * i rvmr opes1' ,aso napprenticesip - The third. enumîled Principles tii Miirinjaqe If you'ne Miriouisly timking about beccang sa Pliss two consista ol4a 60.hour classaroomn kmiows as aticiing - widi a Ud oste broker- Financing. explors, Onelegài.-mathsniatical and malosi cha prI4tmOas. you dlomhd ksiow thai courselllicit verdi enroduce you toi ie teclaiical age. -_ - Wcedurai aspece4ut motlgmge financinl; # you'hllhave tolit # ire fedictmO0aioQiK aspects of rsistareprcie scimas5telibellerai purini theii l;o yeas. youIlW w4tnder Thrîîugtiut ahli ttee course%. ktu*l di%-j es. and provincial tatutes limai imp act tse rosi dis gsudance of a broker and boeec ei t suc- cover wity &ccuracy anii tliniughffltu ire hal ' phasesi. now as "Real Estile as à 4ofeskaoial Plipe dis as litle longe in dunijul - conh->hurTsfnigopo ore onit fdrssli asesî> mcfly cournplse hee mare Irle 40 aîm marks inltli sal riesio Carmr." 'listing of 90Oclasrno lo~urs. lu s eu.maLly a ldrtin etU11 Thïï uiti/ I~ruiid' h0hu Rît'i Thte first phase is a twt-mondicorýespon- worksmop witere you wilI leurs lte pratilicail Ths flou. câlled Reaul Pr iperl Law. iftu1ht anîd the.Otiiaruî' Re-al £%tafre.imîi,î demie cture. hichwll gîe yu ageneél s~cs rrsui te tranisctions. Voùili gdimt by practiing lawyers aud V isi YOIJ5 yii n <OREA> foîr the' /v'îîrfîî" iîuii in i iviiiîî uivervmew o>f lte benefils apd limitations frst-itund experielice in esercusss such as evalu- gainmng an undestuandjng oif lte malny cuimples. '&wilA. ~~~C CiI.a à d Cdý Noeud Os le* Il er R-. 111.4> «»is L,~ MD t5k iu. C Ou 10011Apî. ,2 el,. isti isi~atl iW2.. t hoebm(10 u ~s0li1Y sm dcodl,. isl 10 uasotou .i Min .0 C ,j,. sis..oeii. poci- nvom,~pidj 1 5, ke , 50 aliyPes.Ci an .0 hor SUS» W.o ànîa h. WN 1 LFI OFI. baUt tan 4200 3i bil ôW, llio Y, îDle re:ee «i& Ikeoei t 50. in 4~ BlaSz w 4 ~ 1 tgeaovaled 90 lareuse Qq . e- leq a. sesiso 81 Cl MO 1 odsaby i~~exm lb.M Ved, C"g sais CiillSOWs 10s mcl pli k0d Ummf SO 5 0 Ade lsay M lssllMd &Poe si-l nel reine toplàMy Are" celle tii d, shor an 10lo 005 fbo lm. AI50 tu tuu *J Smma ms Cailo Ios âgew. FIdre s-