.A fXfOM'i MILTON WEEXLYVREPOffT ON< 1 - ADVE1SINGI ,Y ".W VEWS & HAPPENINGS The Thompson House- Gri, ýa titillating concert for the tgiste ý buds. _____ by Anthony AUWood Mikon DowniWn BLA For the past' several months Miltonians and gucats plike have been treated ta same of the flnest nouveau*cuisine in soutbemn bniaio. The fIbompsonl House Gill, wblcb -opened its doors in Doawntown Milton Iast'pecember, is mekng Its 'mark in the culinary world. Ouests to tie flhompbn Hause van expect antatic nquveaib cuisine with a Medit erranean flire. Front band ralled 6'clt. pastato lamb, the fliorpsan House bas & fine menu sciection sure to please thc food lover. >. Other selections include gourmet pizza.and a variety of gnilleà veal, chicken and bcef dishes. Thse Thomnpsn House Gds1l is misa gaining a reputanion far their incredible bouse salad wbicb contains over 14 ftesh exotic summer greens, and their secret bomermade dressing. Ibis sumrner tic ibompqon House will bc featuring a new menu witb'many new favorites. flic Thompson House Grill, vtbicb is one of Miltonl's only I.'". no»-molug ,091mB *establishments, Is open for luncit Moday, ta Friday 30 foil3am to2:30 pin, and for, dirmer Wednesday ta Fridlay 10:00 pmn. Thse * hompson House Grill i. alsa oIe Saturdays front 1 1.30 am until 10:Opns. Raservations cai be made at thc Thompson Houa Gill by pboning 876-2477. flic flompson House Grill is located at 165 Main Street East, actsgs£fim Knoxc Presbyterian Cistrcis. a Cavan, Carol, Dawn, and Shawn welcome ait to core down and enjoy GOLD SCISSORS: Mai garetBey,- Sheila and « Credit Cai Major ca Androo %velcome esthetician Persistent Dia %el: brs .1,Z business location a t Cold «Wog Go Scîssor%. Please cat mle D can appointment. Services 10: I-0 avaiéahle include: Nooe.. pedicure, manl(ure, facials, waing *d M Swedish reIaxatio. 8 7 I6OkMILL ST. 876-2,842 225 Main Str De-, Younug Drivers of Canada Your liense to survive. iSOLUTIONS now fosè rd Protilems Judgemnts iFlow Prailres, Law Suits Bill Collectors Foredosures t Taxes Roposs.simu ior tovedOne Evictions, misbnients Shernffs Sals rcée d FinanciaI Probloms R PADDON + A VORKE INC. ww MAw~AMMfcES_" 5:0811 st Eut (Main &Martin St Miln .1Next Coumme Dýeg APRn.9 Tues. & Thurs. Evg s.' 6:30 pua to 9s3&pnIÎ 4 WEEKS MAY-4, 9:00 amD 4SA f W p3:45 Pm VEDAYS ed- MMMMzàý