THE.MIIJON ýSHoppiNG IDETEC-TtVE ANI)WIN!j SHOP I CALLY WIRE-LESS C.1 rA hr% 377 Main St; EàM -Here's how.. WhiIe shopping at any of the participatifig stores in the 4 page shop.locally section look for the Milton Shopping Detective. In, the sp$ce betow indicate thç name of the stQre where you saw the ShoppingDetedîive. SbOP 1 SPOTTED THE OCA&&y MIL TO N SHOPPING DETECTIVE] AT-________ Please aitach a receipt or a copy ol a ýreceipt from &panicipa(ing store 1 and send or drap it off toMllon Champion - ain St. L9T4N9 INAMAr Mefroland er Milton,,Ontailo LIT 1 P7 Bell Mobilty.Contre Moir (Q)875-8833 Fax: (9078 5558 'SEARCataIôgue,* DONITPAY FOR 1 YEARý *,$UR"IU le ELECTRONIS and mnore. $35 DMmi ,F.AppIsL Zoo -Mlirt,7wWn ACEII, HEWLETT PACKUID <.o)MDuVer1 P4MRESELLER zz c e s &OHEIR PRODUCTS Hone & Buskwss Large' 0oftwamre qSeaCtion NtwSqt kuWumfon AcSoeuo¶ and Stçphm 0u.wUty Obucouintz ^aviabI EdurAaldDWScCits Aveahie 91iMil ton Photoô (4otosourem ALL PROÇEEDS FROM 2nd RET OF PRINT 0O TOWAffS THE DEIDIq, &CNOLTZ FUNDI - $3 for roIllof 12 eoSureg. $4 for raI 0f 24 exposuroe. $5 for roil of 36 exposros. a OUm ckdanni mie . . 1 R Thni For Bathrpom Reno vations oARI MOS d M"10 & I i