~I j., VB _w Cap-gun toting,- 4 youths cause. scare pis Hwy., 401 M,:f;io PP=ofcn jolned forces .wthhir Zabiô andi Guelph Countarpaita in è 'highiak lake- icn n Miltoun SImlurday. A grop Of young rliropoledly reakcot havoc wlth a loy cap gan on Higàsway 401. Accordl-ng to an OpPjra relaaio, lme gunplay Zen et« about 5 p.m. in Psjalincfi Townahi wh.r. an irdependInt witn.aa adviiad pole thal'a 9t'oup of ilba ins a car werefaklng pot- ahofa wlth a handgun nt vethiclea on the Nh«wy. The wibnea nid M males liad the gun' culait.. thé wllstoW and were pointing itraI ai lsant four vehicles. The milles inaide th. vithicle Waie Iaughlng et the - The thrte OPP detachmelme wore caloled Inid etopped In vehi-' clin et an mestiount Mwy. 401 velu- 'cle Inspection *faotion ins Million. Offices contuctet II hih <li taket>t and ai Jlfo upenta' In lthe vahicle wri mlaewth Ouf incétif. *wl- *Polict. éemmd à sff blet. cap gun almilar te a iriinger, cap, *4l 1* bàlacmvaa Tlwe youths w=r0cag~ weilipons, dangprosa t ub peasco and lave been rolueê. Thme drlvU of the veinicte wua net Hwy. 401 raft icmeIo a fapcl auNdwug the entie Mcienrt. Letters ...........7 DWtel......... 16 Sports .......ý.1.7.2 'ClmàsMfed ...;.... al-23 Remi Kette ... REI-REB JaP1 guerds'. refuse to work; cite safety issu<s Citing uhatywori1isg pndifiods hid unresolveti bealhs andi safty isue'siiilg cprmcmo officei arc oefusîngl Io milpoi .to work at thme Maplehurst trdylt tramsis Centre. "Our hfalîh ahdusafeî>uissues haveh't bein addresaed." tat pitket captais Sian Akep 'e need ani on-site inspeton!'. Cormectional officers, who are requirŽss% provmr esseneal ser- vice duhing du strike by mmbePa cf the Çmtano Public Service Eniployees Union (OPSEIJ). have refused tu enter theinmsttution smnce mifnigfst Tuesday. ik& 'flsey say cverwoiked management staff and an unscarched building amWamn shiil imelt and safety coacems: "If (the îimtiîiôn is not searcmed ou a regular basi, it bicornes adanerous filace,"saiti Mr M cy. He add e[ a ,nunafen staff, ofnyc whom uam workmng> more thin 70 hourgla week. arc <ired. and#ýen unirained for time jcIl5s they dri doisg. Maplehuist supernhendeil lais Leitmeat conlirmeti tf<Umia apmeieqt staff lied takemi cvii the duaies 9f crrectional officeis w en *the last cf time OPSEU guards lefi týe building îarly Tueatiay nsoning.o .Mr. Leiduead &Wi hi ditft want to commeta on time ium anti was waiting fordtweunus <o oeil film todaciu le tu "We'rc concemred real) about thme public nafesy andi wý'w* doing oui best Io ittsure the institution is'sicure," sid Mr. Other OPSEU linembers pcrfcrming essential service jobs oein in tmqbuifdit he added. Union members say tieyve teceived no officiai rea*Pgomi their walkcua'but ne demending an iaaýecIos of die buildmng by 0 an occupihenO heald nd cafety insptitr bgçore aley tenant- 1,18. ls0'-gIiouli e b ltcwever. inspectors am mesmers of OPSU antd am on "tlie. .%wu go A skeleton staff cf nslbgeà ille issuing-leali anti safety tieci- UiM*eo iiU .tg- l nions cver the tefepmne according soi union reenuatvea JI, Hakon . » Traxes may decrease if counc ilor has his way @BSPA&IA UME ant Bell ithool Lise, $ 117,800) fimman AV>esdaie 'province for 1996 anti lis expectifg te lms a f Ti. Charritoti st aiton1usd an"d* uiir $100.00savedthe11r $3.9 million in grais in 1997. Fighting an uphill buile, Buiîgton comnilk Ja&k Denniscn plans to ask risionai :onnVtiy go provide a amoli !Wouguntof tax ielief toi Mulos ratepayem. . AI Monday*s budget revic~ conmittre. Mr. Dennison said hi will ty to c~visce ceuncil to apWve a hall Of ou per cens du&ease in the 1996 refficnal tux levy. "Decause nô &Mt~ regions aie providîsg a tax decreesi it bicornes ai dm1 more impsimfer us tu du i.* said Mi. Dennison, who explaaned ie mcve milgi encourage inventaient in Haiton. Mr. DemiSon tergtem $250.000 heom a propos- ai tu resurfaâce bênr, RwAd betwee GJuelph Une if- snie ' anuary 1imn lower4h-usnxpect emlIe <lorminutie minibus werî i«o overlý sympa- Co*a. thelir 10 Mr. Demulsons proposais lme ommine Tme proponeti reduio would lome ie aver- panet a recoftmmndanion tu cona euasially ai Haltes tux bill by about S 1.6liven.tsa onty celling feraàtout ftieu fèr Ori Regmon. Ibis propo- Idi-ents cf every preperty liti dollar goes gog ai te itexpictit Io e idiee to"y et Regional Regicn. Time average ratepayer in Halton pays Counicil.. . about $3 18 for regional services. ' Durlingtq ceunicillor Denis Lee saiti iis mnici-. loi Rineldo, commtsisicnier cf coiporate ser- 4sallty bas expriencet ixpidly ditetloratlsg mands vices, sid diat budget itemss niededto hi coni"ti beau snywas fot séenîonmoeuracing pro- enti in liglit cf their sustalnabllit;. Hi #Warned jet vmcm a a rlasvtly cieap way te extinti against a aeeqiaw tex 1rate wacm would reduce dhe life cf icdways. # taxes by m£4i large cenia tbis year ealy tu face . Mi. Dennison als.o calleti for budget momiey. the pcssibility of raising taxis sut yîar when wh is put bu place as a buffir agamnst future eves more provincial cuibacks art expectiti. wbmZge pressure, bc collecied imite a budget use- Halton lest $4.9 million in fornils frons the. *ee LISS ons pffle ~~. FAx i JU~~ ~eN~imBu