Minor bantajns done for the season af ter 3-O, serae4. weep Dv MURRAY TOWNSEND Cisad Menlin oýeJ die scoring front Derck Birnie. but thtra galle thy were abaoluteiy dome." S,*oai fTe .Champion Milton fe 1 bdMnd 3- 1. Two goals lsy Chuis Bramwell, wbo raised Ise playof a done toÔ for ihis trant, bOt ail- -ail it was saili his gane ajevel wisen ion Specngèr got injurd, aind one by Paul a gooal yeae. ' was plcatied tisae we dmd as stXru as we dsd but dis- iîàýaI over for tise Mitton Lions Club AA minor banteats after Pento gui themt baeWtMo the, gaine with assista on those goals qipoinied that we cuidn'tlave gone-fausher. We losg lise scrffls3- a .7-5 lots tp Orangeville tn their Ontario Minor Hockey goiag teBimie, Merltt ad Kevin Heffros. e 0Q. hWeven ask Oragville diltbewoud by ve soud ave a Asaociations (DMIIA) semi-finai gaine Tuesday. Miltons tauedtie thilti peniod down 14. but 12 seconds laser Icast woes crie of (hsem."f -Oeangev*ilIe goes on Ici lise finals aller lakiisg tise senies tisree lied it up wisen Jason Ford scored fromeBfryan Gent end, Tse minue bantains stili have a tounamteat tIo play in Barrie garies o grille. »Bramnweli. But Mfa was aHluie wmote with a last-jninute goal seal- before baaging up tise blades, andi oteourse dwsres always nexl ' Unlike tisuir previous contest wtsen Milton fe11 behirsuf5. and i sg tise victory for Oruuugeville., ' a season.. thèn alnoal caughl uap in tise 7-5 as,. tise Wintedsawks mantageti. "Ttsey played as bard as tiseyabslutely-could,' said coach Jim "Tisers s lot of*polenlual yel on ibis team,.' &id Marshall. y stay close alt gante andi eves ise1ld lise tead acouple tinses. - MarsaalL Wsen tbey wenl ineto tise dressing moisi atie end oftse "Next year tisy're goîng IoIe a genti year again. 0 P * 4 , + SPORTS' DiPaêna- fourth at internmtional çonp etii on - Amy DiPhlnkicked ofLisp 1996 fIlytillic symisatica seaso in uste. ahoscmanz bier taletuilà hm u wilsiend a Niagara I*nlnoionl lUsytIsm Chllengeai Bmek Vnvelity iflSt. Mie 12-yee-old ti gynasi clidast teltii du usui of ber fii internaational popetgion bilolefr bh peufnsusc as = mit fîhi.d fout overatl i ie 27.per- ,l4a*National Novice IV claie. Hu~ngauthe y«* mkas Bos dm- ;Q11=:a «WdOntauio. Amy "alois msil iver in Oie hall çwnt. * Sixte o d fittla hem sçjux " aui flie lopdlmc wlth a eaiy teoa-mut asi fiidwd ix uxt tope. Bur bail ad battip pana eo offl mns er peu"na bam v die pot tisa yeum - Ili was My rua internaional fl5oet, Sc 1 rcatly didntexpec fodouai well asa1tid loi wutt bq hapy Wild niy perffor- mancea" nid Amy, wima "all under e ouds Nadia Milsayksva ai tise Boisssioke Olynspmum Rhd lIieymise Club Su sl densonara Wue tIla Taey et die atofotol pTrn gym ap wiiPo" dit openis u berettheCu fn meurAlt AliciaiW the. big Gunnù of Lakehead U's- bMketbâI1l teami tmU byOAmumAVRN Asard Disuser. sheieU a"i convet in aicow oIyumIý CkIi Cludy de, top. twailbiatay'a EIh ontai Iie b" I ailit fi r sou wM m on todite naton- colage. - ai. Wlth aur4 poummoergeuty in only loir td yew of a*poItW end honsqýc8d aivâtla g fdm iuiqitfu- Ilmyttunic gynaâtica., Amy lue» moi recteili Amy lis =uldMW i h.. Élit jmmped i tIo tise ntion IM advo mmli $Ylt y ua mach tlifionaI dii 1 a be looking tpmdmkduiétadi.Cw4m Seaukalraauo*b chosusoa"pa "il JuneiË smbtdeaI Oiwaa provincial ctmllçu . 0 Shlii fia lune. inquy ai the. *1 h" 1 cms faa lime aim*l if 1 BAUMe RcgeIftm May at ber jaat Keop W"otng hW& 1sud Amy. By STEVE LaBLANC Special filihe Champion Shte inay have unty been a rgokie dois pas( scaat but Alica lived up Io ber suismame as a -ig Guan'* on lise women*.% baskeitail tram aI L.skcse.d tnusrTîy . A former star player ai Millos District -lugh Scisoot. 19-year oki Alica Gunnmaule tise mosi ofjer debul scaon la lise Ontario Womcn's Inter- unîverilly Atisttis. Associalionl' ( OWIiA, gainiag %vide- spread *recognition at bo th ie proviitcial anti national leveke Sise recently finished up a succecsfut campaign wtih lise Isunder Bay scisoot tram said coltecteti two preslîgioas awards for bier, tirst-year efris. Thse first came fhrc, w-eks ago dtlnng tie OWIA sili banquet at.York UJniversity, wbere Gunn was. isonoreti as flie OWIAA West Confurençe Womens Baskelbaii Rookie of ibebsesP. -Affle Gufnn From lisera, ber recognition swetied lo lise national tevet. Sise relurneti bulbe from [hsé Canadien Inierun . ~rsity Athiehic Union (Cl>tT ban- quet last weekend un Laseit. wheoe site %vas officlaîf y nameti 1 th ie AillCanadian Rokic Ali.,par tram. Sfie was ise oniy Onlario n.iti.ve"hsjin ibis year's alistar î"uad. Sfi civcti an ati-siar jftkct for tibis boaor and ba -au. THERE'S on paop 94 C1arkelsG$fi (CG. LEz à Trit(iet *Dlawa *Ro *Tayor Mode eWlison Invex aHogan oArmeur -aCleveland s alloway * lInum Drivers ~AlBrande Ç8 oio,~s7s7nn C,5 MIbN 7& mmm.. - N 7 IlH i 11V\1110 \ 1 101) ýý \1 \P( 11 '.) 11P)II 1 SOCCIAZ BASFBALL 11OCKFIN, R0111 ýRiii, WLS Ua/t h /1cýI 1 It-i ý À'ý ( 1111111 1 Won Io - f)III. lllýi-tl;illijl 71 U iolulai lui ci Iiii-cillorv ( i Si /t, . r