;Ôpe hosés roNde'luable-role iii home buying If yo've ever bougi oald a6 ou5nos. ya' hofeor bie o oits be aumt. Sprabably fasmiliar with opeas bo .e ui ts r Repoar -ny unsighaly mrads or bolles in your lhey cent play an the salmu purcaè«b homte. walkway or stept; dma could prove ta be a sofei *Open bouses are a marketing. toli whicb can hazard. And don't leave tools and toys sare* Ihelb gaive a home exposure ailowîisg several arouasd the froas or backyartis. Tiiese detract potentiel puachasers au vaew pasageaiioaover tise firomt your homse. muking.il look lisi an obstale course of a day of two - usuaily on a weekend, course. They could "u prove au bc iazardous In addition to héidîaa Opeas.houses for the if maono rippei over gîen. . . *public, ceai catate practitiîiners also condaut If yotir rigm or siding loisa ditny. wasb il topen bou*% for atiser meai astate profesas. using an appropriate cleaning solution. (Vour Titis gives aisem a chance lo progaote thiser liât- hardware alore cun probably givo you tips on ings wialscalter practitionaers arbo may bave suit- what's hest tg) Use.> Anti if your paintwork ia abie buyers who woak*abe inteeste in lahaese peeling or blistoelng. il*s timse for sonne, cosmet- panlicular prauperties. mc surgery. A lattia paatcan go a tqag way ta Hit for Ve .u encoance tise markeaabifly and cur b pçcai of C . ~your home. If you're :auaa aac1e tim job WFIf yo*e a veuudar. yîîur real estate peofes-' yourself. bile a pryfess'aoa for hast resulis. sional sait pa-ovidIt ymu wits oie bolpful binasî.ia ia)n bgiw.ao make your property miore mur-' adq ktable. Indoors. open up curaumon ant blinda ta let in Firsi of ail. yoar properly sbould We in top- as mucis naturel ligbt as possiible. This helps aaoicb condition to create a favorable andi lasting show yoaar borne ta il; best ativentago. Auid We tirait impression witb paitentaal buyers. Keep sure ta, move mny clatter out ai siglat andi your lawn trimmeti andti tdy. Altio maise sure rearrsnge furnitiare that mlgba impedle traft'ac iuaq att acces, badges anti sbrubs look neat - flow. o unruly, Toim branches that block tise viiew Rooma shoulti alsal We uhorauly aMe andi as fresis as possible - pàicululy if yuu have pets Jsi S D or somteone in your family ia igik Vomit tle Preuses for the Dey Yotar reai1tur watt reciammenti that you leatve v Marchis} Red Cross. ot CHISI e.WOD REAL STAT LTs the promises duriaag thse open boggse to, help lort~ ce whaî suggestions h. or aise might inake prospective bsayers feel as comiorcible b.ave. and retue as possible. If you'se iii dm bouse. puncheuse liisey ta ho more intinuiaaged andi Mll for Doaymn * rcluctanî tu give. Your homte aise tbouougb vie*- On tise flip side af tise coin, if you're a bayer ing it dieuwas ' tlesting open bouses. loup in mmnd tisai view- You ^anl people ta fulty appraciate ail tise ing anit en bali îa rivileg. ' attribuées your hone as taoffer -tidtey . Aiso uep in annd Wjat tise realtarolduty as May nuol fel lilft opesag cloaut andi cupisomd qcsiag.as hast of lise vhdoea bhhf. ilse sai9a. or ialking about tiecoraîing possibilities if plersanI sisauid bc treoth thb ie saine respect you'fe in tis..bouse. Mase arrangements for you would givc aise veramior. a-auu. your cisildren anti peta to have a dey-long Vwise asbeti ta itoasti yourself et an open oatiag during tise apen bouse. (After ail. youil bouge. yaau s"uId si hit guet segiter. The don't viant fido jumping on or barking at vintier bas lise rigt go seqirt tisai >au aigo di prospoctive buyert - oal you ceetaaly don't sgegsuor.lprvUdng your netate. addrmu anti tale- wanî purchasers tai mistakenly let fluffy. your phoino nomber. intiabr cet.ut the Ilkdo..) - ICt; alsoimtanl l refrain froas-wandouing 0 Soeile VamaiA tiaruohf bris wsasout the saksuga. ri e- sent. If the ealior is husy. wait until Ill or dm is Before you leave. put Wl pernolsal propery able tu showy you urouasti. Aftar ail, lthea-cal like jewelay. meicauons anti fragile items well estise profesakmWonal hI able tu pointêu the ouI 0&'isarnf sl way. in a safe. mecure storage fecaturea of the home ant answer, any qdbod place. Dasi t leave any moey lytasg arstil. To aau. "y have. afiake sure everytising is securo andi raady to .Wlsen attesvling open bouse. it's alm nopor- receive visitera. quacisly inapect yowlsorase witb tant tu clatfy top front wu you're woris wtitb your reator juge before you louve. - particulgaay if you've boom viewing homes Reuitors know tisaI iîas impoant to coasîral wits aasouhier raid mate profesainu. Keap in tauffic in anti ouI of opens bousies anti ta bava a mnd gliat tise reultar yîau're worlig wits hu register for aiu visoros tu ulgn. 1. gone toa slot of effort an your helgsîf and won't If you have any puaticulai concerna about tise get paiti a commigission if you switch ta anoaher open bouse. don't We ufraiti ta taiS ta your seul- mealtor. ROYAL LEPAGE lPoyal LePage Recté Estate Services Md BARBARA S Wslaat0 vnI o CROWE M4.. $coeesoobilbnlw fleasiet Vogue App- Omisea'4R 878-101 eu gqaln ula dom. ~'LooteaSofin e i OG A di tome tu the GO*' h M, ma- $lotion. Fe sturps a îler@ laclude 4 bedreom. atauhoen liv4 c wW* a -mwdOu '-*l5y --iiS F.P. separgill O.R., hply- nd ol»Pflt wood styllo kW. mid a roc lno ontmiss rMu whlcs Jugil neseu Out.. ourla nfwr isràuý. Ptjcodt amodue« $164*00. - O>euluuomenl 42 seae wlll large difls.d On BSrnhomatlsorpe Ad tl P ona Ills Resuetd oaiea Oug»1 égil . S.i Idb o tamo Naa 1 m.- %ol a loi i an Wo1e lw et dm. pgml a f% - I ca fatal ca aSoins. 1 unique daf alir W. l osé k air l euin b. t oissg " - Ir