A faces $2-Iùfiop'- etslashtoliowif*lg cuts Mod"t incmrentl use« fees, IQ staff l an d nui c4tdphSI 1as chaahtcnrze dic ausirity budget, dec~ by I4ItCA genralmer Murray Stepheu omp mesaut ne ii soveameent Mid flunxions ml' tp gap memmor We cacit make decision based.on assumpiof afthai varlous goseccisenta Mill do;' aaid Mr. Siepheis. "Onu situation llad ta aisother. lits "Mdctable.' Tise province. theougb the Ministry of Natural Rcaourccs,hausredocel ghs tldie HIÇ byS$1.7 ..Enteance fees huve Increaied 50 cents acrms tise board wiUs addilional fee lncreasca for canspers, rock clhnbrma and for the purchase of firewood.t lise HRCA lia a~ppoved tsudgnt hawever, local ;mnicipalies wlso hgp ftsn thse AuUiority have nos yet linalized their thafgMt. Accodilng to Mr. Stephen, Il is possible revenues might fali im o f expectations. However. ke added. kc hall mo henni any suggestos tram the muniçlpalies ihait1wire would ke reduciions. Ille HRCA hms roqueamdd$1.3 milliosi lntsvHaiion Region. down 7.5 per ceti froin almosi $2 million receîved in 1995. lie Auilsoeiy requeslel aMom 7 per cent lemtftonm Peel Regitisin 10 par cent lessi fronm Hsmikon-Wentwuflb bath oi whith ane mirai Less taxes may spilr Mivestment fram3TAXUS on Pegu 1 coutnÀl if necemtay. 1 don't wni tu sope issey.justl eh ln the budget waii. ing do bc qnt. ld tike 10 sec a siattilization tmlnd," he ,aid. liarlier in budget detîberations, Mr. Dennisan malle reference to fonds h&îfng ipend on ocew tights for codocil chandscrs and an general maintenance of tIse Regional Administration Building ons Highway 25. Mr. Rmnal cxplainedligh6l ià Uhe council chambers wiere no longer keing manufacbured and replaemn ligbibulbs'are getid mol'?Ifll ta fisd. H4e assn.,all ltat SI00,000 was a rallier stnaîl ansauni bck allacaird ta tic ma'inieae ofabidn tie sua of the Halions keaquariers. . In addi'tion a compromise %yas reachd wiUutsh lw n Regimal Po *ce Service, nhichidefesrrd the hîfng ot If) new con- Stables until Augusq. saving $3",.000 tront thkîr pmoposd $39 million budget% Pnior ta the compromisec(il* RedÉians propoasl called for $665.800 lesadylndina ,Rhan the police reqw-eied. Regianal chair Joyce Savoline laId cons- milic thai maintaining s bas treeze in ligii pf major cuibacks in grants tram the provincial gavenronsis was s itifllilt "sl. Curlingion csncillor Bob Woodl calld for b»Ad& public involvetteni in the Net gel stuiking proceas. Haions diief nimbe- jatration ofl'sccr John Burke pqintd to a rvbauis citizen-driven document ihicli ideetified important budgetarafo HÉamo ceaidant usîfggemed tIse cons- uhlàk el au WCniai gi. lkig osly pluible it's desirahle" MaW Mr. Blurke. "Non lisai fisca eascIw nae gaiq more ww ausula d in eui hupacu au diligdud hmv been pweian- ly kImgilln as inW.tu. Thone duoigarts notmke -um lumen HAn0dha h.n g m t* j- oyer *1100.S "Ma 26 -la.n mi cull Nue VY Iow W4* pauliea," sai Mi Slqihn. tpw palc bain olbeiafd. % are waltUmg foruonrnes regain locdal = w auir d we have tu egm om a llnding plan uli tca mnp.illen." Mr. Spepise aaid plana acycra capital jm$d have bies abandonced including an mi iaIn ota praject in Oakville and work in çoninecion.with Htghway 403 tutt Ran*bo Celi n Baiungto. The'Authoiiy campleted work oin the Hagar- Ranibo crcst flondwicr pbojet ie 1995. ,lnaà yeàu tg AuUiodty wfl bc auisany differ- cmt tram whati n was,' said Mr. Ste0ce. "WC have s îrcacunng revins.Un 4weW tinde&ng Mm he tu implrenti IPr 1997. Ille Whole thing wich thse GmA (Grenier Tans4orea) 4d. ie die way. Regulsiions on bill 26 île agit[ doming out and lhise vel ofnsunici- pal fmasding sipport is uin hec air." 'Ille budget cuis haie noi cissngcd aur comnninent to musaging the cussiior4noe on a watesied basis." said soi Peomatn, IaA chair. "A consevation authority is stili time best wa' mnicipalities Wilhie a waired in mak& collective resouice consrvaton decisibrt na ài wmtrsised bass Ihe HRCA ovins and manages usQre than 8,000 scias of significani natural lands. Fie prinu"r conser- vation ares provide recreational oppoiutitica to mor than 500,000 visiiors a year, incloding more, ihan 100,000 skier% ai Glen Eden. The auiliorlty is also respisible for flo)od coniol. wetland pibtection'ana proiection of Niagara Escaepmesqènda. -A fmck rooj 4 ai0ce ai MacLachia C ollège Macacittan provides a , AI Mwcachian, the irvasud silperiot, wiivenity bound sitares of iradiliooul academie edacatioqi For boys and girls scbolacship, joie Isaisdnwiih ftnm J.K. Io 13IOAC. Our tic ftuise ihzough ou fîrsdly simospsere. s ~ sisiicat- e bs Of sosall cams prai.iionnalioa iecdinlogy. attention VAtt . ih one emosipter biglily quMaliloriedyr« Vov&di bb -ducaiiows 001s ingoedins, (Du vamp MaCuthia bhe M8Lcddu sident te studnts gpin *-&àg ie =,4 to, 1 belongand b powwoefanous Wols grsn eidC"aoe Of inionioimdlrg mie..., by "M les% poed @ acM 14111101%.s an - bubg aeý 11111110111 -d mmpo 337 1 1 Ru enkvas wqlc "44M37 pu 846~ RELEÀSE 0FADDMfONAL MILTON URBAril AREA 11II Reon= ~ p¶al Mo f êmasin aàoMI du eby-Jaw fStWb màiih Miko Utile Ame wét le mwqw&e 10toec Seca pov1tbpgnditiod s icieg capaçt MU Mi~nWuci-ww er eeam Plant. A PWM l u"@"do meetin bu bms 0s p for. DAM. Wedàshy, 4Ani 3ý 9ý6 LC&flON: Uosia*HOgI Informati iii bCt~epm oeSlaffio of SVclti~ bc m a &ble e e ae-pcrc developonen andi ie pocs for secunng an allocation under ie future ielase of atiditional aervicing capbcity. For furtiser infortnation, pieue oeil dms Planning and Public Worlcs Dea tietand ask for Rud VicOrat 95825-616, Extension JOAQI EAGLESHAM REdJIONAL CLER PRE-CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC INFORMtAIN CENTRE PROPOSED RECONSTRUrIlN OF ~ GUELPH LINE (REGIONAL ROAD #I) é FROM HIGIIWAY 401 TO 240 M NOR17H 0F NO. 10 SIDEROAD TOWN OFlILTfON PR-9ýlLA -4 A»Pr-Constniction Publie Infannation. Centre will be held: DATE; 'lnanday, April 4,199% TI»E; , 4:00 p. - 8:00 p.ns. PLACE; Campblie Lions ClOb (1Jpatis" Guelph Une Camlvle O" , 'flie Regional Municipa]ity of Halton proposes ta Ihcelr Gue lphLiUne (Regional Road #l) front Higbway 401 4o.W< metres north of No. 10 Sicleroad ini dm Town af Milton. Ibis portion of Guelphs Une ivill lie reconstructed ta a 2 lae semi-wbm rondway with a centre tiar kmn belween Highv« 401 and'Use se&ond entrance ta, Mohawl Raceway (Qe 2). In lditio, sepk*l rhbound/soutlibound lefi luiming lailes willbe contnacteti on Gueph mli nt Uthe intection of Noý 10 Sitiroa. Ibs work is scbeduled ta proceed in euty Sumnier of 1996. Ibis Ple-Constnaction Public Infoematio Centre wilI be of specific inter- cmst t lpa gwnmp mdil tenants whose Mprapeiesfnt o*, (Julpi Lne widsini the contruction lirnits. Fna depgn plans will be avallable for review by the public. MU wilI bce an infonsutl neeting wheintejeaftd menUiezs of the public will lblc ta drop in i tiuir convemnieoai- cns coittniction rebond Immer with representatives af thse Region.. Le mr unable ta à1end this Pme-oenstion Public Inforion e - #A County MileV of bMem i The new owners Klmrnuly andi Glenn English invite yau ta oo in andi see ouf wide selectian ai country colloctibles. FlKE GEIT for dme flrst 25 ouatoener onSaturfday et 10 ami Mille.,~~ Y~ale<~ olu a i l e RMoap Mtmhiu i of Halten OAKVDLB ON4 L&M 3L1 1T*âcn: M 240S JRAN A. EAcLBUA RBWot4AcéimLam --à