SRenov#ting 19 ône wày to gain additional living space, Unil a dcedor iWAago homntsierSnwho' the building code in any msovations you mnder. tlweàé - for the job voit bave in mimdWe may Se mllalgadcaded Sdesieed mors apacmOUS or luxudcu swvound. Wuk. Yeu 'l alan have tn taes out apMprplte looltingfractuor aeuftsd faWhye n g hm , a 1mwae.lédin M lonud it!a bit rgiedle sk out neS hosmitnpce paginiÉ aMd-have dis wk ingpocts once lts aid ý J negbr 0eif tiey can reconmnd imeocmnc oel s uyhag ao unducj O&ia MuD"t du chaqing ied. cempleme oonos'haye f flngt-hand sh*ruo c ol fàO 1ost i iiclul o mm horneownoes ae choosing the ' -enovadon A qiuligied contracter wjll lie able to andie, ag allen yosw hea beL qum.fapo aunnb.rdclwyk. Iroute- go increaise and improve thear living ail dus techical jirieis of youi pjsm. sav» Btevimd g1ub l qmd.ft have rnia udaroo "e dq m birn e mér alabre and booea dis value of their hoftes- ai dis mgs you a rS deal of tilts aid fimstarumion. atIUmoffbl dn1 oVAa lu hmb cendrcyu eoo u ahouenld .ame sanie dmt. [laà imuitma go tala yow trnme whess ctoua-, Business Burau tu Sms wHi type of cstadn one Y'at bd rsaonbly corkmwbls widb aid ~ If You're nof dis scores of homeomitra ing a contactor - aid 1has abeolutsly ssentiel 10 dieua cmontm have widi he dissnes Cer- triust. (You don't have tu bit ii off 11h. oId chooaing dhii peti you'll likely nsed dies er. have a clear mnderstaigiling of this ervices a iiwtity and whedier aiy complams have ever achool chions; juas establism a gondwnkg vice& of a contractor. A good coitracor will contractor poividea. he- lodged agginst dison rsladon*mIpt maits sine dis job'is carried out by top-noich Out bsfote you evei befles iokig for a Mdi- Be v«Y apefic when oualiniit i then mtf ;= =. conarac. red l oat caefi- tradeleopu aid Ihat it gets dons on orne aid aractor. mehe surs you kmos sxactly mini you die cme ontra t oe"aa contractors. Otavloudly ly'fra iddnkaradtaagsicngao wîduî udgt.wattt dons and what yosar 40dget restrieuns they cit provide you midi açcafrate, qtotes deletions foronydiing you dinh is appopriass Evei if y>w'ru experisnced in berne repaîror are. Aller aIL you crt1 pos.bly gave adol4ue widiout knowing ths specifcs'bf die job te0ki or inappropita. The majwMiy of contracta dm gtinor renovation, work. yoaf -y -o ke quali- instruction go a contracter if yoms'xe iqi eitirsy donm. . lfil simple Aid staihtom'ard. If you have lied or willing; tu tace a major job yourself. sars of whus you wait. - 1 Altoho leea of bîds diat are uitimoly kmw concerna. dtilcss dient befte igmimgaiydig and You ghould ki tars dhat you must ahids by li*s a gond ides ma gsi a lèe quoi. - ai leas dihon nhers . aiMd mahe mms you qlufy everythlofg. , I L Ï r "' Il- ý,A)