o thy seed wiII 1 give Gçn 12:7 ir-n SUNDAY MARCII 24, 1996 2:OO PM HUGH FOSTER HALL . VITRAPARK SQUARE, TOWN HALL1 ~j~ORIAMILTON Scott Early nomiî«itd r for Citizen of the Year scoit Early's sensitsvity anti compassion /-a. uea directir us mllaqhis commiit- mea.1 fîo 7t c Zwiity have put lire "asnOse running for thse low*S top hon=u. The 37-yeurtsld operatior of lise , 4Scot Eal uiseral Honte ohs -Jamses Street lias hen ominateti for 1995 Citizen of the Year. Thse humble Milton native s Ieactbon was shock and lie quesiioneti wiy lie was nom-ý inaieti for suit att hontour, **[go aboutimy work everyday. 1guea you dur ,'i realize ltai people notice whai you do,'* lie saiti. Wlsere would socily bc wiihows volupleee? Yot don'( expeci any rMward.- Hia nommnator iaid lie lias witosseti Mr. Early'.s "deep compassion andi snssivisy" on tise job ant hii, commimeni io voliti- teer work with àe Lices Club, Maonc Lotige est as a bsaI coach. 1 haveobserveti an underlying aprýit of dette inaaion Io serve one's fellote cit <-m ..aiver die persomil cot," itiuiio wio saiti. «This spirit j, also, reflectei in his woçk with lespect t0 bereavement serai- nasa, whicif havejbelpeti many within the commuti> Mr. Early. a ruislanti andi fater of (ino girls, opened thse J. Scott Earlý Funefai Hom nase yewas Sfo alter woekig in thse busines wils lise McKemsie Fuserai HOMo for several years. He felilsr d am ne for lwo fanerai homsin iown. li ud r. Eady lite lu wodc aeusosly." 'llusnot jusi ajob. Ilcan' beiéâa job," lie saud. -R lias to cornte fron the ternit" The recipient of lis Miloast Chamber of Local mag esiuie agent Bclty Ingl< andi Commerce award sAtl bc aadounced dur- volunieer Dickie Deuner have also bce. ing a gala dinner-dasce ai Ilalton Hills îso~nased for Citize of tie Year. 1Place AMlI 13. MILTON GOSPL HALL OXOSfYOMNGPi 306 Ontario St. N. 1 CATHOUIC PANN Gracerv 878653 Anglica Chffch U EN C IAE 11:45&m. - Sêaday Scsooi u u»,>.. 6620T« UNE, MILTON L9T 2X5 6:30m 9.. ospelSevice SaiartyEvammgs3Op. _ 317MainSt. E.,Mlton Wednaliy73;m us~y5an, l:ssm.aO tn Chawcl on lté HLM, 1.1 (905) 878-935 frayer Meetinga4 bl te Pouding OUR LY 0F VICTORY 81S.2411 "Kt. tI ki IN SA "i wr Md le la Mn et tesO a.m. Banéy, ilev. Dr. Mark, MeDern"rj MST. P T ~CUR~ Sunday Services mma et 01OO a.nv Swtday 800A-HoyCnmsn Ravit. Eut TOW allai GuasAW-Hol Cmmuio r iBAH A'L i. Uehmntay 9:20 AM - InformalWi Wrhp m FA 11H "ýTree do bend thongh 1-3 M-Sn uhrs 0 SON 0F IIEING! straght aqd tII"..Tpm P xul Af> Io", à My atropnghod; 1w thom1.4 e ntttretli therin is itif. uni 10:4t' S&cm.~~~i<" TEPIWU erurand ni tha rarnah alosiy Wbadr tI.Cunl e rnpottan PSaIII ahlmuesruudprhthis Week? -E"C Md"OU -froas lt. Bnhwi wrua;. Yh c faoretilscsoeré Stations of the cross ST. GEORGE'S o 11a meupesais.. TM @K#Jl OF LM n Holy IRosary Churcb, lINANGLICAN to#nw pvaM 8764M j tonight a t 7 p.m., followed c1iîiJtciHM mo MC Vbh IOB.48.13U by amail fth groups from LOwVlISaHOn~CA.4 KNOX 7:30-:30 pm i the (uli Ur^. paus doth ai Don>y FW> 11M P.r. PRESBYTERIAN 1> Ill R4JDA MAC24,11 le vm VNMmRu CHURCH pilhal.LENT 5 SEILUT .170MalinStre« E., Milton 18:30m yaaw&Co.,P Minisler-flse 11ev. Ro Lei ST. PAUL' 10:30 un Lurang flarerbhhulIkOO Diacoal Mnistr-Coleu mithUNMTDCHURC 10-30 urn Ou wmu> sBoM hiPML fiitL Diacnal lmale-Coloommi123 Mai St at james LENT V Milton, or 7:00 ilm srvicofPWWMoyr atIw< 110M0 AN 878-8895 itecIwThe Remems Cwsile mtamr Nurey & SundaySchbo El. LoR~ n F"833 SNL Ill-61114008 Dkuo aI Music Juely Hunier ST. STEPREN'S ~ k~nMWY .Unday, MMrh 24,1996 ANGLICAN v.u.,_ ,Oma 10:30 &rn. CHURCH W- IlHoeuby h4 LENT V 14M Steelea A". Morning Worshlp Jin. chfu-« BIN- - and Churcli Schpoh M5 878"9M SPOalcar Jaim is .10111111 mml S"sdy, Mweh 31 11,0 as N.a. 0'ttji* ~ lioIly Woek soiFv4ee à mw PARL ClA§Ot Oin t - Mtch 2,12. 1 pin d rdyw Apjpnf 5 iom îî h.AWoOWut.U@am * fl oseunCymaue h~ NURSERY> AND SUNDAT SCIIOOL AVAILÀILEay m AuL CO * v i ose liaiiu0 is Palesifie? THE MILTON DAWN CHRISTADELý'HIANS INVITE YOU TO ATTENP TIIIS FREE PUBLIIC ADDÏESS: