Y. MMlWI -,4 l . uun wu%. u1. fleu Catholic Fure destroyý barn,, board s&iys m n oiË.injured .3 0flew iý çç o ý layoffs -are. blaze, thal dastroyeSI a bam id ahed ont Lower Baselène Tuasdik ely Accordi litor N rn D*art- menit apolteeman Markt Cross. local fOireviters wsre cakd tq thse ncom 91 CAROL BALDWIN aproxlmat*t 1:51 arn. aller a SpaiIo Thei Chan'o 00 from Pool Ragonat Police, whc Therc won't bc Iny tenclscre laid off hast boor contactsd b". ýoaler frut tbe Aalton Roman Cattiotic Saltool Bmea m i oflgtbo. Board until evmr other avenue b* Iseen IWO p* w Flrofight.ra arivsd ta tlnd on. explored. sys Alice M4ne lLeMay, chair yma o n o. u lon»v barn and shed fully engultad in of the board. m~i~ o en.fl w*uw flans.. Whl6 a total 0&,400.000 Of the. $9 million thal %he and fellow uf4 la..mm .im dUnsaOP - bxikJdlf tlOh mlIit inisees need tb tnim fronitheir budget. Ms& bq Woeday lurse ct a bddope nd backt ho. - waa LeMay said,*IWe've found $6 million of ~ ~ pm càuao ta Ps.bq ald shed, tirs- il alrrsdy in rçry. . i adnistration. " M Ombuu" I o .. ftghts wsis to aav a rm >lg i ti le bits hoe =ndte. W M m v boring drlvingshed Ihatlbbusd '.The oplimistic M Le N*i b te a ~ lNh.O Ym m lI baltls 1h. fr far eir success in flnding such a laarýchunk t rOete r aa Pletighters att th it orlwerKM Ea u o w .e.a ajout houra, Mr. Crosa sad. The ta lrimt off this budget Io efficiency. "Y'ou. 0qi-Ann Ca1e Lt cause of the i. ti~sjtill undelmr- have ga b. Vdw3 efficient At whal't - *humnoo1 10 m minse . when yomreglling to dme public pu-se e Bowlfo arth iti therq wa o*rI m in th< i She said lhe Haion Catholic board The AdhM Socusty wNl hold il@ received sizqîl iruajover thr pag osa- V third annuel Strike-Out-Arthrtl pie of yun and uaed die noncy te, rga- Boul-A-Thon througlfout Hetttda vaterand remodel scinols tiat needeq it. maI Tho 101MiOOi r W l fi. M alti a Lion d or remnodeling funds and, with Si nli% fUu~fluk frt Ira nd dope plZe1S, lnclu a MWe Joint Irauporwton venture uith lte public ~ tuld E~at usoli atay for tua int he Dorninicant boar. the mtoncy pictare doean't l"c so RAUpubuIcjor Iim individuel whe break. Ai, of course. ete'î always aiti bringa in 1t1ue-tîilest pledge sai :: adn..AI Our ile -__ for the. "mn OW fh I ue m nte sciolu. tiersecuéaiy ib illlar - est amoum of mony. w Ore samne ,usmbq qf boas ..s the kids. W. E ow de rkeg'ai Agione cap regiator by caîî,ng have no fut-tie si4çtaies aI any c 1 905) 712-2201. Th. fuhidralng We tos*a look as eveuyitg Pme do, upi goal le 9I0,00 or aultia raefflcli progranta needed to bce ailer' açdmtol carse. taking it oui of dit clurooni." É E t A . ...... ..................... Anotier bonausfor die Catiolic us. OpiionPag 6 ifs fruea approaritu util musie shop Bi URAD REAUME Ôoim Pge........ progrants, she added. She seid ony or The Chsepon Deltelie .... .....20 Cahitl hugh uchool in ewadi ty or town Spors.. ...j...23.24 mn tii. lgionhuanatechnical stop. AndS' Mlu pot is boiîing ai Maplasst.> mie ska. "ta intumnental muic nt ie cIe- - Grouped around seyeral makeitiuifi ý Md Clm W ........2527 roentau' level really nwessaauy' . prison eniçooce jui souti of Highway 401, stdking Ruai Eatate..D. -RE forse . m" sleadCatoieseiiuio coretinal offices couter itirtes t. saca ks do offer sitop.*ait andi daule prosteneIp am mo4unsmten ig thie prionu frility. Ttty mi die boaerd is mon diacrinaiig pWh it etiquireti te provide limilsil esa.isal services in an. cornes ge setectins lthe type cf piogmaun inmnasfgty laus pr"o. 82 i U tp grade level et wbich il is offareti, aid TaIl, th gray-fleeked hair.Maeuatpene- -the egnipnenecesauy Io pravide i«. dent tain Wethcad is living in bis office for dmi dura- qctptng junior kindeqaip bhm bren lion of the public service trike. About 4Oohr mai- psuggested a a meanu cf saving. anotlser alles ame living a vurtual siegt on dir preinises. cca- SI. m 15 million.l. ud MsULMay, a j suio lnally Ieaving le ipenti dim wfti famtly and attend klnderganten suppiouter, "We'rr ging le to personiat mater. fîi ùw t dup~ubeep if w. CaiL" Inmat. ar zaught In die n"lie osising parole MAB . LMaplehurst iffurth week -beiuings. nm being allowed Ici purcbuie personal sup- plies, tiey have bren cul adrifi from ilitir higbty tnt- laid rminrs. Wills the province-wide strike of lhe Oniario Public Service Employees Uniton (OPSEU) mn ils fourtt week. mmnt cracks are begauang toappear. Pires se in lie Brust daY ef th b. , &m.ei several pople In hospilal witb umoe Inhalationt. A few.ctber rtlqbave bren sel ine. - # Mr. LeiteM adsnitled tir. bail bren aime trouble SI &-p.rison wtsîcb it dts'ird im Iwo idio. Tir corriconal centre wili a çapeity ef 432 limales is a inediaun sectsnly facility for tilose siffvint senten=e of lets than lwo years. The. detenlion centré, wvith a capacby (4260. fi f«rmmr senous cffepdfts wbo are awaidaiu~ing. Reeently *ie conreçional cents. - a». TENSIM t-gem 18 i b 54SMAINfl~ I