Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1996, p. 6

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nOPINION dort 248 , 191 Main i.rE é si. E.. dom, ont,.La M Milsais. n.LT49 pissf . .SWMM 1(9o5)oI78-2341- Unrasugan Poil.,Olp Piutl, Ca t te~~~rrer. lîaEnsmc IStk u Fax: 878-4943 nougls Pria C!, ak~p 6 Classirued- 875-331)0 Puoulspttnaa MI:sai=n-1 Ilm. OlIver. Pubilsier "'r"aaan)a 'is assV u0a asilt U w 1 ok*eb T waul NeiS oes.ar CSentral Manrager îg i lluna* I Va"Iian Libéral, * RaSKelly ~ Edir Trtlu. Tadqsenlatis. = àisCite.a,. Manager Aiverfflt ks accatttd On M5 05u.<MNarn.Re errai. M persan alliae n*AtM l ui. ,Pu. duiuu Mmm.,ter ratrutr s resunis Wbsa Ted LIin , Acait Sul aleuru asnage ii r"n 01t rip ta categof i aid « ratais sqas aMi tjl 1. lentai Adhai, Ipl$« a -ibs. #Vissi 1 Wssgn CaiaeCtli. tan VaI* guoain lodupedaiU Actais Fipe Plus, Neoi. Amis E nauta a ui. lad a irm JO45m sèer. Ola Tsdsry. ScarSulr Idirrr, xllurig 1 ISidIsti Ma u gris. sceaplal « es àI grisea i,. for t a iid, st sid s gaeas lkir. bu* l Su pid W5 id tSi nM is MWt lia 11u1- amiiur5snaalott 09 Your help would be appréciated Are you¶esdy for this? Bail park franks, trees washrooms. a coverd- O picnlc ara and if lhiags go rigit. we May even, have a dninkiag founlain. Thal's righil Righi Whcre mighl this place bc, you aski? Tha ie Lion's Sport Part. Neyer hecard of il? WcHI litâ fore thn Momnlton. P in F lea -infes ted felin te n o fu n sisecer. basebsil flgqsl skating and hockey fail- rires ai what most of us know as Thompsoa Road siena or 'flompeon for short. My involvement in ibis projecl slarsed a ycar to $40000 and Milton girls sofil bas proeided 1 bam lte Cxis. isey'ie te unes Who canry ago last November. Whai's the big deai. 1 $250001Io the picnic Paviliqsswaaitrm coin- voracious. uninviled guests ini ouf home. ihougil Why doesa't Miutons parka have the pies alone. Other groups have contcibuted, as Aparnli ee naasly eniers cai hitch a4ide amenitîra i fourni in other pauts while travelling well. Il should kc compietcd by cpid«btc lune. onh~na u ci e ntigIerpe wîh - Milton girls soflbail .selecram. Other ibis sprnw.wc may actually plant anme tsecs. ferredmoeo rdionhebkofauy - parents wondercd thse aâme thitsg. Nexi thing 1 Agama 0salc t Miltors girls saflibali. lise Junior animai. Fie.. 1 hae them.I know, Uni on a committc. i baie commilees. iaycessnd individual contliltlona ave have lise And lisey jusl about dili pour Purr-Puss in. By O n the Now, i jus& wanlcdî b ol do&. a drink of walcr nuoney Io lindscape lise ame. If aie organize it te limre aie hâti trauported lier las# Friday afaer- and a irce te sit under. I dtdnt experl lu Sel dghl aie wii have a lire planning weekend with flonf t0 ise vel's. site was a sory aigil. Shed-.o e r n invoivedi witit ilood plainsaiwarm water ris- tise iteip of lise men's basebal and soccer male a sîmilar visi to lie clinlc lp Decesiber. nutt crics, conservation aulisorities. structural engi- leagues as aicil as aihomsever is prepared Io butl mirle montits Ialtr aie wus a warse mes or neeFs, fecng buIlles, consaetor disputes. arthi- bsing a nitoveL. Yoms cap Mng a nhzub. tuo. acabsamd îIspt wherse rall ceecd off îcîs ad bureaucraie turf ars. Wel, tw*s yoerw Mkaonu ntiy in action chunka of . est sola bein taie vced and lac marl boc- Fortunately for you. lesa seif-inierealed i- e# aose cf l(be mosy projeels ati civic improve. I fesai llwsials of due. olho wosuld accuse siielves overflcwiag wils bocks wreakc havoc viduals îhan myself sa -on the same commallce mls lits scisiçtines go ulihtteC mie of animai abuise. Inaid sh proc al h n cusr leadier. aing bmnil. We diii reeruil car nda hetwren te différent leagssdr.liey asuscieai Su aiho ssii ycu camt nrite tisg hfflpe? problees caîimll. eitsrgiag me a whoppîng i7.yeur.cldinilnplay Mfct.9UC5t. lte issues cf healt mnd salI lirsl - l tnpvd lisese pecple diii. '1 $105.60 for mllbclicS.s ani -inflasi rSilii But dtiI wasa.ltail. Tu]dng alivuss cf titis fcnciag. hetler soccer piteli repair andi upkeep, If yau have ycl te ho a part cf active eau»unms injeeio, fiea qury. am services relneai, 'ýpDwny8 flnaIIy ges My way ici maileni of ligting and waikwayl.nt novret o ih osdrgvn a Anlw i Qi fsryadmsiclr hauts. çor. 1 pItseeeded la yaak up tie flea- ho ' il> ivolveeal, ca mîlil oaaide.grsig a Amed als lie hOus a(hpraytalmiliaia> fafllelil andaraam d halway cqnel.Whil Wlsaî ae repliy shouildb apprecialive of ahaojiâtgiec u is br rsenm fo Al mery c lubsor zeal. Ianaumoed W tbe fuily iat oui Wached "s*sy, a C~îam carpel t (I puefoeshan g thal nol onl> were theïe sports clubs laI"ng Ieagsi: executivea. lsec ia always mûre w> do. plans acuild faeus an a major purge. de td mayhn allter speadiag your tax mncsy wisely. Lhey allso Wben liat pipe dreara piptrilie aseres tise. Il wjs a mlasbl job. Ils ai disne lianea as cIsc but cuse for ficcring) meis early.PrFM" contlibuted immensely Ic the fundiag cf thae e aicanialis &ot àdoed suodlimeU whie, lgizes o c ue ah urie esiflng of evenng, 1 attaclac lds cuat tasdeiay. lacks, proleLa Tise Lion's Club lis ccmmiusc hu came cp pkuLaatm rusafmituge, itlchiding an uprSM a die hvi- and slaples wilh batailer, sercadrivesi, pliani ro ad 8týaIey kîfe. Isle teen uler si .~ a s umpedari chunt cfS l: f Cati we protect ourcthildren agamsis" 0-7 touried - andiaiiiby didn't hmu tlslng. IlI me up inside go rcai aboul ses olfenli- ada dmime intimidai t0ah " fcnltl esa S*tuday moruiisgNiltbby aeaspied bis fate cms i have lac young daugluers and grs t&mogit dry. ad sacial skikI & gmd mclown on buans m d tu flttisled cf someting happening t0 tliesr sends chilis up Tise problent wiIý Deciese' appecacis. KKsivV- yanking oui te rensainingtaiha. Whal aa and down my spine Whi t du? Fins, ae have ef, is tisati l kclves tiserqi te tf dise felc a rcveaed ta vis was sdr lcckng isadwoa go "sufce-paOo ouf ciiren an cfuch as we cm. escis individual. Tisa cli 0551> occur if die Mr- flanc,. albek ih Illd awlsacidy hales, bus l trulth is. bowever, ili no preesutions can I'ysOO ad rullzea lseïr titouglita aile devisait if thy aito's io*iqi? niaie them'compileiy sale. Conscquently, h . 1k * wam leu chtansge md if du>y ar ilUing te "cei Unbeknstci to hobby, 1 uwnedc dcwa te my second îhing wr musc evenluaily do is lear tu i )J. CJle help. itaco mars> ifs, for me. I amn o cm baisement office mnd proceedied lu Ue away ldenllfy Or ses offender beooe ho cemmita the 'in 5"' t" e fWe ni girls aue safe byI naiMpi making ùst- ugly, dark broan carpal tishas bu ffended me. terile act, 1%a Ihas possible? ni________________ ent avallable le due Dalisers of du acd et a sincis we moved inte ihis bouse. Tise foani. The sels of people like Paul Bernardo andi young sg a mraing lkey wili have due judg- underlay hali adherrd itelf ,o se,censepu'flouar Jefirey Daismer are se sick, one assumes thcy ihat ever due moit devions ses affenders'a aret nientI te seek if oui. se lthe two younger kida étis 1 scimpail 'tay muaI have becs deviant aIl their lives. Surel> easy (o identlfy. ai eI Mo before lse set upcQ i.tril somellring beller cosars aloago*e mas( sing egg flippers. Only neat the end cf ou stinmeone shoulli hase acep il whea lhey were Ikeir bizarre fantasies. tcaci our chidkem tdu warning signs. We leacit messy job did the nusse-ycar-old pioduce s nsarc Sukis. Beckcr paints Daismer as a Icagfic figure. Me dminu tsc go amyWhere unless.tey tell us firs, effectîive bool -a poinI scraper. Now why 'Are ses offenders really idienfliable wlsea duey ital no friands- an a citild ai was irserediblyicim ihlen te ciii us tu ies us kica duey gel duere hadn't I ihosaglit cf lima? 4 arr younlger? NOI.easiiy. Jeffrey Daismer aas ioneiy. He laelevedcic one wauld vcunaIiy bc safely. Wc tcacit them te tunv ila rua if a Ves. ibis eradicalion o! fie.r grea tru a tille assessei ity paychoiogist Judilth Becker. a pao-; wiîh hîmi. Uc did sad enjo> dheul oef mrse. bus sîfaiger offers theni a ride orsa rasent. We unde"kng. Next camne due waluag cf ail lbF fesser ai (bc UJniversity cf Arizona and an feui powerless Io gan social conact or have a teach t dm sI peuple tise Sajow md like ina> floor&mdthe aplicltio Ille fie npa. acknowledgedi expert on juvenile ses crimes. oeissip. Hc kidnsappali peuple because dults do thing wroag. toc. and we ctqrlain lila if an> As atwiays happent es he gees atui Her report o! lisose interviews are uuly chilliag. due ani> way kc coulli ohIain ctal oanatica a@" touches temt th certin ways or la certain srnoua hmmuiaeaing. WC rui ljivIs- Dalimer confessali tc haviag bizarre sesual or sexual gratificasic ta à nb9bicnip. plaesn. tallka Io dieus a[slut sexuail aiite. or groom fumniturean md gel sd i n~î ni> !anlasisýinee bc was en adolescent, but théec Deck caSrcides dstamajor effort bsast t h c<teswise malles seita!advaiic, ea.i e lu office. aorig tisatag. diu dica trread aec his privale ltougita. No one culli sec pas labte preveatian if cuir chiidtusuellver te ha Mua way ad tell la &M 9. We tewh WM Ma papcmuvuMidgtzires. 1kmi. Hc preseed "ute-diffeieitly ahen Yeu really. sale. Ste feels ses tiscrapy, shculd ba Io go ou aliass la due duts WliWe MMa parerat- If Scdsidg elesee Nuea Masd us mbti a ait ad taj ails bÏm. Uc was ne. sea, aggres- available la every scisac. Bvery Mlet dlsald a dulie leisl & ta l esla nia> usrese lisecugs clepss-up operalon cf ouLisumble veor bizarre ailers Becker aas aitae wilis is. ha eneaqsigei le seek on.mnselliag allieS us non- du chances cf dus ctili belng iwSan&i Ilse litera- aoie. 1 love lie isadwood 11lur. I 60a.live He couli precrit hiislf as relaively normsal, if jtdgnse nd coufiasstial, if tise> have say tsse show dm t llg for belp us ad inj -tenuarnly) wltis thse neali cemenui ficor you diin't kaica ahat hc had dans. Becker'$ "dvia' aal iqres or fauloases. Suie gcest on due dickeis la cnsc g du best delersusti s to dowlissala. mdit adui gelans eq ka carpes - desoption (sal du resoasci lilenara sugaal Io descenha vicuxs cagive behavicars mal- Utaci or alrduction. due c des lie basmn utaM

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