1 SHappy Giluior Mvny agi io A isy F ~ugg~uI. Tensions continue. to mount. at jail fri POWDENKEC on popi 1 0I corrIctional afficer and Maplehurst utc anyilone cisc. Wc ve bai our daily hased.4h8 i:nimes i,ïhile th1e detenliort bealt and aafi co-chair Paijia Wilson, allowancc cum front $10 ta $5 a" wehavc secin housed a cwded 331. Mr. wbo sayu legialalion require die in*ip a- abuy board gasqm uid donl gel movica Leithead ssi thalgiven fids oda i lo be couled in peraon. - sylsese sud Nr. Dmà ' e becs h lional * tention tenihr" acrous Ontario "Working c9ndiac1ns arc endangcring soi by Sua"d 'flua's UIc way itl is. sa 5W dmi coaiwIr wus non mnuassl. * stsf,%aid Ma Wilson -Mqc artiste cip usa i l' but icg m* won' si i"W Wlfla normal acarch pru<qths suspend. plying wigils ibeigr own minlslry lakce. -m thisi cd duc to manpower rediaclins, correc- UnionitepeseWùlvuuMsldmom"diti40 lanus Bruce PeIleclngwondemd if coS- tianal officiers ini the moare dangerous disputcs usdct lte bcall and Wsfey legia. reclioal officers sbould bce allawed t0 detenuiong centre are bccognirng increusngly lalion bave beenfl hbut nome have becns inte because tbey are charie with thc fearful af dcaling wilh prinars: Sarine Irsci in th1e proper suam. *cale and coobal çf humasn beingi. rcmfasing ta woelp ani are dcmandisg; oocu- Difrn l"w1 cai lbc symupatbetic ta the union's p&al Iicallht &W safity inspectons camne *demanda, bug duos th1e end juslîfy th1e in. as per terni of labour agrcements, and Mr. Leltbend said OPSEU inubera and ins? We me humasi bring. Maiy Peo- coiiduct mn'investigatio. administration bave different views of pie an bcrr am firallime ofléicie, people Howcvcr. inspetlors are m bers ai what coansitutes esgOlal seri. - wba sincerely regret gealmng Iheinscives OPSEU, and they arc on sIiie. s aeicon While &Wc pot boils sang the pict lise. linge situations which led ta (hem comi. staff of manageri Ârc issuing lseallh and imagea lel hey arc pawns in dm1 gari ee. cm They womVî be backç bul lbey arc liv- safeay deision over the lbne. according grimages, dressed in bluc prison usiionns ing in An unsafe situation," Mr. PeIlm's and hand-picked biy administration fo59sm."tecgy hol ca ~ . interview, <ay lKey wanl their routine$ We're not parts made in a facltory. Sm-icty restae nd blange gsiards for stimsng up lakes th1e respollsibility wlicn lil puits us trouble. Guda claint adminiatration is' here. Wbdn basic nid are sul met, 111518 - luying tbe prisaners co-apcrttiand i no igh commenîs with fouti andi privilcges. Mr. Pellerin said ail linmalca be spik lTasis sot standard sui ll's gosne wilb ge al> shared bis views. bol Mr. bcyond thec boiling pon and ilings migiti Darroch was BL as sure - asicaifàrtab1 bail over." said Maplehurst initiale ipeakting for aliers. lIi<lliaan Dasoi. "Nanily abots 70 pet "AIl progrant acllvity, sch valun- cent af people would be waali or gong nirs seilf-iclp, groupa And rectearion as sot la school. Now .sobody lots Igsylhing la do. happening." Mr. Leithead said. "Il's 501 * .. People aite gelling jumped. Fights are evena busy heteas il would nomdaly la were trylng le içit tin.k ins Tarplte ing projilens, Ia pu( preasure-o pcipon Routimes bav clusgei. Meai amcbcing administration asd ullmmalcl the provin- servid un paper plate becas amag arejlht cial govemmsai. Union represenla illu available la dlean dishes. Mr. Leithead Gillics ai prisan. margageunenc. as laid In addition changes bave becs mnade blasai unioas wmen.hefor actionis ans. ta flac norméi aismen, mach as redici of0 - aïjelqent bas lak4n wbich haive reducei items ibal require long pireparitiohfi m pnsoeM. privilegea. «SO\afl is liying ta and as incase afin iecoi. pits off thç ininals?," bie a". * PMiclseer bave mi flac dclivcsy of msli8 - UAWICt Prisonr.t qaugi in bctwh thevaning ad bruid difficult. along-wifls im mach Ffactdons. e nui ho appy about il. as tabacco 4i magazines whicb wuuld '1Wê unlin peaple should bê tbankful normally bc sali la th1e prisasers. Mr. *they have jobsk llcy shpi taise dlu culs Leifisea coukd flot pinspoi dm~ UiMmn lied sol becs delivered. The pickteera thave a picket preoc, . wbere Iiiy require people esteri and - leciing th1e grounds la *aio 15 namate ë before bing adiicid IMollebve.sta - cd flac lise numnemus limes M. Leihbaa .id iicmave sol becs heed boruon they luivcstauest though flac péchas i b. Iî l i ulea wbctbcr 1itheu b ave becS molior icliverera arc symatec wltt lhsbecs a'dciwmt lian fur evrh., «Aif nmaea &Wd insits wll I fli have been qutereasoaaMe. The Mg Iheira, Mr. Liibeassid Garbaga aga fecesfly remavci fia die faelNt Io dhe airrie the acuting waslc wousi * ollying ta tfrny pehvtabIjco lass. OPSEU local 234 prealdessu Soias sbo was diainful ofsei ni Oub, lions about tbe lzc ai thec Ontario public MrtUlliéa tw strite builei dosnloc PAYN PAY 2 by acly in~ ti 1priva sclar reasPrlng owndhpbip c es, iuurrigla ami revenuic. r.Plei cailigil changes uahi in by dmc Onio #ovemnàc 7" dti lion of *ac midile else" adt ~ am hM ih cula by li Hari osi W mn acmg arleci dhen personi. A tîrlkiqg carrections officér sail ehqage by lb.a p...«cs -)arc jusa fla ~IEAIJRbeglnabag- for il employtesî au prvl cm ndbniit s cc